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m (Alchemists’ Court)
m (Council of Winds)
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Master: The Five Wind Masters (in rotation).
Master: The Five Wind Masters (in rotation).
-- [[Huraka]]
-- [[Huraka]]
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- [[Green Frowning Bear]], [[Lesser Elemental Dragon]] of Air, Wind Master
- [[Green Frowning Bear]], [[Lesser Elemental Dragon]] of Air, Wind Master
====Glorious Creation-Dominating Assembly of Saline Salvation====
====Glorious Creation-Dominating Assembly of Saline Salvation====

Revision as of 21:01, 28 December 2017

The society of the gods is a maze of bureaucratic complexity, Bureaus and Courts and Divisions and Societies interweaving and opposing so that even the immortal minds of the gods themselves struggle to keep track, with little hope for mortals to follow.

At the most basic, there is the Celestial Bureaucracy. All gods great and small belong to it, save for the Forbidden Gods and the unemployed gods, and in principle all elementals as well, though many reject its authority or live their lives unnoticed.

Each god within the Bureaucracy answers to one of the Bureaus: the Bureau of Heaven, Bureau of Destiny, Bureau of Seasons, Bureau of Humanity, or Bureau of Nature. Each god is also member of one or more Courts, associations of spirits crossing Bureau lines based on geography and common purpose (or in some cases on threatening domination by a particular spirit).

There is commonly, at least to gods and theologians, a division between 'Celestial' gods and 'Terrestrial' gods, with many positing that this relates to the nature of a god's purview: those who oversee universal concepts are Celestial deities, while those who oversee specific objects or instances are Terrestrial, but while this seems reflected in the differences between the two there are many exceptions, as the true division is simply a matter of Court membership: Celestial gods are gods accepted as members of the Celestial Court (with the associated rights such as permission to enter Yu Shan without invitation). Terrestrial gods are gods who are not members of that Court.

There is also the distinction between gods and elementals, who are different types of spirit but where the more powerful of the latter are counted amongst the number of the former and may be appointed to posts as gods as well as being by nature elementals.

The following is a listing of individual gods, as they appear within the hierarchy of the Celestial Bureaucracy:


Bureau of Destiny

See: Bureau of Destiny

Division of Journeys

See: Division of Journeys

Mistress of Journeys: Mercury

Captain of the Golden Barque: Ruvia, god of Roads

- Yuanzhang of The Captain

- Yuanzhang of The Gull

- Yuanzhang of The Mast

- Yuanzhang of The Messenger

- Yuanzhang of The Ship's Wheel

- Roon, god of Going, god of Movement (intermittently missing).

-- -- Bluzbugs, gods of reaching the destinations of individual journeys.

- Blue Crest Merchant, god of Naval Trade.

- Sirocco Racer, god of Caravanserais and Camels.

- Tutors By Claw, god of Dragon King Enlightenment.

-- Twisted Serpent The Seneschal of Discipline, god of Dragon King Rebirth.

- Laughing Ragamuffin, god of Smuggling.

- Bashar, god of Scavengers.

- Meldre, god of Communication.

--- Missive Birds, Servitor-Gods

-- Ortege-Postoyam, god of postal waystations, god of the Imperial Post.

- Spring Snowfall, god of Taking New Paths for the Joy of It, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Janus, Traveler on the Wind, god of Journeys taken through the Sky.

- Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Journeys

-- Ayesha Ura, Gold Faction leader.

-- Crane

-- Emerald Thorn

-- Fleet Brilliance

-- Josek One-Shoe

-- Matutine

-- Ragara Ulmani

-- Cheerful Shield

-- Shepherd of the North Star

-- Sula

Division of Serenity

See: Division of Serenity

Mistress of Serentiy: Venus

Bearer of the Lapis Ewer: Yaogin the Fair, god of Beautiful Dreams

- Yuanzhang of The Ewer

- Yuanzhang of The Lovers

- Yuanzhang of The Musician

- Yuanzhang of The Peacock

- Yuanzhang of The Pillar

- Uvanavu, God of Health, Left Hand to Yaogin the Fair.

- Livilla, god of Prostitutes and Prostitution, Right Hand to Yaogin the Fair.

--- Soliver Peacock-Eyes, Sultan of Pimps.

--- Catamede, god of Pederasty and Catamites.

--- Lixa , god of Western Beauty and Whores.

-- Golden Reverie, god of Euphoria.

-- Hoodrazai, god of Mirth

-- -- Raucous Laughter, god of Joy in the River Province

-- Zanish, god of Celebration.

--- Paraylius, god of Pomp (missing, presumed destroyed).

--- Harmony of Greetings, god of Invitations, formerly god of Ink-Stones.

-- -- Cordial Word, former god of Invitations (missing).

-- Loge Sky-Thief, god of Illusions, master of the Court of Masques.

-- Linolino, god of Gracefulness.

-- Rakka the Assiduous Keeper of Arias and Serenades, god of music and all its sources, god of Musicians, god of Musical Instruments, god of Composers, member of the Seat of Virtue Court.

-- -- Eroica, god of the Ode to Hollow (missing).

--- Alim-Damal, God of Glass Flutes and the Music Played upon Them.

--- Limpang-Tung, god of Minstrels

-- Acheira, god of Scandalous Poetry (missing, wanted for questioning by the Celestial Censors for a poem involving Luna, Isidoros, and the Great Silver Turtle).

-- Balsaraf, god of Unrequited Love.

-- Evandias the Fair, god of Shallow Love.

-- Guenhwyfar of the Iris Petals, god of Orgies and Orgiastic Pleasures.

-- Immaculate Mother of Indominatible Watery Desires, god of Drowning in Oceans, god of Lovemaking Immersed in Water.

-- Lady of the Two Gifts, god of Passionate Lovemaking that Bears Fruit, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Gokkun, god of Oral Sex.

--- [[Descending Snowball], god of Exchanging Bodily Fluids during Erotic Acts.

-- Brestom, god of Dreaming during Sleep.

--- Dream Flies.

-- Yoharneth-Lahai, god of Little Dreams and Fancies.

-- Rufio Procurer of Gilded Dreams, god of Unattainable Dreams.

--- Six Radiant Stars, god of Unfulfilled Idle Desires.

-- Divine and Glorious Kibu, god of the dreams of rebellious children.

-- Kirin of the Endless Sky, god of Undissembled Dreams.

-- Snowshoe Hare Amongst Brambles, god of Restful Dreams, god of Haslanti Dreams, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

-- -- Zephyr Through Rushes, former god of Rustling Breeze village (purview destroyed), assistant to Venus' Chosen.

- Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Serenity (NOTE: at any given time, two Chosen of Serenity are seconded to the Bureau of Heaven’s Hedonic Administration Panel, in addition to their regular duties in the Bureau of Destiny)

-- Autumn

-- Gracious Shaia

-- Iron Siaka

-- Quickening Water

-- Starlight Melody

-- Vanis Grey

-- Venerable Silk

-- Zhen Xue

Department of the Pre-Destined Reunion and Extraordinary Encounter

Head: Coils of Silk, god of Lovers Reunited.

Committee for the Restoration of Auspicious Providence


Division of Battles

See: Division of Battles

Mistress of Battles: Mars

Lord General: Hu Dai Liang, Shogun of the Crimson Banner, god of Soldiers.

- Yuanzhang of The Banner

- Yuanzhang of The Gauntlet

- Yuanzhang of The Quiver

- Yuanzhang of The Shield

- Yuanzhang of The Spear

- Chanquaz, Chief of Protocol for the Division of Battles

- Puissant Armiger, god of on-the-fly strategies, improvised weaponry, exploitable terrain, and misapplied artifacts.

- The Fear That Shatters Nations, god of Warfare Between Those who are not Alike.

- Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Battles

-- Acacia

-- Crimson Banner Executioner

-- Maduka Shin

-- Righteous Tsunami

-- Rizako of Gem

-- Rol

-- Sadness in the Blade

-- Shajah Holok

-- Zelia

Circle of Small-Minded Violence

See: Circle of Small-Minded Violence

- Clan Strife, god of Warfare within Extended Families.

Outer Office

See: Outer Office

Captain of the Outer Office: Rinmei, god of military texts and Shogunate Romance Novels.

The Celestial Dojo

Head: Temura, god of Martial Arts, Grandmaster of the House of Iron and Adamant.

--- Dhuma, awakened least god of the Perfected Kata Bracers Devoted Sleeves of Triumph, god of Martial Arts Duels in the Deep South (missing).

- Emei Shan, god of Sidereal Martial Arts.

- Nan Quan, god of Celestial Martial Arts.

-- Puo-Leng, God of Violet Bier of Sorrows Style Martial Arts.

- Bei Pai, god of Terrestrial Martial Arts.

Division of Secrets

See: Division of Secrets

Mistress of Secrets: Jupiter

Keeper of Secrets: Nara-O of the Hundred Veils.

- Yuanzhang of The Guardians

- Yuanzhang of The Key

- Yuanzhang of The Mask

- Yuanzhang of The Sorcerer

- Yuanzhang of The Treasure Trove

-- Nuran, god of Objects Substituted for Other Objects in Secret, Undersecretary to Nara-O.

--- Windfallen Dream, Wild Mother in the Far East (purview lost to the Wyld]], Assistant to the Undersecretary to Nara-O.

--- Koku Obol, god of Conscientious Keeping of Minutes, Assistant to the Undersecretary to Nara-O.

-- -- Shanna Usal, Godblooded, Assistant to the Assistant to the Undersecretary to Nara-O.

-- -- Gyaku, Anklok Dragon King, Research Assistant to the Assistant to the Undersecretary to Nara-O.

- Dyer Rhessh, Dustmaid of the Loom of Fate.

- Komitis, god of Celestial Portents

-- Ouranos, the Skyfather, god of Northern Celestial Portents

-- O-Dara, Lord of the Dawning Firmament, god of Eastern Celestial Portents

--- Scarlet Hunter of the Firmament, god of Comets and Portents over the Maruto River

- Bashar, god of Scavengers

- Simsim, god of Trickery

- Sage of the Lilac Garden, god of Secrets Held in Trust

- Keeper of the Locks, god of All that is Locked Away.

-- Jabim, god of Things Cast Away

- Polythia The Foundling Forge and Mirror of Thought.

- Unknown Mandate, Shogun of Advantageous Knowledge.

- Chih Fuo, Goddess of Pragmatic Wisdom

- Pen Yaun, god of Impractical Foreknowledge.

- Metaphysical Vision, god of Thoughts Unformed, god of Words Unspoken, god of Dreams Undreamt.

- Sessen Douji the Mountain Boy, god of portfolio unknown.

- Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Secrets

-- Bloody-Lipped Cassandra

-- Chejop Kejak

-- Dozima Wokish

-- Gentle Aggression

-- Lupo

-- May Blossom

-- Nellens T'fillit

-- Pymander Seven

-- Sapphire Sparrow

-- The Green Lady


See: Index (Division of Secrets)

Keeper of Indices: Luxana, god of Recorded Knowledge and serves under Nara-O as one of its lieutenants in the Bureau of Destiny.

--- Librarian Spirits, Servitor-Gods.

-- Circling Rage, god of oral histories (exiled)

-- Chamber of the Void, god of textual scholarship (missing).

Sub-Division of Divine Resource Supervision

See: Sub-Division of Divine Resource Supervision

Divine Resources Supervisor: Itzcalimon, god of Blackmail, Patron god of Zarrith (with Warrant).

- Manasseh, god of Lost and Forgotten Paperwork

Sub-Division of Undiscovered Mysteries

See: Sub-Division of Undiscovered Mysteries

Sub-Director of Undiscovered Mysteries: Xaos, God of Things Undiscovered

Depatment 137

See: Department 137

Division of Endings

See: Division of Endings

Mistress of Endings: Saturn

Minister of Endings: Wayang the Black Puppet Mask, god of Silence

- Yuanzhang of The Corpse

- Yuanzhang of The Crow

- Yuanzhang of The Haywain

- Yuanzhang of The Rising Smoke

- Yuanzhang of The Sword

- Scarazan, Goddess of Divine Reallocation.

- Jyuin, the Bearer of the Eternal Silence, god of Mortal Silence, master of the Art of Meditative Discussion, member of the Seat of Virtue Court.

- Sauda, god of Midnight, god of Day’s End, former Handmaiden to the Unconquered Sun.

- Jashin, god of Royal Assassins, patron god of Sinanju (with Warrant).

- Chui Sy Rinn, Closer of the Deal, god of Settled Agreements.

- Death of Glory, god of Heroism Forgotten.

- Oolah, god of the Dying Breath.

- The Prince of the Star of the Golden Door, god of concluding courtship.

- Mung, god of the Ending of Mortal Lives.

-- Winter Whitesong, god of Winter-Deaths, Patron god of the White Hills.

- Kidilos, the Lady Who Comforts the Living at the Bedside of the Dying, god of the Comfort born of Death, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Masque of Repose, god of Funereal Arrangements, Patron god of Sijan.

--- Lamut Bronze Hands, twin brother of Senmut Bronze Eyes, god of graves in Great Forks.

--- Senmut Bronze Eyes, twin sister of Lamut Bronze Hands, god of funerals and memorials in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

- Vermillion Ink Silencer, god of Mergers and Liquidations

- Mana-Yood-Sushai, god of Having Done, god of Rest.

- Miya, god of Missed Opportunity

- Apkallu, [[Godblooded], special consultant on Rogue Intentions

-- Hali Ba, god of Abnormally Small Birds in the Far West

- Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Endings

-- Abramchaia

-- Ahn-Aru, Righteous and Fateful Ender of Royal Lines in the River Province.

-- Anys Syn

-- Ascending Cloud

-- Black Ice Shadow

-- Kai

-- Nazri

-- Quiet Victory

Sub-Directorate of Brushes with Death

See: Sub-Directorate of Brushes with Death

Heavenly Orchestration of Loves Lost and Forgotten to Time

Head: Ashen Grace of Sorrows, god of Loves Lost and Never Rekindled.

Loom of Fate

See: Loom of Fate

Mother: Asna Firstborn, god of Fate Weavers.

- August Weavers

-- Pattern Spiders

Circle of Chance

See: Circle of Chance

Mistress of Chance: Luna, Celestial Incarna, god of the Wyld, lover of Gaia, overseer of the Lunargent Ecological Protectorate, head of the Bureau of Nature, Maiden of Chance, the Fickle Lady, the Silver Goddess, the Passionate Soul, the Bloody Huntress, the Silver-Horned Watcher, the Two-Faced Bride, the Walker at the Crossroads, the White Navigator, the Silver-Eyed Boy, and others.

Master of Fivefold Luck: Luranume, Lord of Auspicious Surprises

--- Silver Bats

Sidereal Conventions

See: Sidereal Conventions

Capital Convention

Chair: Chejop Kejak

- Abramchaia

- Anys Syn

- Ascending Cloud

- Nellens T'fillit

- Pymander Seven

- Rol

- Sadness in the Blade

- Shajah Holok

- Starlight Melody

- Vanis Grey

- Cheerful Shield

Convention of Air

Chair: currently unoccupied.

- Rizako of Gem

- Sula

- Venerable Silk

Convention of Fire

Chair: Nazri

- Autumn

- Dozima Wokish

- Emerald Thorn

- Maduka Shin

- Quiet Victory

- Zhen Xue

- Quickening Water

Convention of Water

Chair: Righteous Tsunami

- Acacia

- Crane

Convention of Wood

Chair: Ayesha Ura

- Ahn-Aru

- Bloody-Lipped Cassandra

- Fleet Brilliance

- Gracious Shaia

- Josek One-Shoe

- Lupo

- Matutine

- Sapphire Sparrow

- Zelia

Convention on Deathlords

Chair: Unknown.

- Black Ice Shadow

- Chejop Kejak

- Green Lady

- Lupo

- Sapphire Sparrow

- Shajah Holok

- Zelia

Sub-Convention on Thorns

Chair: Lupo

Sub-Convention on Udr

Chair: Chejop Kejak

- Shajah Holok

Convention on Essence Wielders

Chair: Ayesha Ura

- Autumn

- Bloody-Lipped Cassandra

- Chejop Kejak

- Crane

- Dozima Wokish

- Fleet Brilliance

- Kai

- Lupo

- Matutine

- Sula

- Zhen Xue

Sub-Convention on Demons

Chair: Ayesha Ura

Sub-Convention on Forbidden Gods


- 2x Sidereal Exalts

Convention on Natural Disasters


- Chejop Kejak

Convention on Plague


- Chejop Kejak

Convention on War


- Acacia

- Chejop Kejak

- Maduka Shin

- Rol

- Sadness in the Blade

Sub-Convention on the Wyld


- Maduka Shin

Sub-Convention on Halta

Chair: currently unoccupied.

Sub-Convention on the Hundred Kingdoms


Sub-Convention on the Bull of the North

Chair: currently unoccupied.

Bureau of Heaven

See: Bureau of Heaven

Head: Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun, Most High over Heaven and Earth, god of the Sun, master of the Celestial Court, head of the Bureau of Heaven, commander of the Fulgent Administrative District, and other titles.

Acting Head (de facto): Ryzala Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork.

Department of Abstract Matters

See: Department of Abstract Matters

Shogun: Taru-Han, Lady of Souls, god of Dying (formerly Lytek, god of Exaltation, demoted]].

--- Soul Collectors, Servitor-gods.

- ?, Magnificent Suzerainess of the Celebrated Wood, purview unknown, (missing).

Division of Exaltation

Daimyo of the Division of Exaltation: Lytek, Right Hand of Power, god of Exaltation, god of Deserved Blessings, former Shogun of the Department of Abstract Matters.

- Parad Left Hand of Power, god of Inherited Might, god of Terrestrial Exaltation.

--- God-Children of Breeding.

Division of Lost Things

Daimyo of the Division of Lost Things: Madame Marthesine of the Lost

--- Hoarders, Servitor-gods

Harmonious & All-Embracing Division of Peace

See: Division of Peace

Celestial Minister of Harmony: Yo Ping, god of Peace.

-- Open Hand, god of Celestial Peace.

- Jewel of Prosperity, god of Southern Peace.

--- Misarand, Dove Spirit, Second Secretary to the god of Southern Peace.

-- Quey Lynn, god of Peaceful Negotiations.

- Thelmarin, god of Eastern Peace and Twilight, former Handmaiden to the Unconquered Sun.

-- Dawning Star of Glory, god of Peaceful Mornings, Major Domo of Thelmarin.

-- Serene Glade, god of Natural Tranquility, Factotum to the god of Eastern Peace.

- Volurapin, god of Northern Peace and Whales.

- Calm Serenity, god of Western Peace and Calm Waters.

-- Water Gardeners.

- Dalam-Rendal, god of Central Peace and Order.

-- Bo-Du-Liang, god of the Peace of Empty Spaces.

Righteous & Indefatigable Division of War

See: Division of War

Queen of War: E-Naluna, god of War.

-- Esharra, god of War between Spirits, Secretary of War and adjutant to E-Naluna.

- Ahlat, god of Southern War, god of Cattle, Patron god of Harbourhead

-- Clan Strife, Major Domo

-- Bloody Brush, Lion Dog, Factotum

-- Horn of Ink, Overseer of Cattle

-- Sharp Edge, War Auroch, Dedicant of the Daiklaive, god of Southern Daiklaves.

-- Cunning Stratagem, Warleader

-- Broken Horn, War Auroch, Herald

-- Sword of Fire, War Auroch, Supervisor of the Essence User’s Desk of the Office of Southern War.

-- Subrihan Wind-Tiger, god of Last Stands, Patron god of Asherta (with Warrant).

--- Ingenious Flame, god of Firedust Weapons

--- War Aurochs

- Siakal, god of Western War, god of Slaughter, god of Sharks

--- Children of Siakal

-- Kor'vax, Lord of Carnage (missing).

-- Chabdkar, god of Crossfire and Deaths therefrom.

- Sunipa, god of Eastern War, god of Strategy

--- Sun Guards

--- Tien Yu, god of the Seventh Legion, Patron god of Lookshy (with Warrant).

-- Darunla, god of Wolves, former god of Eastern War (missing)

--- Aranisa, god of Ambushes and Traps, god of Eastern Spiders.

--- Mokuu, god of the Lizard Scale Formation, former chief of the Chalan Tribe, former Arczeckh mortal.

-- Haro Kuli, god of Small Group Tactics, god of the Wyld Hunt.

-- Tahn Jo, god of Righteous Revolts and Uprisings (missing)

-- Leopard Tooth Scholar, god of Reconnaissance-in-Force Operations, head of the Intelligence Desk in the Office of Eastern War.

-- Wandering Star, god of Guerilla Warfare, Chief of Operations in the Office of Eastern War.

-- Ivory Shadow Smith, god of Secret Arsenals, head of the Logistics Desk in the Office of Eastern War.

-- Ko-Fuso, god of Spears and Spearfighters

--- Vishap-Laran, god of the Spear Wall, god of Pikes and pikemen.

-- Agramar, god of the Soldier in Retreat

-- The Lizard Queen, god of Territorial Conquest, god of Dragon King War.

-- Red Cougar, Tongue-Eater, god of honourable combat in the Far East.

- Voharun Feaster on the Slain, god of Northern War and Crows

- Nasamara the Falcon of Glory, god of Northern War and Glorious Victory.

-- Vedfolnir, Seneschal to Nasamara and Voharun.

--- Aurelia Victoria, god of Aerial Victory, former Aerial Satrap of Tzatli (purview lost).

--- Dikanchou Dayang, god of Heroic Deeds.

--- Trailing Sorrows, god of War Widows.

--- Valravns, Servitor-Gods, War Crows of Voharun.

--- Glorious Falcons, Servitor-Gods, Companions of Nasamara.

- Tachi-Kun, god of Central War and Exalted Warfare

-- Brattica, god of unknown purview.

-- Walls of Granite, god of Siegebreaking.

-- Ten Thousand Spears, god of Large Armies, god of the Imperial Legions, adjutant to the god of Central War.

-- Blood in the Eye, god of the Vermillion Legion

-- Vainglorious Taizei of the Realm, god of the 4th Imperial Legion.

-- Strident Aegis, god of the 16th Imperial Legion.

-- gods of the Imperial Legions.

-- Statzmaks, god of Optimization-as-End-in-of-Itself.

-- Kokage the Master of Duels, god of Duels and Formal Matches, member of the Seat of Virtue Court.

--- Mare-in-oga, god of Desert Rain, Senior Pupil of Kokage.

-- Eternal Recollection, god of Betrayal & Vengeance

--- Bloody Ox, god of Righteous Revenge

Division of Intoxication

Daimyo: Burning Feather, Lady of Intoxicants.

-- -- Savant Topaz, Godblooded, household accountant to Burning Feather, child of Burning Feather.

--- -- Shinghurr, god of Qat crop rotation and fertility in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

- Tiger-Tail Dragon, god of Opium.

- Tusk of Orchid, God of Alcoholic Beverages and Drunkenness.

-- Kakuchi, god of Rice Wine

--- Taruzake, god of spiced and flavoured Rice Wines.

-- Harvest of Bliss and Ferment of Madness, wine gods.

--- Guembah Blue-Foot, god of high-class scnapps merchants & winesellers.

-- -- Habbu, god of low-class winesellers.

--- Maifu, god of Eastern Wine

-- -- Mistress Madali, god of Wines in Great Forks.

-- Tuchekkan, god of Cane Sugar alcoholic beverages (including Rum, Grog).

-- Shibby-Wah, Queen of Hashish, and other smoked narcotics.

--- Nayuf, Prince of Sweet Leaves, god of Tobacco, god of Hookahs.

- Bright Adamant Wind, Sheik of Hallucinogens.

- [Gods of individual intoxicants]

Office on Rot and Deterioration

See: Office on Rot and Deterioration

Executive Director: Hran-Tzu the Raven King, god of Decay and Rot.

- Kel-Aina, god of the Deadened Circle

- Sylvi the Crone of Fire, god of the Frenzied Circle

- The Nameless God of the Utter West, god of the Changing Circle

Council of Suffering

See: Council of Suffering

Daimyo-Chair: Sigil of Torment, god of Pain.

--- The Algea.

- Searing Agony, god of Burns, daimyo of Southern Pain.

-- The Pale Mistress, god of Pain and Hardship in An-Teng.

- Vermilath, god of Hunger, daimyo of Western Pain

- Senzato, god of Terrors, daimyo of Eastern Pain

-- Ragin, Duke of Nightmares, god of Dreams of Terror

--- Melaina, god of Nightmares that Banish All Rest.

- Darillak Lord of Tears, god of Despair and Suicide, daimyo of Northern Pain.

-- Tierromarch, god of Childhood Tears.

-- Carrion Crow, god of Winter Terrors, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Ahau, god of Abuse, daimyo of Central Pain

Division of Birth

See: Division of Birth

Daimyo: Ilithya-Lura, god of Birth and Childbearing

- Cybele, Patron of Motherly Love

-- Tayna, god of Eastern fertility and Childbearing.

- Zaci, Patron of Fatherly Care

-- Susudo, god of the Filially Impious Child.

--- Four Hundred Rabbits, God of Childhood Tricksters.

-- -- Gatherer of Windborne Children, god of Troublesome Children with Good Hearts.

Division of Sacred Materials

Daimyo: Ever-Scintillating Glory, god of Orichalcum.

- Lunargene, god of Moonsilver

- Stellas, god of Starmetal

-- Yamite, former god of Starmetal (missing)

- The Five Jade Goddesses

-- Myrna, god of White Jade

-- Seeva, god of Black Jade

-- Darlat, god of Blue Jade

-- Yarmone, god of Green Jade

- Ravenn, Overseer of Uncustomary Materials.

Division of Governance

Daimyo: Chysserad, god of Empires

- Shereth-Daxineth, god of Taxes

- Rikki-Te, god of Revolution

-- Muza, god of Insurgents.

- Anevet Mother of Dynasties, god of Hereditary Rule

- Sakisucune, god of Fealty

- Hakazashi the Patriot's Talon, god of Patriotism

Division of Infernal Affairs

Daimyo: (none appointed to replace previous Daimyo Ryzala Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork, following her promotion to Shogun). Warden of the Exiles: Verumipra, Ambassador to the Cursed City.

Thrice-Chained Ambassador of the Gaoled: Marilaq a’Lam, Demonblooded Offspring of Berengiere (Marilaq is not an official within the Celestial Bureaucracy, but her Ambassadorial credentials are certified through the Division of Infernal Affairs, which also provides a stipend for maintenance of her embassy).

Division of Motivation

Daimyo: Crom, god of Will and Determination.

Division of Faces

Daimyo: Shalrina (missing)

Division of Matrimony

Daimyo: The Resplendent Bestowing of Prosperity, god of Matrimony and Marriage.

- Ivrieinen, the Lady Who Finds Good Partners and Shuts the Doors of Infatuation, god of Marriage Arrangement and Matchmakers, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

Division of Apocalyptic Devastation

Daimyo: Arcadelt, the God of World-Shattering Events, Bearer of the Apocalypse Scrolls.

Division of Waterborne Artifacts


Council of Metalwork


--- Gradig, god of Powder Metallurgy, nation god of Bloody River.

Division of Currency and Treasure

Daimyo: Adasmeth, god of Value and Desire

- Kaskuri, god of Treasures

- Rilacriaré, god of Tempered Ambition

- Yin Yuan, god of Coins

-- Argenthonios, son of Arigen, god of Dinar and other Coins of Silver.

- Flying Jade, god of Paper Currency and Promissory Notes.

Division of Sentiments


- Garaint Neverlost, god of Mistaken Certainty, former god of Certainty.

- Tshavanes, god of Ambition

Division of Calculations

Daimyo: Greneth, Paragon of Spaces, Lady of the Null and the Naught.

-- Rulen, god of Southern Mathematics.

- Ortog, god of the Square.

- Kikagaku, god of Logic and Geometry.

-- -- Shimmer, Godblooded assistant to Kikagaku, daughter of Kikagaku.

-- Grave Disease, god of Set Theory

-- -- Blooming Infinities, god of Lists of Lists which do not Contain Themselves (exiled).

Office of Intelligent Design

See: Office of Intelligent Design

Sub-Director: Shenji, god of Thaumaturgy

- Shangomir, god of Occult Secrets

Standing Committee on Sorcerous Affairs

Chair: Shenji, god of Thaumaturgy

- Lytek, god of Exaltation

- Ayesha Ura Sidereal Exalt, Chair of the Convention on Essence Wielders

- Cselena Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Architect of the Cselenine Pact, Celestial Censor of Yu Shan.

Department of Celestial Concerns

See: Department of Celestial Concerns

Shogun: Ryzala, Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork, Keeper of the Black Veil Annals.

-Anisa-Shoshan, Maharani of Constellations]], former Shogun of Celestial Concerns (deceased, convicted of Infernal dealings and rendered to Starmetal).

Division of Divine Order

See: Division of Divine Order

Daimyo: Ringan, god of Guardians

- Samas, god of Justice (missing).

-- Rahash-Nu, acting god of Justice.

- Omashi, Arbiter of Territorial Disputes

- Sayuri the Arbiter of Judgments, god of passing Judgement and Those who Judge, master of the Art of Relentless Persuasion. .

--- The Hidden Judges of the Secret Flame.

- Crimson Ribbon, god of Law, Magistracy and Courts of Law

-- Heavenly Rescriptor Pao, god of Testimony, god of Central Law

-- Edict of Oak, god of Contract Law and Contract-breakers, god of Eastern Law

-- -- Mahela, Godblooded, Agent and Executioner of Edict of Oak.

--- Constantly Smiling, god of researched and well-considered contracts, Great Forks Minister of Trade. Member of the Court of Temples.

--- Stoic Quill of the Vaults, god of Magistrates in the Confederation of Rivers

-- Agho, god of the Righteous Accused, god of Southern Law

--- Ur-Omn, He Who Bears Witness to All Crimes, god of Witnesses

-- Tiwaz, god of Honour and the Honourable, god of Northern Law

--- Owl from Out of the East, god of Haslanti Law, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

-- -- The Horned Judge, god of Outwall Haslanti Tribal Law and Oaths, member of the Ennead.

Ministry of Celestial Censors

See: Celestial Censors

High Minister of Justice: Ideal Flame Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Celestial Censor of Yu Shan, Glorious Adjudicator of Truth.

--- Gerhedesh, former Celestial Censor (dismissed, destroyed, forged into Starmetal daiklave Sundered Promise).

--- Lanatoxec the Fire-Feathered Serpent, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, former Celestial Censor (dismissed, missing).

- Aligept, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Celestial Censor of Yu Shan.

- Cselena Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Architect of the Cselenine Pact, Celestial Censor of Yu Shan.

- Hezriel, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Celestial Censor of Yu Shan.

-- Rolling Thunder, god of Deciduous Saplings Which Overcome Flooding to Grow Tall, agent of Celestial Censor Hezriel

- Scarlet Dragon of Vermeil Heavens, Celestial Censor, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire.

- Lung Xue Fan, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood, Celestial Censor.

- Scarlet Shatterings of Misdemeanour, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Celestial Censor/

-- Immaculate Mouth and Fangs, Celestial Lion

- Jharuf, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Celestial Censor

--- Apsu, Godblooded, son of Jharuf, agent of Jharuf.

- Li Ho, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Celestial Censor.

--- Doyo Tan Suni the Buzzing Temper, Lion Dog agent of Li Ho.

- Sepia Coil the Dragon-Anaconda, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Celestial Censor

- Galantha, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Celestial Censor

--- Dellasander, Lion Dog investigator.

--- Herrod the Hound of Galantha, Lion Dog investigator.

- 114x other Celestial Censors of Yu Shan.

-- Profamo Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Celestial Censor of the Omphalos

--- Dyballe Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Celestial Censor of the Blessed Isle

--- Danqueret Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Celestial Censor of the Blessed Isle

-- Swan Dragon Lesser Elemental Dragon]] of Fire, Celestial Censor of the South (Missing).

-- Wong Bangerok Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Celestial Censor of the South.

-- Fakharu Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Celestial Censor of the West.

-- Benadamaru Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Celestial Censor of the North.

-- Adiubande Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood, Celestial Censor of the East.

-- -- Keoki, Lion Dog, head guardian of the Lonely Mountain temple.

--- Ah Song, Lion Dog, guardian of the Sun-Bourne Glade.

-- -- Celestial Lion Inspectors

--- -- Lion Dog Constables

--- -- Custodial Receivers

Department of Proper Passage through Heavenly Ways

See: Department of Proper Passage through Heavenly Ways

Legate of the Jade Pleasure Dome: Radiant Narasin Celestial Lion

- Righteous Claw of Silver, Celestial Lion, Guard of a Yu Shan Gate

- Gimrael, Celestial Lion, guardian of Yu Shan Gate Ten.

- Githrael, Celestial Lion, guardian of Yu Shan Gate Ten.

- Pai Xanxi, Celestial Lion, Guard of Yu Shan Gate Fourteen.

- Righteous Guardian Of The Tombs Of The Great, Celestial Lion guarding Yu Shan Gate Fourteen.

- Perfect Onyx, Celestial Lion, Guard of Yu Shan Gate Seventeen.

- Talorin, Celestial Lion guarding Yu Shan Gate Seventeen.

- Shanks, Celestial Lion, Guard of Yu Shan Gate Twenty-nine.

- Sabatazevi, Celestial Lion, Guard of a Yu Shan Gate.

- Guardian-of-Thresholds, Celestial Lion, guardian of the Calibration Gate.

- Celestial Lion Guardians

-- Chorakchi, Lion Dog (missing, flight to Hell suspected).

-- Lion Dog Sentries

--- Scarab Guardians

Department of Peculiar Matters of Special Import

See: Department of Peculiar Matters of Special Import.

Legate of Lions: Implacable Shining Barrator

- Fleeting Maelstrom, Celestial Lion.

- Swift-Wind Wisdom, Celestial Lion.

- Crumbling Ivory, Celestial Lion.

- Celestial Lion Investigators.

-- Lion Dog Agents

--- Scarab Guardians

Division of Salary and Quintessence Distribution

Daimyo: Parsai, Psychopomp of Prayer, god of Dispensation.

- Somnio, god of New Gods, Seneschal of Rising Divinity

- Most Acuminous Follicles, the god of Middling-Rank Bureaucrats.

-- Walli, god of Work Avoidance.

-- Excessively Unversed Novitiate, god of Novices and Subalternships.

- Scarazan, Goddess of Divine Reallocation.

- Ambrosial Artisans

-- Quintessential Crafters

--- Sub-Ministers of Prayer

-- -- Diligent Regulators of Jade Basins

Division of Eperopolic Affairs

Daimyo: Cheng Huang Ye, Civic Manager of the Eperopolis, former City Father of Yu Shan.

- Ivonais, god of Demenses

- Novonais, god of Manses

- Atonga-Sesha, god of Landowners, Registrar of Heavenly Deeds.

- Visvakarma, Architect of Heaven

- Ichamaji, Painter of the Roof of Heaven

- Seventh Sage, Cartographer of the Celestial City

-- Gardener Elementals

--- Sub-Ministers of Accommodation

Greater Metropolitan Five District Planning Group

Chief Deputy:

- Sol Invictus, commander of the Fulgent Administrative District.

- Luna, overseer of the Lunargent Ecological Protectorate.

- Gaia, Primordial, mistress of the Pangaean Bureaucratic District

- The Five Maidens of Destiny, overseers of the Five Spheres Residential District

Standing Committee on Heavenly Households

See: Standing Committee on Heavenly Households.

Steward of the Privy Purse: Adym the Invisible Hand.

Household of Sol Invictus

Seneschal: Nysela, Charioteer of the Unconquered Sun, Seneschal to the Most High, former Handmaiden of the Unconquered Sun.

- The Gardullis, Greater Elemental Dragon of Fire, Hearthfire of the Salient of the Unconquered Sun

- Gabril-Aman, Hornblower of the Unconquered Sun

- Deep Sapphire, son of Hiparkes, bearer of the Sun’s Chariot

- Yjimatria, Lumina.

- Cherulong, Lumina.

-Jujak, Lumina.

- Bayrakan, Lumina.

- Ja-Janasti, Lumina.

- Samirena, Lumina.

- , Lumina.

- Feng-To of the Iron Nail, Lumina.

- Jirobozu, Lumina.

- Mirazen the Patient, Lumina.

- Urziak, Lumina.

- Warrior Rahu, Lumina.

- Malin-Nilam, Lumina.

- Hyonmu, Lumina.

- Aurichim

- Lumina

- Glamifores

- formerly the Handmaidens of the Unconquered Sun (dissolved).

- Hounds of the Sun (destroyed).

Household of Luna

Seneschal: Amandre, god of Moon Ponds and Moonlight on Water, Regent of the Moon

Household of Mercury
Household of Venus
Household of Mars

Grandmaster: Temura, god of Martial Arts, Grandmaster of the House of Iron and Adamant.

Household of Jupiter

Steward: Dyer Rhessh, Dustmaid of the Loom of Fate

Household of Saturn
Household of Gaia
Household of Autochthon
Division of Solitary Comforts
Palace of Broken Spirits

The Gaoler Gentle: Xul, god of Spiritual Recovery.

Hedonic Administration Panel

See: Hedonic Administration Panel

-- 2x Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Serenity

--- Lion Dog Bouncers

--- Odalisques

Division of Celestial Trade and Commerce

Daimyo: Ayizan, god of Markets.

Division of Celestial Travel and Transport

Daimyo: Hadarach, Guardian of the Sixty-One Gates.

- Shakhali, Lord of the Three Winged Legions, Aerial Satrap of Heaven.

-- Ikaru-Thiaz, Pilot to the Golden Barque, god of Aerial Rickshaws.

-- Nehalennia, Warden of the Celestial Clouds.

Department of Argent and Aurum Waterways

Daimyo: Atra-Hasi god of the Quicksilver Canals

- Silver Waves, Canal God.

- Canal Gods

-- Ubu, Unerring Pilot.

-- Unerring Pilots of Dragon-boats

--- Maintainers of the Heavenly Currents

-- -- Canal Elementals

Authority of Self-Examination

See: Authority of Self-Examination

Daimyo: Ilzwaran, god of Factual Writing Related to Governing Procedures

- Omphalan, god of Bureaucratic Integrity and Curbing Corruption

Department of Treaties and Treatises

Daimyo: Yomiko, god of Paper.

--- Khentkheti of Leaves, Wicker Crocodile, god of Paper in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

--- Wicker Crocodiles, local [[Paper gods.

-- Lin Jun Po, god of New-Bristled Calligraphy Brushes

Office of Treaties and Treatises of the Imperial City

Overseer: Shin Lao, god of Imperial Documents within the Scarlet Empire

Bureau of Seasons

See: Bureau of Seasons

Shogun-Regent of the Seasons and Weather: Ghataru, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air.

--- Dragon King aides.

- Aratas, god of the Harvest

Court of the Season of Air

Daimyo of the Season of Air: Nasri, Storm Serpent, god of Rainstorms, General of the Aerial Legion

--- Sanguarde, god of Southerly Winds in the Northeast, former Master of the Court of the Summer Valley.

-- Mar Surrease, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, god of Westerly Winds, Master of the Brigade of Western-Flowing Breezes.

--- Syla the Blessed Wind, god of Westerly Winds in the River Province.

--- Karga Shina,Huraka, god of West Morning Wind, member of the Brigade of Western-Flowing Breezes.

--- Old Grandfather, god of the winds in Windgate town.

- Longinas, god of Destructive Storms, Witness of Unrelenting Change (deceased, suicide).

- Taisho of the Month of Ascending Air: [Orora-Hido]], god of Rainclouds

-- -- Gentle Falling Water, god of Rain in The Lap

-- Silver-Blossom Breeze, princess of Calms Before the Storm, Kazei of the Third Week of Ascending Air

--- Ilma-Juma, god of the Silence Before the Thunder, Regent of The Transition, Shozei of the First Day of Ascending Air.

- Taisho of the Month of Resplendent Air: Pirouette of Thunders, god of Tornados

- Taisho of the Month of Descending Air: Curi-Vaperi, god of Cold Rains

Court of the Season of Water

Daimyo of the Season of Water: Zutaka, Thunderbird, god of Blizzards

--- The Three Floods

--- The Nine Snows

-- Onyx Dragon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, god of Cold Weather in the Southwestern Threshold, former Daimyo of the Season of Water in the Bureau of Seasons.

-- White Mountain, god of Northern Blizzards, former Master of the Court of White Mountain, former husband of Chill Morn (exiled, missing).

--- Master Winter, god of Winter Storms on the White Sea, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

-- Broken Ice Spear, god of Northern Ice upon Land, former husband of Frilla god of Northern Ice upon Water.

-- Frilla, god of Northern Ice upon Water, former wife of Broken Ice Spear god of Northern Ice upon Land.

-- Chill Morn, Queen of Winter, god of Fresh Fallen Snow, wife of Raventalon god of Northern Birds, former wife of White Mountain god of Northern Blizzards.

--- The Frost Maiden, god of Snowfall in the Northeast, patron of the Valley of Summer.

- Taisho of the Month of Ascending Water: Steel Wind, god of Biting Cold

-- Yellow Howling Bear, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, god of Sleet, Kazei of the First Week Ascending Water.

-- Lady Chimney Draft, god of the Chill that Comes when a Guest Enters a House, god of the Warmth that Comes of Trust and Companionship, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti, Kazei of the Second Week Ascending Water.

--- Borean Scintillance, god of Light on Snow, Patron god of Frostlight, Shozei of the First Day of the Second Week Ascending Water.

- Taisho of the Month of Resplendent Water: Mahiya-Varsha, the Cyclone Puppeteer, god of Tropical Storms.

-- -- Hasan Laughing Typhoon, Godblooded groundskeeper to Mahiya-Varsha, child of Mahiya-Varsha.

- Taisho of the Month of Descending Water: Eye of the Eagle, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, god of Squalls.

Court of the Season of Earth

Daimyo of the Season of Earth: Sano-Medaro, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, god of Sunshine.

--- Five Lords of Mist

- Taisho of the Month of Ascending Earth: White Sand

- Taisho of the Month of Resplendent Earth: Gleaming Crystal

- Taisho of the Month of Descending Earth: Whispering Clay

Court of the Season of Wood

Daimyo of the Season of Wood: Jetazuro, Daimyo of Clouds

- Taisho of the Month of Ascending Wood: Scarlet Kitsune

- Taisho of the Month of Resplendent Wood: Ravenous Flame

- Taisho of the Month of Descending Wood:

Court of the Season of Fire

- Daimyo of the Season of Fire: Klen-Metarma, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, god of Sandstorms.

--- Five Droughts

--- Three Siroccos

--- Flesh-Stripping Howler of the Far Southern Desert

-- Mare-in-oga, god of Desert Rain, Senior Pupil of Kokage (no longer fulfilling duties in the Bureau of Seasons).

- Taisho of the Month of Ascending Fire: -Yaelma of the Thunders, god of Haboobs, god of winds on open plains.

- Taisho of the Month of Resplendent Fire:

- Taisho of the Month of Descending Fire: Fading Fire, Prince of Falling Leaves, god of the Autumn Breeze.

-- Gently Drifting Halcyon, god of calm breezes, Kazei of the First Week of Descending Fire

--- Ilma-Juma, god of the Silence Before the Thunder, Regent of The Transition, Shozei of the Last Day of Descending Fire.

Storm Arbitration Commission

- Naresh, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Arbiter of Northern Storms.

- Isli, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Arbiter of Western Storms (missing).

- Alarast, Storm Serpent, Arbiter of Western Storms (acting).

-- The Great Storm Dragon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, god of Southwestern Storms.

-- The Storm Mothers.

- Fathrin, Huraka, Arbiter of Southern Storms.

- Memimar, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood, Arbiter of Eastern Storms.

-- Ten Thousand Thunders, god of storms in the River Province, patron god of Jonquil village (with Warrant).

- Mareth-Annon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Arbiter of the Storms of the Blessed Isle.

-- Cho the Corpulent, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, god of Summer Storms.

-- Lu Far Win, god of Winds that Carry Away Unprotected Possessions.

Meteorological Records Commission

See: Meteorological Records Commission

Daimyo: Ocean Crimson Lotus, god of Changing Temperatures.

Aerial Legion

General of the Aerial Legion: Nasri, Storm Serpent, god of Rainstorms

- Payt P'tar, Counter of Raindrops, Quartermaster-General of the Aerial Legion.

- Naresh, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Taimyo of the Aerial Legion, Arbiter of Northern Storms.

- Alarast, Storm Serpent, Taimyo of the Aerial Legion, Arbiter of Western Storms

- Fathrin, Huraka, Taimyo of the Aerial Legion, Arbiter of Southern Storms.

- Memimar, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood, Taimyo of the Aerial Legion, Arbiter of Eastern Storms.

- Mareth-Annon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Taimyo of the Aerial Legion, Arbiter of the Storms of the Blessed Isle.

-- Storm Serpent officers (in large numbers)

--- Thunderbirds (numbering in the thousands)

--- Huraka (numbering in the thousands)

- Council of Winds

Commission of Climate Calibration

Chair: Disputed.

- Claimant (de-facto, as acknowledged by the Bureau of Seasons): Ilma-Juma, god of the Silence Before the Thunder, Regent of The Transition

- Claimant (as acknowledged by the Court of Seasons and Immaculate Prayer Calendar): None.

- Claimant (as acknowledged by the Bureau of Humanity and Five Days Darkness): Five Days Darkness

Bureau of Humanity

See: Bureau of Humanity

Chief Executive: Wun Ja, the Shining Metropolis, god of Cities, Director of the Department of Human Habitations. --- Dutiful Sentinel, god of the Preservation of Human Dignity. Liaison with the Bureau of Heaven.

Department of Human Habitations

See: Department of Human Habitations

Director: Wun Ja, the Shining Metropolis, god of Cities, Chief Executive of the Bureau of Humanity.

- Orak-Ro, Forbidden God, former god of Cities (replaced by Wun Ja), former City Father of Meru (replaced by Ameru), (missing).

Administration of Central Civilization

Satrap of the Realm: Jagalza, god of The Realm.

- Jade Dragon, Plenipotentary of the Blessed Isle and its Settlements

- Ameru, City Father of Meru

-- Orak-Ro, Forbidden God, former god of Cities (replaced by Wun Ja, former City Father of Meru (replaced by Ameru), (missing).

-- Gri-Fel, City Father of the Imperial City

-- Uryon-Sardath, City Father of Arjuf, former City Father of Sardath

-- Chung Ting, City Mother of Juche

-- City Fathers & City Mothers of the Blessed Isle

-- -- Field Gods of the Blessed Isle

- Ancient Stone of Journeys, god of the Great Coast Road

-- Road Gods of Blessed Isle paths.

--- Caravan Gods.

Administration of Eastern Civilization

Satrap of the East: Tambora of the Thousand Faces

- Ivy Hatra, Plenipotentary of the East

-- Scavenger of Wood and Bone, god of Cities Reborn

-- Wind-Borne Blessing, god of Messenger Birds

-- Steran, City Father of Lacheron.

-- Itzcalimon, Patron god of Zarrith (with Warrant).

-- Tsen-Usen, City Father of Ilio Stara, god of the Ilio Stara Bonsai (missing).

-- Faoladh, god of the Dog-Head Tribes

-- Caltia the Eternal, god of Coniferous Forests, Eminence in the Troika of Woods, patron god of Halta (with Warrant).

--- Dremnos, Lord of Stone, former patron god of the Hundred Cities of the Farwall (purview destroyed), patron god of Twistybranch Village in Halta (with Warrant).

--- Lohath, Veil of Dawn, former Handmaiden to the Unconquered Sun, god of Haltan Weaving and Weavers.

-- Golden-Eyed Jorst, god of Deciduous Forests, Eminence in the Troika of Woods, patron god of Linowa (with Warrant).

-- Dreaming Lotus, former Eastern tribal god, nation god of Bloody River (with Warrant).

-- Gradig, god of Powder Metallurgy, nation god of Bloody River (with Warrant).

-- Rejak, god of the Bloody River, nation god of Bloody River (with Warrant).

-- Emerald Roothammer, god of the Tribe of the Three Owls.

-- Elder Oak, Forest Walker, god of the forests along the upper Maruto River, patron god of the Ten Tribes of Oak (with Warrant), patron of Farhold.

-- Ancient Spindle, god of Bark Cloth weaving and production, patron god of White Pines (with Warrant).

-- -- Bogdash, god of Trade in White Pines and along the White Trade Road.

-- Yeke Delger, City Father of Celeren.

-- Cha Delgarai, City Father of Tanjung.

-- Eastern City Fathers & City Mothers

--- Eastern Field Gods

-- Legate Oblius, Road God of the White Trade Road between White Pines and Akita City.

-- Road Gods of the Eastern paths.

--- Caravan Gods.

- Ventressi-Merdo, Prefect of the River Province

-- Undefeated Granite Daughter, god of Field-stones and Scavenger Lands Masonry

-- Xochichem, Patron nation-god of Chaya.

-- Gen, City Father of Nexus, former City Father of Hollow

--- ?, god of Crone's Street in Nexus, former god of Laughing Maiden Avenue in Hollow (purview eliminated).

--- Emerald Rainbow, senior hearth-god of River Province confectioneries.

-- Tu Yu, City Father of Deheleshen

--- Tien Yu, god of the Seventh Legion, Patron god of Lookshy (with Warrant).

-- Shield of a Different Day, Patron god of Geat Forks (with Warrant), former god of Peaceful War, One of the Three in the Court of Temples.

-- Spinner of Glorious Tales, Patron god of Geat Forks (with Warrant), former god of Wandering Storytellers, former mortal, One of the Three in the Court of Temples.

-- Weaver of Dreams of Victory, Patron god of Geat Forks (with Warrant), former god of Victorious Dreams, One of the Three in the Court of Temples.

--- Shinghurr, god of Qat crop rotation and fertility in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Masque of Repose, god of Funereal Arrangements, Patron god of Sijan (with Warrant).

-- Aptorius of the Grasslands, City Father of Puyo.

-- Yuchu Zhen, City Father of Delsinar, brother to Mishaka’s former city god, Yuwen Hu

-- Ishigani, patron god of Yelang (with Warrant), former river god.

-- Xichil-Yan, Patron god of Mishaka (with Warrant, replacing the destroyed Yuwen Hu), former god of peacock migrations.

-- Leeayta, City Mother of Rathess

-- Rose and Gold Seneschal, City Father of Maharesh

-- Triumphant Monarch of the Foremost Peak, City Father of Kalishar

-- Soaring Majestic Father, Patron god of Keldin Cliff-Cities, god of the Keldin Mountains

--- Golden River Hunter, City Father of Lionsroar, god of the Lion’s Roar Falls.

-- Tchokko, City Father of Thorns (missing).

-- Albinshar, City Father of Albin'Shar.

-- Ten Thousand Thunders, god of storms in the River Province, patron god of Jonquil village (with Warrant).

-- City Fathers & City Mothers of the River Province

-- -- Field Gods of the River Province

-- Road Gods of River Province paths.

--- Caravan Gods.

Administration of Southern Civilization

Satrap of the South: Biriketh, Lady of the Generous Waters.

- Weary Heron, Plenipotentiary of the South, god of Hard-Won Plenty.

-- The Golden Lord, Patron god of An Teng (with Warrant).

-- Grandmother Bright, Patron god of Chiaroscuro (with Warrant).

-- Subrihan Wind-Tiger, god of Last Stands, Patron god of Asherta (with Warrant).

-- Granias, god of the Lap Lands and Reaper of Harvests

--- Old Man of the Mountain, god of Last Supplicant of Endless Power

-- Zocho, City Father of Kriss

-- Black Quarry, City Father of Gem

-- Zomea, City Father of Planquin.

-- Alaffin of the Jaguar Gates, City Father of the Gates of the Jaguar

-- Soma Haraja, City Father of a city whose very name was destroyed in the Balorian Crusade (purview destroyed) (missing).

-- Ximone, City Mother of Cangiante.

-- Southern City Fathers & City Mothers

-- -- Southern Field Gods

-- Road Gods of the Southern paths.

--- Caravan Gods.

Administration of Western Civilization

Satrap of the West: Zokaron-Temesh.

- Serene Kraken, Plenipotentiary of the West

-- Tya Edralneth, god of the Tya, former mortal.

-- Sunset Wave

-- Empress of Sapphire and Sand

-- Huehueotle, god of Mochimu.

-- The Volcano Tribe, Volcano Gods of the Wavecrest Archipelago, nation-gods of Wavecrest.

-- Kishan, City Father of Coral Bay.

-- Ascended Elder of Jade, City Father of Jade-Upon-The-River

-- Shaloy of the Shining Rod, patron god of Iorane the City of Pinnacles (with Warrant) (purview lost to the Wyld), former god of Western Surveyors and Property Lines, (missing).

-- Western City Fathers & City Mothers

-- -- Western Field Gods

-- Road Gods of the Western paths.

--- Caravan Gods.

Administration of Northern Civilization

Satrap of the North: Tarendar

- Furious Strix, Plenipotentiary of the North

-- Torngasak, Walker on Bitter Paths, City Father of Windcreche, nation-god of the Haslanti (contested by the Ennead, censured by the Immaculate Order).

-- Nootaikok, City Father of Gorot.

-- Raventalon, god of Northern Birds, god of Northern Ravens, patron god of the Lanji (with Warrant), Master of the Court of Ice, husband of Chill Morn god of Fresh Fallen Snow, former jester of the Court of White Mountain.

-- Reshan of the Inward Breath, Patron god of Gethamane (with Warrant) (missing).

-- Metheris of the Still Sky, Patron god of Gethamane (with Warrant) (missing).

-- Tribbua of the Outward Breath, Patron god of Gethamane (with Warrant) (missing).

-- Ulgarin Frostmaw

-- Kind Fin Mother, Baiji, Patron god of the Zalvenesh (with Warrant).

-- Northern City Fathers & City Mothers

-- -- Northern Field Gods

-- Road Gods of the Northern paths.

--- Caravan Gods.

Department of Universal Human Affairs

Director: Agralzo, Exaltant of Invention, god of Discovery (imprisoned).

Sub-Director: Amoth City-Smiter, god of Tumbled Ruins.

Board of Bribery & Finance

Satrap: Amoth City-Smiter, god of Tumbled Ruins.

- Polozo the Worm, god of Criminality.

-- Eighteen Righteous Lotus, god of Eastern Criminal Enterprises, god of Forgery.

-- Lo Fa, god of Western Criminal Enterprises, god of Piracy.

- Yangean, god of Just Trade.

- Ascendent Golden Scales, god of Unfair Trade, Advocate of The Guild. --- Brass Muskrat, the Tongueless, god of fur traders in the Far East.

-- Achekis the Wretch, god of Blackmail.

-- Maier of Scales, god of Usury.

-- Suneja of the Black Hands, god of Extortion.

- Ystara, god of the Trade in Luxury Goods, god of Slave Markets.

- Rupan Jade-Snatcher, god of Thievery

-- He that Steps from Shadows, god of Righteous Thieves

-- Brother Ananso, god of Pickpockets

- Takht-e-Tavous, god of Trafficking

- Perfect Master Toad, god of Pecuniary Excess

Office of Commercial Exchanges

-- Iwaku-coil, Crossroads Coil, god of the Imperial City Western Market

-- Gashu-coil, Crossroads Coil, god of the Nexus Big Market.

-- Mudru-coil, Crossroads Coil, god of the East Orchard Village Solday Market

-- Crossroads Coil market gods.

Board of Bondage

Satrap: Rabszolga, god of Slaves and Slavery

--- Ribbons of Sorrow, god of Slavery in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

- Sigur, Lord over the Kept, god of Slavers

- Ubminta the Unfettered, god of Emancipation and Freed Slaves

-- Sorayo, god of the Abolition of Slavery.

Board of Games

Satrap: Plentimon of the Dice, god of Gambling

-- Autumn Frost, god of Risk-Taking despite Improbable Odds, member of the Ennead, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Yu Fan, god of Sport

-- Daimyo of Unnecessary Roughness, god of Contact Sports.

-- Broken Twig, god in charge of broken wooden sports tools

-- Braad, god of Hooliganism and Bad Sportsmanship

Board of Talk & Tale

Satrap: Sarasvathy, god of Human Language

-- ?, the Magnate of Curses, god of Profanity

--- Kataree, the Asp-Tongued Virgin, god of Catty Words and Veiled Insults.

-- Duffumanu, god of Sleaze, Master of all Depraved Innuendo.

-- Gaokul, god of Jocularity

-- Boz Miklós, god of Riverspeak

-- Fenya, god of Guild Cant

-- Zupakali Phargilixik, god of Tribal Tongues.

-- Bahaiok, god of High Holy Speech.

- Haulili, Minister of Western Language, god of Seatongue.

- Oghmas, Minister of Northern Language, god of Skytongue.

- Akyaquee, god of Stories.

-- Lady Shataina, god of Storytelling.

--- Mee, god of Storytellers.

-- -- Yuuu, god of terrible protagonists in stories.

-- Ryall, god of Legends.

--- Elesstadra, god of Stories of Lost Civilizations

-- Uss, god of Anecdotes.

- Johokyoku, god of Censorship.

-- Tesuno-Gani, god Of Denied Texts

Board of Textiles

Satrap: ? (records do not denote the name of this god, nor the location of an office).

-- Tharggon, former Bloody Hand, god of Hoods.

- Ancient Spindle, god of Bark Cloth weaving and production, patron god of White Pines (with Warrant).

- Ananasa, god of Spiders, god of Spider Silk.

- Deadly Tailor Onizuki, god of Linen

--- Flaxen Crabs, local gods of linen tailoring and production.

Board of Flight

Shogun: Vanileth, God of Artificial Flight, member of the Ennead.

--- Birds of Vanileth, Servitor-Gods.

-- Relza, Aerial Satrap of Rathess

-- Erana, Aerial Satrap of Lookshy

-- Cao-Shong, Aerial Satrap of the Imperial City.

-- Shakhali, Lord of the Three Winged Legions, Aerial Satrap of Heaven (disputed. Board Shogun claims authority over this god, a claim denied by the god and the Bureau of Heaven).

-- Aerial Satraps.

Board of the Hunt

Satrap: Grala, Mistress of the Endless Hunt, god of Hunting and Hunters.

--- Hounds of the Endless Hunt, Servitor-Gods

- Bright Spearpoint, Southern God of Hunting

- Janvael, Northern God of Hunting

-- Alatah, former Northern God of Hunting (missing).

- Ahandenwe-Welgo, Western God of Hunting

Board of Trade

See: Board of Trade

Satrap: Kubera, Bearer of the Heavy Pot, god of Wealth and Those Weighed Down with Treasures.

--- Askathad the Flickering Lord, god of candles and chandlers in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Minxai, god of Eastern Wealth, former god of Foxes.

- Anjara the Sixth Spider, god of Communication and Mercantilism along Rivers

-- Lounavis, god of River Crossings

- Prostar, god of Wagons.

- Sheda, god of Palanquins

-- Enduringly Stable Foundation, god of Palanquin-Bearers and chair Porters

- Pyrren Chogu, god of Lanterns and Lantern-bearers

Commission on Cultic Affairs

Satrap: Caosht Cao, Prefect of the Perfected Hierarchy, Pontiff of the Prayer Calendar, Most Dutiful and Diligent Divinity of the Immaculate Order.

- Profane Whispers, god of Religious Heresy and Heretics.

- Dorozhand, god of Those Who Believe in Destiny Outside the Loom of Fate.

- Dolorosa, god of Holy Pilgrimages

Ever-Fruiting Council of Grains

See: Ever-Fruiting Council of Grains

Satrap: Ovin-Bareth, Prince of Grain, God of the Threshing Floor, god of Wheat

--- Master of Reaped Grains, god of Agriculture in The Lap

- Mochinari, god of Rice

- Enar the Bountiful, god of Barley

- Maizemasa, Count of the Cob, god of Corn

- The Flowering Maid, god of Planting and Growing in the Southwestern Threshold.

-- The Spring Babe.

- Aratas, god of the Harvest

-- The Hawk of Plenty, god of Harvests in the Southwestern Threshold.

Commission on Refugees

High Commissioner: Janagel, god of Succor.

- Weary Heron, Plenipotentiary of Southern Refugees.

Warm and Welcoming Council of the Hearth

Satrap: Root of the Heart, god of House and Home.

-- Habaniah, god of Glowing Embers.

-- Zumbiboo, god of Dust.

-- Gribaun, god of Transforming Wood to Ash

-- Kilooloogung, god of Rising Smoke

-- Jabim, god of Things Cast Away

-- Triboogie, god of Households at Night

-- Hish, god of Silence in Households

-- Pitsu, god of household Cats

-- Hobith, god of household Dogs

Board of Cog & Craft

See: Board of Cog & Craft

Satrap: Seecne, god of Artifice

--- -- Nanogods

--- Dhuma, awakened least god of the Perfected Kata Bracers Devoted Sleeves of Triumph, god of Martial Arts Duels in the Deep South (missing).

--- Shardiss the Smith, god of Smiths and Smithies in the Imperial City.

- Ixlos, god of Inventors

- Taru-Kül god of Prayer Transceiver Modules.

- Len-Bo Who Comes in Song and Water, god of the Soul Bells (domain destroyed) (deceased).

- Karnek, god of Artificial Materials and Magical Alloys.

-- Twelve Forges Thunder, god of Kravelt, god of Divinely-Forged Alloys.

- Faradai, Artificer of Most Efficacious Prostheses, god of prosthetic devices.

- Jakatam Shining-Hammer, god of Essence Forges and Factory Cathedrals, assistant to the Great Maker, former Satrap of the Board of Cog & Craft (missing).

- Baneribu, god of thinking automata, assistant to the Great Maker, (missing).

- Glimmering Nacal, god of Salt

- Translucent Alabaster, god of Porcelain

- Clever Whetstone, god of Whittling

Board of Ill-Health

Satrap: Blackest Terror, god of Disease

- Mana-Yood-Sushai, god of Having Done, god of Rest.

- Salt in Wounds, god of Bodily Perfection

- Kib, god of Toil and Exhaustion.

- Faradai, Artificer of Most Efficacious Prostheses, god of prosthetic devices.

- Io the Ever Dark, god of Blindness

- Ambisinister, Minister of Abdomens, god of toned abs.

- Plytoxo, god of Food Poisoning

- Shish, god of Ageing, Eastern Commissioner for the Board of Ill-Health

-- -- Ill'vars, god of Nexus Plagues & Diseases.

-- -- Nemain, god of poisons in the Far East.

- Black Eye Cyst, Southern Commissioner for the Board of Ill-Health

-- Urphugal, god of Flatulence.

- Fearful Wailing, Northern Commissioner for the Board of Ill-Health

-- Felkis, god of Northern healing

-- Little Frost Thief, god of Food Spoiled by Frost, Patron god of Tunilalak Village

Board of the Seas

Satrap: Formerly Pai Yi the Sail Maiden (deceased). Replacement pending appointment.

- Rudhira the Storm Rider, Celestial Admiral of the West, god of ocean ships.

-- Krinmy, the Mother of all Harbours

-- -- Moonlight Swell, Harbour God of Vatamu.

- Nasellus, Celestial Admiral of the Blessed Isle, god of coastal ships, god of the Imperial Navy.

-- Bashixun, Lord of the Surf, God of Crustaceans, the Shore and Shoreline Fishermen.

-- Gentle Lantern-Bearer, god of Lighthouses.

- Baris, Celestial Admiral of the East, god of river ships

- Birnana, Celestial Admiral of the South, god of sand ships

- Pruina, Celestial Admiral of the North, god of Iceboats and other iceborne ships, member of the Ennead.

-- Gold-Tooth, god of Ice Fishing.

--- Current Gods.

Culinary Conclave

See: Culinary Conclave.

Iron Shogun: Kanyor the Triumphant Infusion, god of Soup

-- -- Lady of the Winter Squash, god of squash and squash farmers in the vicinity of Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

- Lumen of the Fattened Duck, god of Motonic Gastronomy, former Iron Shogun of the Culinary Conclave (missing).

--- Varue, god of Dutiful and Diligent Steamers of Rice.

- Striking Magnificent Potentate, god of steeped guano, former god of Tea (deceased, rendered into Starmetal).

- Tealescent Absalom, the god of the Tea bush, god of Teas and steeped beverages.

- Sikksan, god skewer-roasted meats, god of Spun Wraps.

- Offler], god of Sausages.

- Three-Tined Geshiva, god of Noodles.

- Fornax, god of Baked Goods

- The Mound’s Nourishing Treasure, god of Potatoes.

- Adamantine Chef, god of Catering.

- Djedet, god of Tears of the Crocodile candy.

- Mellekar, god of Eastern Kitchens

Board of the Forgotten

Satrap: None (formerly Madame Marthesine of the Lost, Board disbanded by its last Satrap but Bureau of Humanity continues to pay salary to a god listed as a member).

- Qurtok, god of Possessions Unreclaimed.

Board of Pleasure


Board of Bloodshed

Satrap: Razor’s Edge, god of Murder and Murderers

--- Sirens, gods of equilibrium in island populations.

--- Bloody Hands

--- Dark Joy, Bloody Hand of Champoor.

--- Swiftly Flowing Crimson, Lord of Murder Upon the Rushing Waters, Bloody Hand on the Yellow River.

- Grona-Abassi, god of Kinslaying

- Shining Flower the Bloody Goddess, Mistress of Hearts and Knives, god of sacrificial offerings, god of knife-fighters and assassins.

--- Jashin, god of Royal Assassins, patron god of Sinanju (with Warrant)

- Edge of No Other Purpose, Mother of Swords

-- Goujian, Sultan of Swords, god of Curved Swords.

- Sling of Yew, god of Killing at a Distance, god of ranged weapons.

-- Death that Perches, god of weapons fired over the shoulder (including Fuel Bolt Launchers and Small Concussive Essence Cannons).

-- Ridiculously Violent Oyster, god of Fire Pearls and alchemical ammunition.

Board of Conflict

See: Board of Conflict

Satrap: none, formerly E-Naluna god of War.

Bureau of Nature

See: Bureau of Nature

Head: Luna, Celestial Incarna, god of the Wyld, lover of Gaia, overseer of the Lunargent Ecological Protectorate, head of the Bureau of Nature, Maiden of Chance, the Fickle Lady, the Silver Goddess, the Passionate Soul, the Bloody Huntress, the Silver-Horned Watcher, the Two-Faced Bride, the Walker at the Crossroads, the White Navigator, the Silver-Eyed Boy, and others.

Hierarchy of Type

Shogun: Flashing Peak, God of the Imperial Mountain

- Amandre, Goddess of Moon Ponds and Moonlight on Water, Regent of the Moon

Committee of Peaks and Valleys

Eminence of All Mountains: Chel-hu, god of the Blessed Isle.

- Jade Bulwark Soldier, god of Eastern Mountains

-- Gueixiu, god of Eastern Caves.

-- Onibala the Mountain Princess, god of Mount Metagalapa.

-- Garbed in Granite, god of the Kalishari Mountains.

-- Soaring Majestic Father, god of the Keldin Mountains.

-- Manthang, god of the Lo Mountains

--- Rolling Ocho, god of Ocho-Rin Hill

-- Verdant Oppribium, Forest Walker, god of Majestic Emerald Basin valley, god of Majestic Emerald Basin forest.

- Hwanung, god of Northern Mountains

-- Defiant Eminence, god of the Dehennan Mountains

--- Unwholesome Blossom, god of the Poison Vale

-- Majestic Glowing Mountain, god of Mount Zangu

Committee of Open Plains

Eminence of Grasslands: Zaran, god of Savannahs.

Committee of Shattered Ground and Shifting Sands

Eminence of Deserts & Wastelands: Sharezah, Mistress of the Shifting Sands, god of Deserts.

- Shepolpa, the Goddess of Hungry Waters, god of Erosion

- Zumbiboo, god of Dust.

- Undrainable Golden Sack, god of Swamps.

- Xian'kung, Daimyo of the Southern Wastes

Committee on Venting Steam and Molten Glory

Eminence of Volcanoes: Honogang, the Forger of Stone, Goddess of Magma

- Teok-Teon, the Shaking Lord, god of Volcanic Eruption

-- Hamoji, Greatest Volcano God on Abalone Island, Master-Chief of the Volcano Tribe

-- Amanji, Greatest Volcano God on Pearl Island, member of the Volcano Tribe.

-- Venestoro, Most Furious Volcano God on Pearl Island, member of the Volcano Tribe.

-- Lahar, Volcano God of the Everburning Forgepeak of Cangiante.

-- Volcano Gods.

- Ju-Kai, god of Steam-Vents

--- Fire in the Ice, god of Warm Steam-Vents on the Ocean Floor, Patron god of Evergreen Harbor.

--- Old Whorall, god of the Hot House Springs.

-- Wafting Sweetness, god of Southern Steam-Vents

--- Nine Minerals Kleshnikov, god of the Nine Baths of Chiaroscuro.

Committee on the Flows and Pools of Life

Eminence of Fresh Waters: The Lord of Nine Falls, god of Flowing Waters.

--- Watercress, Godblooded, daughter of the Lord of Nine Falls, god of the Fount of Golden Needles.

-- Undrainable Golden Sack, god of Swamps.

-- Namazu-e, the Cursing Catfish, god of the Dahuang River.

-- Okuton, god of the Odai River.

-- I'kuan, Father of Scales, god of the Blackscale River.

- Fao Baaw, Song of Broken Waters, god of water purification.

- Father Water Spider, God of Eastern Rivers

-- Sudale of the Flowing Grasp, god of the Silver River.

--- Maldagas, god of Fog and Mist on the Silver River, patron god of Little Bend village.

-- Jer-to-Fan, god of the Yanaze River.

-- Yellow River King, god of the Yellow River

-- Emerald Waters Queen, god of the Maruto River

--- Anisatsis, god of the Confluence of the Maruto River and Yellow River.

-- The Red Wanderer, god of the Avarice River.

-- Dead Water Running, god of the Gray River.

-- Thousand Ice Tears, god of the River of Tears, god of Ice upon the River of Tears.

-- Churning Foam, god of the Arkos River.

--- Gleamfist, god of Flooding along the Arkos River

-- Okoto, god of the Oleander River, patron god of Misty Valley village.

-- Rejak, god of the Bloody River, nation god of Bloody River (with Warrant).

-- Sitting Heron, god of the River of Dancing Fish.

-- Blbdblb, god of the Little Blackwater River near Nexus.

- Diall, god of Oases

-- The Rentava, Lady of the Emerald Oasis

Glorious Functionality of the Oceans

See: Glorious Functionality of the Oceans

Eminence: Ocean Father, Lord of the West, Daimyo of the Seas.

--- Baiji, sea spirits.

- Shepolpa, the Goddess of Hungry Waters, god of Erosion.

- Slid, Overseer of Tides, god of Currents

- Zhuziao, Lord of the Deep, Daimyo of the Dark Depths

- Bashixun, Lord of the Surf, God of Crustaceans, the Shore and Shoreline Fishermen

- Hinaopu Halakoa, god of Coral Reefs.

-- -- Resplendent Echo, Godblooded butler to Hinaopu Halakoa, child of Hinaopu Halakoa.

- Veil of Frost, god of Frozen Seas, Patron god of Icehorn.

-- Frilla, god of Northern Ice upon Water, former wife of Broken Ice Spear god of Northern Ice upon Land.

--- Icefoam Glory, god of the White Sea

-- -- Icecracking Roar, god of Breathing Holes in Ice, Patron god of Pale Bear Harbour.

Committee on Isles and Archipelagos

Daimyo: Audjal, god of Islands

--- Sadara the Cold Mother, Wife of the Ocean Father, god of the Coral Archipelago.

--- Soanthe-of-the-Waves, god of the Chinar Archipelago (purview lost to the Wyld) (missing).

- Chel-hu, god of the Blessed Isle.

- Seventh Amethyst, god of Unmapped Islands

- Unsinkable Edobard, god of Seven Waves.

- Shennim, god of Simenare Island.

- Sunmist, god of the Isle of the Sun

Everlasting Circle of Stones


--- Bronnick, god of Eastern Pebbles, god of Eastern free-standing rocks and monoliths.

Committee on Gem & Crystal

Daimyo: Nurbaque, god of Gemstones

Management of Metal Matters

Daimyo: - Plutus, god of Gold. - Arigen, god of Silver.

Council of Trees

Eminence of Woodlands: None, responsibilities carried out by majority vote amongst the Troika of Woods.

- Caltia the Eternal, god of Coniferous Forests, Eminence in the Troika of Woods, patron god of Halta (with Warrant).

- Golden-Eyed Jorst, god of Deciduous Forests, Eminence in the Troika of Woods, patron god of Linowa (with Warrant).

- Arilak the Unseen, god of Jungle Forests, Eminence in the Troika of Woods, former god of Predatory Reptiles.

-- Pula, former god of Jungle Forests, (deceased, slain by Arad the Hunter).

-- Fresh-Fallen Azure Flake, former god of the Everwinter Forest, 13th to be appointed to post (missing).

- Glorious Emerald Seer, Daimyo of the Eastern Boughs.

-- Glorious Jade Branch, Forest Walker, god of the Haltan forest

-- Resilan, Forest Walker, god of the northern Haltan forest’s Redwoods.

-- Whispering Needles, Forest Walker, god of the central Haltan forest’s Redwoods.

-- Shining Trunk, Forest Walker, god of the southern Haltan forest’s Redwoods.

-- Tylokan Root Binder, Forest Walker, god of trees on the borders of the Haltan forest.

-- Steel-Skinned Ubil, [Forest Walker]], god of the Haltan forest’s Ironwood trees.

-- Elder Oak, Forest Walker, god of the forests along the upper Maruto River, patron god of the Ten Tribes of Oak (with Warrant), patron of Farhold township.

-- Verdant Oppribium, Forest Walker, god of Majestic Emerald Basin valley, god of the Majestic Emerald Basin forest.

-- Aum Cho, Forest Walker, god of the Calrushan Wood.

-- Ironbark, Forest Walker, god of the Duskwood.

-- Forest Walkers

--- Kodama.

--- Life Trees.

Consultative Council of Climbing Companions

Daimyo of Vines: Choking Death, god of Vines.

[Note: The Daimyo of Vines functions in nearly all ways as an Eminence, though the Consultative Council draws its ample budget directly from the funds of the Council of Trees].

- Laughing Wind, god of Gudi Vines.

- Sweet Harvest, god of the Elderberry

- Palantao of the Gentle Gift, god of Sweetwater Gourds, god of Martins.

Evergrowing Functionality of Flora

Eminence of Plants:

--- Mikilala, god of River Province chili peppers.

--- Lady of the Winter Squash, god of squash and squash farmers in the vicinity of Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

- The Mound’s Nourishing Treasure, god of Potatoes.

- Sweet Harvest, god of the Elderberry

- Ren Shen, Queen of Ginseng.

- Nyorai the Pure, god of the Lotus.

- The Scarlet Maiden, god of the Poppy.

- Zanjabil, god of Ginger.

Committee on Fruiting Plants

Daimyo: Granata of the Bursting Seeds, god of Pomegranates

Committee of Reptiles

Eminence: Visashil, Eminence of Reptiles

- Seymu Ania, god of human tribes enslaved to Dragon Kings, god of Bullosaurs.

Council of the Slithering Dance

Daimyo: Potrimpos, god of Serpents

- Flashing Scale of Feather, god of Mospids

- Seris, god of Northern Serpents.

- Sessiless, god of Southern Serpents

- Stheno, god of Eastern Serpents.

-- Scales Beneath the Water, god of Yellow River Serpents.

- Euryale, god of Western Serpents.

Committee of Notch and Number

Eminence of Insects:

- Hotaru, Chumyo of Illuminated Nights, god of Fireflies.

--- Inconstant Spark, god of Fireflies in the Valley of Summer.

- Itzpapalotl, the Obsidian Wings, god of Butterflies.

-- Alioth, The Black Butterfly, god of Eastern Butterflies.

- Ahmuzzzen, god of Bees and Honey.

--- Hezka the Radiant Queen, god of Great Forks' Bees and beekeepers, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Crushing Fist of Ten Thousand Flames, god of Beeswax

Silken Society

See: Silken Society

Daimyo of Arachnids: Ananasa, god of Spiders, god of Spider Silk.

-- Qebshenuf, god of Southwestern Spiders

- Aranisa, god of Ambushes and Traps, god of Eastern Spiders.

Avian Committee

Eminence: Glorious Plumage, Eminence of Avians

--- Joyous Crane, God of Frogs and Cranes in the Maruto River.

-- Raventalon, god of Northern Birds, god of Northern Ravens, patron god of the Lanji (with Warrant), Master of the Court of Ice, husband of Chill Morn god of Fresh Fallen Snow, former jester of the Court of White Mountain.

- Takhukinetos, god of Tree Swallows

--- Ishan Swift, god of River Province Tree Swallows, majordomo of the Dandelion Theatre Court.

- Flashing Scale of Feather, god of Mospids

- Yesryk, god of God of Raptors and Arboreal Hunting.

--- Rage of the Birdmen, god of Metagalapan Hawks and Hawkfolk

- Voharun, god of Crows and Northern War

- Palantao of the Gentle Gift, god of Sweetwater Gourds, god of Martins.

- Waddling Feather, god of Cuckoos

- Lowanneenowra, Heavenly Lord of Southeastern Sloe-Black Cockatoos (purview destroyed) (missing).

Committee of Mammals

Eminence: Nan-Chal, god of Wombats, Eminence of Mammals

-- Ombalu, god of Bears.

--- Jambavanta, ‘Great Bear of the Laran Moor’, former god of Moon Bears, (destroyed by the 4th Imperial Legion and the Wyld Hunt).

--- Obeisant Servant of Its Betters, former god of Cuddlebears (purview destroyed), god of Moon Bears.

-- Camayasha, god of Bats

-- Kimble the Sporadic, god of Ferrets

-- Wogura, Lord of the Underpaths, god of Moles.

-- Prince of Ten Thousand Enemies, god of Hares

-- The Sloth Avatar, Avatar of Sloths, patron of the Tribe of the Steadfast Step (without Warrant).

-- Puffy Cheeks, god of hamsters.

-- Afaldinada, god of Pangolins.

Office of Felines

Daimyo: Arian, Avatar of Cats

-- Pitsu, god of household Cats.

-- Rajani the Inscrutable, god of Eastern Cats, god of Domesticated Mammalian Predators in charge of Pest-Control, Liaison to the Bureau of Humanity

--- Tybalt Prince of Cats, Cat-God of Nexus

-- Gweske-Yobanu, god of Tree Pards, god of Forest Predators

- Ohai, god of Northern Cats

- Mufasa, the Lion King.

- Sitjani, god of Panthers.

Friends-of-Humanity Conclave

See: Friends-of-Humanity Conclave. Formerly the Friends-of-Humanity Subcommittee.

Alpha of Dogs (Daimyo): Arshyan the Stalwart, Alpha of Dogs, god of Domesticated Mammalian Predators That Aid in Hunting.

- Thunderous Tundra, god of Sled Dogs and Sled Dog Teams, Patron god of Four Dogs village.

- Hobith, god of household Dogs.

- Big Dog, King of Dogs, Dog-God of Nexus

Canine Conclave

See: Canine Conclave.

Daimyo: none, powers absorbed by the office of the Alpha of Dogs.

- Darunla, god of Wolves, former god of Eastern War (missing)

-- White Maw, god of Northern Wolves

- Orenaar, god of Foxes.

Heavenly Spinepig Fellowship

Daimyo: Chakii the Irrepressible, god of Spinepigs, god of Mountain Spinepigs.

- Rapacious Ascent, god of Soaring Spinepigs, former god of Dashing Spinepigs (purview eliminated).

All-Creation Committee of Hoofed Oversight

Daimyo of Ungulates: Ghukan, god of Hoofed Beasts, god of Gnu.

- Boangombe, the White Queen, god of Elands

- The Antlered God, Avatar of Caribou.

- Sidia, former Mortal, god of Elk in the Calrushan Wood, god of Riding Elk.

- Sahupu, god of Sheep.

Heavenly Stable

Daimyo: Hiparkes, god of Horses, god of Horse Riders, god of the Marukan Plains, god of the Marukan nation.

--- Traveller's Yojimbo, god of Rutting Stallions.

--- Aylott, god of Southwestern Horses.

Office of Cows

Daimyo: Ahlat, god of Cattle and Southern War.

- Horn of Ink, Overseer of Cattle

-- Sweet Ivory, Goddess of Calving and Cow’s Milk

-- Dahush, God of Thoughtful Cud-Chewing

Puissant Porcine Pantheon


- Puumbata, god of Boar.

Office of Ivories

Daimyo of Tusks: Mighty-In-Battle, Elephant Avatar.

-- Thunderfoot, Mammoth Avatar.

-- Moonhorn, Avatar of the Wooly Rhinoceros.

- Long Tusk, Walrus Avatar

-- Gharazu, Overseer of Walruses

--- Lady of Sweet Desires, god of Walrus Mating

-- -- Tsugari, god of Walrus Mating Fights (post formerly held by Ahlat, god of Southern War, before the Bull God was promoted).

The Heavenly School

Eminence of Fish:

Court of the Great Fish

Daimyo: Volurapin, god of Northern Peace and Whales.

- Kireeki, Huntress of the Waves, god of Oceanic Predators which are not Sharks, god of Orcas.

- Clear Mind, former god of Puresong Vireos (purview destroyed), god of Aerwhals

Crustacean Convocation

Daimyo: Bashixun, Lord of the Surf, God of Crustaceans, the Shore and Shoreline Fishermen

- Shia-kzun, the Longlegged, god of Spider Crabs.

- Klixxit, the Nut-Breaking Claw, god of Coconut Crabs.

Creation-Embracing Cephalopod Commissariat


- Ixcatli, god of Squid.

-- Kelyom, God of Chromatic Squid (purview eliminated).

Office of Gelatinous Life

Eminence: She-of-the-Jellies, god of Jellies

Hierarchy of Function

Shogun: Burnished Talon, god of Mammalian Predators -- Marik One-Eye, Grand Marshal of Nature's Bounty Put to Use. Liaison with the Bureau of Heaven.

Committee on Predatory Beasts

Eminence: S'Nanties, god of Predators

- Kilashandra, god of Small Hunting Creatures.

Committee on Oceanic Predators

Daimyo: Kireeki, Huntress of the Waves, god of Oceanic Predators which are not Sharks, god of Orcas.

- Volurapin, god of Northern Peace and Whales.

- Ixcatli, god of Squid.

Committee on Sharkic Predators

Daimyo: Siakal, god of Sharks, god of Siaka, god of Western War.

Committee on Reptilian Predators

Daimyo: Du'saal, Lord of Scaly Death, god of Reptilian Predators

Committee on Avian Predators

Daimyo: Brass Claw, god of Avian Predators

- Yesryk, god of Raptors, Daimyo of Arboreal Predators.

- Flashing Scale of Feather, god of Mospids

Committee on Forest Predators

Daimyo: Gweske-Yobanu, god of Tree Pards, god of Forest Predators

Committee on Arboreal Predators

Daimyo: Yesryk, god of Raptors, Daimyo of Arboreal Predators.

- Gweske-Yobanu, god of Tree Pards, god of Forest Predators

Committee on Mammalian Predators

Daimyo: Burnished Talon, god of Mammalian Predators, Shogun of the Hierarchy of Function.

- Gweske-Yobanu, god of Tree Pards, god of Forest Predators

- Mufasa, the Lion King

- Darunla, god of Wolves, former god of Eastern War (missing)

- Nomer, Dewan of Domesticated Predatory Mammals

-- Arshyan the Stalwart, Alpha of Dogs, god of Domesticated Mammalian Predators That Aid in Hunting.

-- Rajani the Inscrutable, Maharani of Cats, god of Domesticated Mammalian Predators in charge of Pest-Control, Liaison to the Bureau of Humanity

-- Kimble the Sporadic, god of Ferrets

Committee on Floral Predators

Daimyo: Honeyed Tongue, god of carnivorous plants.

The Great Pack

Daimyo of Pack Hunters: Niapra-Gil, The Loper of Ten-Thousand Leagues, god of predatory pack animals.

- Arshyan the Stalwart, Alpha of Dogs, god of Domesticated Mammalian Predators That Aid in Hunting.

- Darunla, god of Wolves, former god of Eastern War (missing).

- Camayasha, god of Bats.

Committee of Flight

Eminence of Flying Life: Oplath Daigono Shar, god of Natural Flight

-- Raventalon, god of Northern Birds, god of Northern Ravens, patron god of the Lanji (with Warrant), Master of the Court of Ice, husband of Chill Morn god of Fresh Fallen Snow, former jester of the Court of White Mountain.

- Flashing Scale of Feather, god of Mospids

- Yesryk, god of God of Raptors and Arboreal Hunting.

--- Rage of the Birdmen, god of Metagalapan Hawks and Hawkfolk

- Takhukinetos, god of Tree Swallows

--- Ishan Swift, god of River Province Tree Swallows, majordomo of the Dandelion Theatre Court.

- Voharun, god of Crows and Northern War

- Clear Mind, former god of Puresong Vireos (purview destroyed), god of Aerwhals

- Palantao of the Gentle Gift, god of Sweetwater Gourds, god of Martins.

- Lowanneenowra, Heavenly Lord of Southeastern Sloe-Black Cockatoos (purview destroyed) (missing).

- Waddling Feather, god of Cuckoos

- Camayasha, god of Bats

- Hotaru, Chumyo of Illuminated Nights, god of Fireflies.

--- Inconstant Spark, god of Fireflies in the Valley of Summer.

Captivating Combustion Commission

Eminence: Oflambe, god of Things that Burn.

-- Habaniah, god of Glowing Embers.

-- Gribaun, god of Transforming Wood to Ash

-- Kilooloogung, god of Rising Smoke

Committee of the Glimmer and Gleam

Glowing Eminence: Khar-Yi, God of All That Shines

- Asa, god of Dawn, god of Day's Beginning.

- Hotaru, Chumyo of Illuminated Nights, god of Fireflies.

-- Inconstant Spark, god of Fireflies in the Valley of Summer.

- Amandre, Goddess of Moon Ponds and Moonlight on Water, Regent of the Moon

--- [[Lune]s], Those Who Tread the Moonbeams

- Habaniah, god of Glowing Embers.

Committee of Night and Shadow

Eminence of Nocturnal Life: Kukkauket, god of Night and Darkness.

-- Wohoon, god of Noises in the Night.

-- Hotaru, Chumyo of Illuminated Nights, god of Fireflies.

-- -- Inconstant Spark, god of Fireflies in the Valley of Summer.

-- Camayasha, god of Bats

-- Wogura, Lord of the Underpaths, god of Moles.

-- Nan-Chal, god of Wombats, Eminence of Mammals

- Folito, god of Sleeping Creatures.

- Sauda, god of Midnight, god of Day’s End, former Handmaiden to the Unconquered Sun.

Commission of Lightness and Buoyance


-- -- Wind-Blossom, god of things that tread lightly in the Majestic Emerald Basin, sister of Heavy-Foot.

Commission of Weight and Solidity


-- -- Heavy-Foot, god of things that weigh heavy in the Majestic Emerald Basin, brother of Wind-Blossom.

Office of Subterranean Beasts


- Wogura, Lord of the Underpaths, god of Moles.

- Nan-Chal, god of Wombats, Eminence of Mammals.

Committee on Wood-dwelling Beasts

Eminence: Pallien-Budhi, god of the Beasts of the Wood

--- The Hejkal, Those Who Cry Out In The Wood

- Rapacious Ascent, god of Soaring Spinepigs, former god of Dashing Spinepigs (purview eliminated).

Office of Those who Dwell in Trees


- Gweske-Yobanu, god of Tree Pards, god of Forest Predators

- The Sloth Avatar, Avatar of Sloths, patron of the Tribe of the Steadfast Step (without Warrant).

- Yesryk, god of Raptors, Daimyo of Arboreal Hunters.

Sub-Office of Varangian Tree-Dwelling Beasts

Sub-Daimyo: Hanashi, god of Varangian Tree Mice.

- Valkesh, god of Varangian Lemurs.

- Adani, god of Varangian Squirrels.

Committee on River-dwelling Beasts

Eminence: The Fish-Eater, God of River-Beasts

- Ogime the Frog Queen, god of Frogs.

--- Joyous Crane, God of Frogs and Cranes in the Maruto River.

Committee on Mountain-dwelling Beasts

Eminence: Liluri, god of the Beasts of the Mountains

- Chakii the Irrepressible, god of Spinepigs, god of Mountain Spinepigs, Daimyo of the Heavenly Spinepig Fellowship.

Committee on the Wild and the Untamed


Office of Wilderness Preservation


-- Wild Mothers

Committee of Righteous Recovery

Eminence of Carrion-Creatures: Athmah, god of Carrion and Carrion-eaters

- The Red Lady, god of Scavengers, god of Eastern Carrion

-- Bali-Lali, god of Corpse-Eating Bugs

- Odiferous Talon, god of Southern Carrion

- Voharun, god of Crows and Northern War

Committee of Edibles and Herbal Affairs


-- -- Lady of the Winter Squash, god of squash and squash farmers in the vicinity of Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Life Trees.

- The Scarlet Maiden, god of the Poppy.

- Sweet Harvest, god of the Elderberry

- Palantao of the Gentle Gift, god of Sweetwater Gourds, god of Martins.

Committee on Salutiferous Fruits

Daimyo: Granata of the Bursting Seeds, god of Pomegranates

Committee on Sanatory Roots


- The Mound’s Nourishing Treasure, god of Potatoes.

- Zanjabil, god of Ginger.

- Ren Shen, Queen of Ginseng.

- Nyorai the Pure, god of the Lotus.

Aromatic Council of Splendid Culinary Spices


- Zanjabil, god of Ginger.

Infectious Diseases Department


- Ozumi the Brown, god of Contagions in Northeastern Forests, former god of White-Tailed Wolverines.

Commission for Administrative Complaints


- Hotaru, Chumyo of Illuminated Nights, god of Fireflies.

Celestial Court

Master: the Unconquered Sun

-- Celestial deities.

- Gaia, Primordial.

- Luna

The Five Maidens

-- Mercury, Maiden of Journeys

-- Venus, Maiden of Serenity

-- Mars, Maiden of Battles

-- Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets

-- Saturn, Maiden of Endings

Seat of Virtue

Master: Varies. By tradition the position is held by the winner of the Sonorous Discussion of Virtue during the last Carnival of Meeting.

- Kokage the Master of Duels, god of Duels and Formal Matches, master of the [[Art of Forceful Declaration.

--- Mare-in-oga, god of Desert Rain, Senior Pupil of Kokage.

- Rakka the Assiduous Keeper of Arias and Serenades, god of music and all its sources, god of Musicians, god of Musical Instruments, god of Composers, master of the Art of Victorious Concession.

- Jyuin, the Bearer of the Eternal Silence, god of Silence, master of the Art of Meditative Discussion

Court of Hours

Master: Sauda, god of Midnight, god of Day’s End, former Handmaiden to the Unconquered Sun.

- Asa, god of Dawn, god of Day's Beginning.

- Thelmarin, god of Eastern Peace and Twilight, former Handmaiden to the Unconquered Sun.

Terrestrial Courts


Court of Seasons

Master: Varies, held by the Ruler of the current Month.

Season of Air

- Ruler of the Month of Ascending Air: The Kindly Ones

- Ruler of the Month of Resplendent Air: The Divine One

- Ruler of the Month of Descending Air: The Dreamer

Season of Water

- Ruler of the Month of Ascending Water: The Cold Roads

- Ruler of the Month of Resplendent Water: The Three Men of Ice

- Rulers of the Month of Descending Water: The White Terrors

Season of Earth

- Ruler of the Month of Ascending Earth: The Reflecting Silence

- Ruler of the Month of Resplendent Earth: The Seerl

- Ruler of the Month of Descending Earth: The Whisperer

Season of Wood

- Ruler of the Month of Ascending Wood: The Seven Fangs

- Ruler of the Month of Resplendent Wood: The Riddling Tree

-- The Green Man

- Ruler of the Month of Descending Wood: The Twins of the Labyrinth

Season of Fire

- Rulers of the Month of Ascending Fire: The Golden Stars

- Ruler of the Month of Resplendent Fire: The Pinion

- Ruler of the Month of Descending Fire: The Desert Noon

Transitional Forum on Calendar Calibration

Ruler of Calibration: Disputed.

- Claimant (as acknowledged by the Court of Seasons: Every divinity in the Court has made an active or dormant claim on the title.

- Claimant (as acknowledged by the Immaculate Prayer Calendar): None.

- Claimant (as acknowledged by Five Days Darkness and listed on paperwork submitted to the Celestial Bureaucracy): Five Days Darkness.

Council of Winds

Master: The Five Wind Masters (in rotation).

-- Huraka

- Black Grinning Bear, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Wind Master

-- Chief Storms-As-He-Walks, Thunderbird, Chief Lieutenant of Black Grinning Bear.

- Blue Skulking Bear, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Wind Master

- Red Stalking Bear, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Wind Master

- White Venerable Bear, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Wind Master

- Green Frowning Bear, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Wind Master

Glorious Creation-Dominating Assembly of Saline Salvation

Master: Glimmering Nacal, god of Salt (formerly Soh-Da, rendered to Starmetal).

- Crystalline Pride Triumphant, Salt God in the North, Patron god of Salt & Ice village.

- Glittering Treasure Ruling All Life Eternal Without Possibility of Resistance, Salt God in the Scarlet Prefecture.

- Tideflat Uncle, Salt God on the Blessed Isle.

- Black Crystal, Salt God in the West

- Salt Gods

Court of Tireless Treadings

See: Court of Tireless Treadings

Master: The Ancient Stone of Journeys, god of the Great Coast Road

- Terrestrial road gods and minor travel deities.


Court of the Earth Dragon

Master: Pasiap

Court of the Omphalos


Ministry of Natural Coordination

See: Ministry of Natural Coordination.

Master: Amihesuku, Lord of Everlasting Jade Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Elemental Coordinator of Earth.

- Xaowiann, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Elemental Coordinator of Air.

- Hacian, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Elemental Coordinator of Water.

- Safuneni, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood, Elemental Coordinator of Wood.

- Ragoly Aglde, Godblooded, Lord of the Unrivaled Flames, Elemental Coordinator of Fire.

Court of Everlasting Jade

Master: Amihesuku, Lord of Everlasting Jade Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Elemental Coordinator of Earth.

All-Embracing and Intricate Procession of Paper

Master: Shin Lao, god of Imperial Documents within the Scarlet Empire

Brigade of Western-Flowing Breezes

Master: Mar Surrease, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, the First Lady of Western Winds.

- Karga Shina, Huraka, god of Western Morning Wind

- Lu Far Win, god of Winds that Carry Away Unprotected Possessions.

- Cho the Corpulent, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, god of Summer Storms.

Imperial River Court


Wild Mothers of the Blessed Isle

Alchemists’ Court

Master: The Quicksilver Queen, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth.

-- Mercury Ants

Wise Court

Master: Traditional Wisdom, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth.

Court of the Red Tables

Master: Ragoly Aglde, Godblooded, Lord of the Unrivaled Flames, Elemental Coordinator of Fire.

- The Wings Conjoined in Lure, Ifrit (missing).

- Rrafu, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, patron god of Rarafurran village.

Principality of the Shore

Masters: five Three-Clawed Sages

-- Sandpipers

-- Golden Fire Keepers

-- Black Tar Vortices

-- Urchin Kings

-- Sandpit Fires

-- Undertows


Court of the Air Dragon

Master: Mela

- Colis-Jahmen Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, Seneschal of the Air Dragon.

The Ennead

Master: Arvida of the Crescent Eye, Lunar Exalted (symbolic post) (deceased, no new appointment).

- Vanileth, god of Artificial Flight, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Pruina, Celestial Admiral of the North, god of Iceboats and other iceborne ships, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Autumn Frost, god of Risk-Taking despite Improbable Odds, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Lady Chimney Draft, god of the Chill that Comes when a Guest Enters a House, god of the Warmth that Comes of Trust and Companionship, Kazei of the Second Week Ascending Water, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Master Winter, god of White Sea Winter Storms, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Carrion Crow, god of Winter Terrors, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Owl from Out of the East, god of Haslanti Law, Patron god of the Haslanti.

-- The Horned Judge, god of Outwall Haslanti Tribal Law and Oaths.

- Snowshoe Hare Amongst Brambles, god of Restful Dreams, god of Haslanti Dreams, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Ivrieinen, the Lady Who Finds Good Partners and Shuts the Doors of Infatuation, god of Marriage Arrangement and Matchmakers, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Kidilos, the Lady Who Comforts the Living at the Bedside of the Dying, god of the Comfort born of Death, Patron god of the Haslanti.

- Spring Snowfall, god of Taking New Paths for the Joy of It, Patron god of the Haslanti.

Court of the Burning Maxator


Court of Coins

Master: Chall Turpin, Mortal, Merchant Prince of The Guild, petitioner to godhood as City Father of Coindelving.

- Argenthonios, god of Dinar and other Coins of Silver, son of Arigen god of Silver.

- Rodavango, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire.

- Radiant Squirrel, Mask (god), Caravan God (Unlicensed) to The Guild in the far North.

Court of the Summer Valley

Master: Frost Maiden god of Snowfall in the Northeast.

--- Inconstant Spark, god of Fireflies in the Valley of Summer.

- Sanguarde, god of South Winds in the Northeast, former Master of the Court of the Summer Valley.

- Twelve Lightnings, Thunderbird.

Court of Ice

See: Court of Ice. Formerly the Court of White Mountain.

Master: Raventalon, god of Northern Birds, god of Northern Ravens, patron god of the Lanji (with Warrant).

- Chill Morn, Queen of Winter, god of Fresh Fallen Snow, wife of Raventalon god of Northern Birds, former wife of White Mountain god of Northern Blizzards.

-- Broken Ice Spear, god of Northern Ice upon Land, former husband of Frilla god of Northern Ice upon Water.

-- Veil of Frost, god of Frozen Seas, Patron god of Icehorn.

-- Icefoam Glory, god of the White Sea

-- Icecracking Roar, god of Breathing Holes in Ice, Patron god of Pale Bear Harbour.

-- Thousand Ice Tears, god of the River of Tears, god of Ice upon the River of Tears.

-- The Antlered God, Avatar of Caribou.

- White Mountain, god of Northern Blizzards, former Master of the Court of White Mountain, former husband of Chill Morn (exiled, missing).

- Frilla, god of Northern Ice upon Water, former wife of Broken Ice Spear god of Northern Ice upon Land, former member of the Court of White Mountain (participation lapsed).

Court of Masques

Master: Loge Sky-Thief, god of False Images, master of the Court of Masques.

--- Frika Einzangu, Mortal attendant.

- Majestic Glowing Mountain, god of Mount Zangu


Court of the Wood Dragon

Master: Sextes Jylis

- Kotomaro the Hidden Lightning, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

Thousand Rivers Court

Master: Jer-to-Fan, god of the Yanaze River

- Yellow River King, god of the Yellow River

-- Emerald Waters Queen, god of the Maruto River

--- Anisatsis, god of the Confluence of the Maruto River and Yellow River.

-- The Red Wanderer, god of the Avarice River.

-- Dead Water Running, god of the Gray River.

-- Blbdblb, god of the Little Blackwater River near Nexus.

- Thousand Ice Tears, god of the River of Tears, god of Ice upon the River of Tears.

Lo Mountain Court

Master: Okoto, god of the Oleander River, patron god of Misty Valley village.

- Manthang, god of the Lo Mountains

- Rolling Ocho, god of Ocho-Rin Hill

Court of Temples

Master: The Three

- Shield of a Different Day, Patron god of Geat Forks (with Warrant), former god of Peaceful War, One of the Three in the Court of Temples.

- Spinner of Glorious Tales, Patron god of Geat Forks (with Warrant), former god of Wandering Storytellers, former mortal, One of the Three in the Court of Temples.

- Weaver of Dreams of Victory, Patron god of Geat Forks (with Warrant), former god of Victorious Dreams, One of the Three in the Court of Temples.

-- Constantly Smiling, god of researched and well-considered contracts, Great Forks Minister of Trade. Member of the Court of Temples.

-- Sumito, Godblooded, Great Forks Minister of Receiving Noble and Honored Guests, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Lady of the Two Gifts, god of Passionate Lovemaking that Bears Fruit, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Ribbons of Sorrow, god of Slavery in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Lamut Bronze Hands, twin brother of Senmut Bronze Eyes, god of graves in Great Forks.

-- Senmut Bronze Eyes, twin sister of Lamut Bronze Hands, god of funerals and memorials in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Hezka the Radiant Queen, god of Great Forks' Bees and beekeepers, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Askathad the Flickering Lord, god of candles and chandlers in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Khentkheti of Leaves, Wicker Crocodile, god of Paper in Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.

-- Lady of the Winter Squash, god of squash and squash farmers in the vicinity of Great Forks, member of the Court of Temples.


Master: Xochichem, god of Chaya

Court of Verdant Spiders

Master: First Wood Spider, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

- Niklixikrin, Wood Spider, Caravan God (Unlicenced) to The Guild in the Dowerwood and other forest routes of The East. - Wood Spiders

Cloud Flower Court

Master: King Atopa the Grandfather Tree, King of the Wood

- Right-Hand Brother, Wood Spider.

- Left-Hand Brother, Wood Spider.

-- Dryads

--- Moss Bears

Majestic Emerald Court

Master: Verdant Oppribium, Forest Walker, god of Majestic Emerald Basin valley, god of Majestic Emerald Basin forest.

--- Wind-Blossom, god of things that tread lightly in the Majestic Emerald Basin, sister of Heavy-Foot.

--- Heavy-Foot, god of things that weigh heavy in the Majestic Emerald Basin, brother of Wind-Blossom.

Court of Wasps

Master: Willow Ichneumon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

Court of the Nine-Times-Sworn

Master: None, all three members are considered equals when the Court assembles.

- Willow Ichneumon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

- First Wood Spider, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

- The Shapeless Tangle, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

Court of Sculpted Saplings

Master: Joyous Youth Juritsu, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood.

- Carved Artisan Viziers

-- Carved Artisans

Court of the Root Fire

Master: Jealous Saffron Rage, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire.

- Serpent-and-Eggs

Court of the Wintermonat

(Member of the Court of the Orderly Flame).

Pyric Minister: The Wintermonat.

Herb Court

Master: Ren Shen, Queen of Ginseng.

- Nyorai the Pure, god of the Lotus.

- The Scarlet Maiden, god of the Poppy.

- Zanjabil, god of Ginger.

Walkers of the Haltan Wood

Master: Glorious Jade Branch, Forest Walker, god of the Haltan forest

- Resilan, Forest Walker, god of the northern Haltan forest’s Redwoods.

- Whispering Needles, Forest Walker, god of the central Haltan forest’s Redwoods.

- Shining Trunk, Forest Walker, god of the southern Haltan forest’s Redwoods.

- Tylokan Root Binder, Forest Walker, god of trees on the borders of the Haltan forest.

- Steel-Skinned Ubil, Forest Walker, god of the Haltan forest’s Ironwood trees.

-- Kodama of Halta.

--- Dryads of Halta.

Court of Secrets

Master: Tenepeshu Uktené, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Patron god of Champoor.

- Zeran-Dubuth, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, former Daimyo of Clouds.

- Shangomir, god of Occult Secrets

- Sage of the Lilac Garden, god of Secrets Held in Trust

- Chamber of the Void, god of textual scholarship

- Namazu-e, the Cursing Catfish, god of the Dahuang River

- Dark Joy, Bloody Hand of Champoor.

Sisterhood of the Featherleaf Ravine

See: Sisterhood of the Featherleaf Ravine

First Sister: The Succour of Life.

- Dryads.

Court of Seven Metals


Court of White Pines

Master: Ancient Spindle, god of Bark Cloth weaving and production, patron god of White Pines (with Warrant).

- Aum Cho, Forest Walker, god of the Calrushan Wood.

-- Sidia, former Mortal, god of Elk in the Calrushan Wood, god of Riding Elk.

-- Ah Song, Lion Dog, guardian of the Sun-Bourne Glade.

- Bogdash, god of Trade along the White Trade Road.

- Legate Oblius, Road God of the White Trade Road between White Pines and Akita City.

- Churning Foam, god of the Arkos River.

-- Gleamfist, god of Flooding along the Arkos River

-- Kodama

Glorious Court of the Calrushan Woods

Master: The White Pine King, King of the Wood.

- Clever Weaver, Wood Spider.

- Stosh, Irrepressible Flow, guardian of Cedar Fountain.

--- Dryads.

Court of the Ten Vales

Master: Red Cougar, Tongue-Eater, god of honourable combat in the Far East.

- Sitting Heron, god of the River of Diving Osprey.

- formerly Brass Muskrat, the Tongueless, god of fur traders in the Far East (expelled).

Dandelion Theater


- Ishan Swift, god of River Province Tree Swallows, majordomo of the Dandelion Theatre Court.

Court of the Black Butterfly

Master: Alioth, The Black Butterfly, god of Eastern Butterflies.

Court of the Labyrinthine Deep

Master: Gueixiu, god of Eastern Caves.

- Fei Tau, The Dragon Who Waits Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth.

- Keoki, Lion Dog, head guardian of the Lonely Mountain Temple


Court of the Fire Dragon

Master: Hesiesh

- Jakara the Blade-Like Flame, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Seneschal of the Fire Dragon.

Court of the Orderly Flame

Master: Swan Dragon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Celestial Censor of the South (honorary) (missing).

Ulema: Murantru Ota, Garda Bird.

First Archon: Lusa Seragon, Ifrit.

Intelligencer: Ulito Swan, Godblooded.

- Superintendent of the North:

-- Pyric Ministers of the Local Courts in the North.

- Superintendent of the East:

-- Court of the Wintermonat

-- Pyric Ministers of the Local Courts in the East.

- Superintendent of the West:

-- Pyric Ministers of the Local Courts in the West.

- Superintendent of the South:

-- Vogelhan Judges Court.

-- Pyric Ministers of the Local Courts in the South.

Vogelhan Judges

(Member of the Court of the Orderly Flame).

Pyric Minister:

- various Ifrit.

Red Volkan Ledge

Dawn Rhoodra (Master): Banatokh Wol, Garda Bird.

- various Garda Birds.

Wildfire Court


Court of the Petrified Forest

Masters: The Five Standing Stones

Court of White Sands

Master: Jugo, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air

- Astmilla Sandcutter, Mortal of the White Sandstorm Tribe Dune People, High Priestess of the Court of White Sands.

- various minor wind gods.

- various air elementals.

Court of the Grandfather

Masters: Goukaen, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth (missing)

--- Mercury Ants

--- Kalaya

Open-Hand Court


Court of the Granite Mantis

Master: Stone Face, Gemlord.

-- Sardonic Wit, Kri

Constellation of the Rising Smoke


Court of the Lotus Pool


Five-Fold-Traders Consortium

Accounts Master: Sarmak the Skilled, Fire Elemental.

Contracts Master: Joyous-Thunder the Persistant, Earth Elemental.


Court of the Water Dragon

Master: Danaa’d

- Unresting, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Lieutenant of the Water Dragon.

- Unhasting, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, Lieutenant of the Water Dragon.

Ocean Court


- formerly the Cavern Mysteries, now departed en-masse.

Fakharu's Court

Master: Fakharu, Censor of the West, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water

- Amarel, mortal.

Court of Frogs

Master: Ogime the Frog Queen

-- The Whistling One

--- Heketa

Lord Verethine’s Court

Master: Lord Verethine, Vodonik King.

- Vodonik (and only Vodonik).

-- Brine Curs.

Volcano Tribe

Master-Chief: Hamoji, Greatest Volcano God on Abalone Island, Master-Chief of the Volcano Tribe.

- Amanji, Greatest Volcano God on Pearl Island, member of the Volcano Tribe.

- Venestoro, Most Furious Volcano God on Pearl Island, member of the Volcano Tribe.

- all Volcano Gods in the Wavecrest Archipelago.

-- Magma Mantas

Note: By decree of the Solar Exalted during the First Age, the volcano gods of Wavecrest collectively hold the position of the land’s nation-god, a pronouncement affirmed by the Bureau of Humanity.

Court of Sikunare

Master: Sikunare, Storm Mother

Court of Kallaberse

Master: Kallaberse, Storm Mother - Tya Edralneth, god of the Tya, former mortal.

-- Western Gull-Spirit messengers.


City Courts

Master: a City God.

- various gods responsible for the urban area and population.

Wild Courts

Master: a God of the Wilds.

- Dogs of the Unbroken Earth

Forest Courts

Master: a Forest Walker or King of the Wood

-- Vine Runners

- Kodama

-- Dryads

- Wood Spiders

Mineral Courts

Master: a Gemlord

- Kri

- Jokun soldiers. 

Mountain Courts

Master: the god of a mountain range.

- mountain gods

-- Kalaya

-- Oread

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