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Latest revision as of 15:15, 4 June 2016

Tepet Caucus

The House Tepet caucus in the Deliberative has long been considered one of the more cohesive voting blocks amongst the Great Houses, the Senators casting their votes in directions parallel to those pursued by the House leadership out of Lord's Crossing. Over the years, the caucus has proven conservative on matters of spending, save for the Imperial Legions where they have long called for increased numbers and support both for armaments and veterans returning from service, while advocating a Threshold policy based upon strong but defensive positions which can shift in reaction to open threat or rebellion. The caucus has historically been more than willing to enter the fray not just of debate but of the brawling which occasionally breaks out during legislative work in the Senate.

While the House initially pushed for command in the War with the Bull, it is felt by those both within and without that the other Great Houses turned against them as the situation grew more dire, blocking efforts to deploy reinforcements and then to effect a withdrawal. This culminated in the brawl which broke out while debating the Deployment of the Imperial Merchant Marine in Aid of the Imperial Legions, which sought to force the Realm's merchant fleet (in principle administered by House V'neef) to push into the Scavenger Lands to recover Tepet forces. The normally effective Tepet caucus suffered greatly when it found the other House caucuses either active against them or neutral, and in the melee Senator Tepet Serekan was killed by Yellow Banner senator V'neef Lucen.

Hardliners & Moderates

The fall of House Tepet has shaken the Tepet caucus. While it has always been home to those who support harder lines and those who back moderate compromise, negotiating amongst themselves and advising the taimyo, these divisions have grown in strength as the House leadership has called for restraint & neutrality: many Senators, including caucus chair Tepet Chotei, feel this results in a loss of face (and many also feel the death of Serekan demands reprisal lest the other caucuses feel they have free reign to slay Tepets) and call for a stronger and more activist use of the caucus, while moderates led by senator Tepet Vanek believe it better to negotiate rather than antagonize the other House caucuses

Caucus Leadership

Traditionally the House Tepet caucus has operated in close concert with the leadership of the House itself, though as is common with Senators some have chafed under this direction. With the difficulties now facing the House and the shift from an advisory body to true political power in the Realm, some Senators have become even more assertive.

The current Chair of the caucus is senator Tepet Chotei, and the caucus has no official whips or secretaries. While not pushing the strict military hierarchy attempted by Cathak Abel over the House Cathak caucus, Chotei relies on trusted lieutenants within the caucus to take up roles as needed and corral members together for voting or in brawling.