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Gaokul is the god of Jocularity, of humourous and comedic language and the jesters who make it their calling, serving in the Board of Talk & Tale within the Bureau of Humanity. In appearance Gaokul might be taken as comical: a large sphere of polished bronze, bearing a face and several flipper-like limbs with which he slides to and fro.

Gaokul is not, however, himself prone to jests, his visage scowling and smirking rather than laughing, his rasping voice grating to the ear as it is raised not with a joke but with vain self-aggrandisments. The Jesters of Creation rarely pray to their god in hopes of blessings so they might better evoke laughter… instead, they do so out of fear that the god of Jocularity might strip them of talent should they perform without delivering him the worship he holds as his due.

Source: Adapted and expanded from original by UncleChu on the unofficial Exalted wiki.