Category:Division of Battles

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Category:Division of Battles

The Division of Battles is the bureaucracy of Mars within the Bureau of Destiny, based in the Crimson Panoply of Victory and directed by the Lord General. It is concerned with destinies of conflict, the course of war and battle. While lacking the numbers of the Aerial Legion, the Crimson Panoply is home to many of Yu Shan’s greatest warriors.

The Mistress of Battles is Mars, and the current Lord General is Hu Dai Liang, Shogun of the Crimson Banner, god of Soldiers. Her staff includes Chief of Protocol Chanquaz (a wood elemental poached from the staff of Ahlat, god of Southern War Ahlat where he once served as majordomo.

The Yuanzhang of The Banner, The Gauntlet, The Quiver, The Shield, and The Spear serve under its aegis, as do the Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Battles.

Notable sub-divisions of the Division of Battles include the Circle of Small-Minded Violence and the Outer Office.

Pages in category "Division of Battles"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.