Grand Salon of Ascendant Ever-Victorious Heroism

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Held: 23rd Ascending Wood RY768

Location: Gate of Eternal Harmony, Imperial City

Host: Peleps Staemos

Guests of Honour: Peleps Nyabe, Peleps Amidus, strategoi Sesus Dochao, winglord Sesus Septimus.

Other Guests: Cathak Cainan, fanglord Cathak Vergia, Cynis Dumon, scalelord Cynis Fandral, talonlord Cynis Hibare, Cynis Hinoke, magistrate Cynis Kitara, Cynis Lara, overseer Cynis Theren, Ledaal Shinjo, Ledaal Venosa, senator Mnemon Barad, minister Mnemon Darik, Mnemon Drakon, Mnemon Fufuara, senator Mnemon Gitaine, Mnemon Grailin, fanglord Mnemon Ivory, winglord Mnemon Koleria, Mnemon Kuvon, Mnemon Miasa, senator Mnemon Migo, winglord Mnemon Mubalit, winglord Mnemon Nikkal, Mnemon Savar, Mnemon Sukano, senator Mnemon Taira, talonlord Mnemon Tyrahal, Mnemon Vesko, Peleps Aontasia, Peleps Archova, talonlord Peleps Auliame, Peleps Damanchina, senator Peleps Danan, nestor Peleps Deham, talonlord Peleps Drachnya, Peleps Dugrip, trierarch Peleps Fanael, senator Peleps Guancho, scalelord Peleps Hogun, Peleps Inglesa, Peleps Jemonta, senator Peleps Latana, senator Peleps Oiwa, Peleps Thugga, Peleps Tirina, Ragara Abashen, talonlord Sesus Aridda, talonlord Sesus Ichala, talonlord Sesus Kengayo, senator Sesus Kurigazu, Sesus Nagat, winglord Sesus Naotaki, Sesus Sera, senator Sesus Soaring Hope talonlord Sesus Volstagg, talonlord Sesus Zhoutai, scalelord Tepet Moromiko, Tepet Sorae, Tepet Yumei, fanglord V’neef Loquisha, nestor Cold Mist, lector Frozen Peak, nestor Mountain Gate, nestor Rolling Stone .

Princess Mnemon, House Guard marshal Mnemon Tobas, dragonlord Sesus Marand, and V'neef Pepaa also made appearances.

Menu: Cuttlefish eggs atop beds of wisteria flowers, grilled salted Char, bonito sashimi, Blood Tuna sashimi, chicken and clam soup dumplings, an assortment of rice liquors from the distilleries of Peleps Staemos (triple-distilled, Poets' Wine, Artists' Wine, and Fiery Embrace Wine, as well as three new rice liquors introduced at the Grand Salon itself: the Wine of Wind and Waves, the Wine of Flooding Triumph , and Wine of Blood and Honour).

Help: Security and decorative patrol supplied by the 4th Imperial Legion, serving slaves and musical accompaniment (harps and flutes) drawn from the Orchid and Peony troupes of the Bevy of Effacious and Facile Blossoms.

Summary of the Event: [OOC: one of those player scribs can fill this one out?]