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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
19:01, 13 November 2014 Peleps inglesa.png (file) 15 KB Peleps Inglesa 1
17:31, 13 November 2014 Peleps hogun.png (file) 15 KB   1
17:35, 12 August 2014 Realmpent1.png (file) 16 KB A scarlet pentagram, symbol of the Scarlet Empire. 1
19:04, 13 November 2014 Mnemon fufuara.png (file) 16 KB   1
17:36, 13 November 2014 Sesus ichala.png (file) 16 KB   1
14:59, 14 April 2022 Cathak Baitai chibi.png (file) 16 KB Cathak Baitai, 2nd Imperial Legion officer and duelist. 1
17:33, 13 November 2014 Sesus kengayo.png (file) 16 KB   1
00:57, 7 June 2015 Sesus zhoutai ava.png (file) 17 KB Gaia avatar of Sesus Zhoutai, officer of the 4th Imperial Legion. 1
17:45, 13 November 2014 Sesus naotaki.png (file) 18 KB   1
17:16, 13 November 2014 Peleps drachnya.png (file) 18 KB   1
17:42, 13 November 2014 Sesus aridda.png (file) 19 KB   1
17:38, 13 November 2014 Mnemon koleria.png (file) 20 KB   1
17:48, 13 November 2014 Peleps auliame.png (file) 20 KB Peleps Auliame avatar. 1
17:24, 13 November 2014 Sesus dochao ava 2.png (file) 24 KB   1
19:33, 18 November 2016 Scarlet-prefecture.jpg (file) 25 KB Map of the Scarlet Prefecture on the eastern coast of the Blessed Isle. 1
04:51, 8 March 2014 Razortide strider.jpg (file) 32 KB Razortide Strider, piratical vessel of the West. 1
04:55, 8 March 2014 Fat gulls wing.jpg (file) 33 KB Fat Gull's Wing, V'neef-owned merchant vessel. 1
02:24, 28 September 2016 Wikilogo.png (file) 39 KB Shadow of the Throne logo. Assembled by the Storyteller, Elemental Dragon mon copyright White Wolf one presumes and used here without license but that was just attribution right there. 1
00:14, 7 June 2015 Cynis bei.jpg (file) 42 KB Cynis Bei, playwright extraordinaire and original creation do not steal. 1
02:42, 28 September 2016 Questing cloak of eyes.jpg (file) 42 KB Questing Cloak of Eyes is a very friendly fellow with a poor understanding of personal boundaries. 1
17:41, 13 November 2014 Sesus chenow aridda.jpg (file) 48 KB   1
23:14, 4 August 2013 Bushanese cuisine examples.jpg (file) 55 KB Examples of Bushanese Cuisine. 1
12:17, 26 July 2014 Locust spire prefecture map.jpg (file) 56 KB Map of Locust Spire Prefecture 1
19:01, 17 April 2022 Cathak vergia.jpg (file) 60 KB Cathak Vergia, 2nd Imperial Legion dragon armour pilot. 1
17:34, 14 April 2022 Cathak Garan.jpeg (file) 60 KB Cathak Garan, Warstrider pilot in the 1st Imperial Legion. 1
00:57, 7 June 2015 Sesus zhoutai face.jpg (file) 63 KB Face of Sesus Zhoutai, officer of the 4th Imperial Legion. 1
20:01, 26 November 2014 Southern clawfish.jpg (file) 66 KB Gara Fish / Southern Clawfish 1
19:17, 13 November 2014 Cynis shen.jpg (file) 69 KB Cynis Shen 1
02:45, 28 September 2016 Little thistle.jpg (file) 71 KB Little Thistle, suffering upon suffering. 1
23:36, 5 April 2019 Dragonsentwined.jpeg (file) 74 KB The ancient Red Jade Grand Daiklave known as Dragons Entwined 'round Flames of Glory. 1
01:12, 7 June 2015 Tepet kimiko playing flute.jpg (file) 75 KB Tepet Kimiko plays a Dragon’s Wing Flute. 1
15:59, 8 February 2018 Nellens charelle.jpg (file) 79 KB Nellens Charelle, making a daring fashion statement. 1
01:15, 7 June 2015 Tepet sadayo.jpg (file) 80 KB Tepet Sadayo, House Tepet functionary. 1
19:11, 13 November 2014 Mnemon miasa.jpg (file) 80 KB Mnemon Miasa. The source of the pose is uncretain but probably borrowed from somewhere or other! 1
00:34, 7 June 2015 Mnemon migo.jpg (file) 83 KB Mnemon Migo, Deliberative Senator. 1
00:50, 7 June 2015 Sesus okuni.jpg (file) 83 KB Sesus Okuni, known by the Immaculate monastic name of White Mist. 1
02:33, 28 September 2016 Sesus sera.jpg (file) 83 KB Sesus Sera, here for a good time, if not an Exalted time. 1
11:36, 4 April 2022 Siksurban Sevenime.png (file) 83 KB Siksurban Sevenime, merchant of The Guild. Original art source: Grafit Studio 1
01:05, 7 June 2015 Tepet marek alris.jpg (file) 87 KB Tepet Alris 1
23:17, 4 August 2013 Map of Bushan and surrounding islands.jpg (file) 92 KB Map of Bushan and the other Islands of the Southwestern Threshold. 1
00:24, 7 June 2015 Cathak okubo vs drakon at the Academy.jpg (file) 93 KB The Exaltations of Cathak Okubo and Mnemon Drakon at the Academy for Cultivation of Youthful Talents. 1
17:23, 13 November 2014 Sesus dochao colour.jpg (file) 93 KB Strategoi Sesus Dochao 1
18:50, 4 August 2013 Cathedral of Battle.jpg (file) 95 KB Exterior of the Cathedral of Battle 1
00:19, 7 June 2015 Cynis hinoke.jpg (file) 96 KB Cynis Hinoke, Dynastic socialite 1
23:19, 4 August 2013 Jejo Island.jpg (file) 96 KB Jejo, an Island of the Southwestern Threshold 1
02:30, 28 September 2016 Peleps aontasia wk.jpg (file) 97 KB Peleps Aontasia, who is just great. 1
23:09, 4 August 2013 Screen Map of Bushan.jpg (file) 98 KB Silk Screen depicting a map of Bushan. 1
17:20, 13 November 2014 Peleps fanael.jpg (file) 102 KB   1
19:15, 13 November 2014 Cynis etina.jpg (file) 103 KB Cynis Etina 1
19:29, 13 November 2014 Ragara rahiro.jpg (file) 106 KB Ragara Rahiro at work 1
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