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Balsaraf is the God of Unrequited Love, serving in Yu Shan’s Bureau of Destiny. While some of his peers have argued that the aims of the Division of Serenity to bring pleasure and happiness would be better served by loves which are consummated, Balsaraf considers himself god of purest love, for an unrequited love can never bear fruit and thus can never spoil, remaining a perfect seed unplanted forever. Balsaraf is also not only god of those who love unrequited, but those who ARE loved in such a way, and holds that there is an undeniable joy in the power of receiving love without granting any in return, a destiny well within the mandate of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony.

Balsaraf possesses the power to make any mortal fall in love with any other being, so long as there is no chance of the feelings being returned.