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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
17:24, 13 November 2014 Sesus dochao ava 2.png (file) 24 KB Storyteller   1
17:23, 13 November 2014 Sesus dochao colour.jpg (file) 93 KB Storyteller Strategoi Sesus Dochao 1
17:22, 13 November 2014 Cynis kitara.png (file) 12 KB Storyteller   1
17:20, 13 November 2014 Peleps fanael.jpg (file) 102 KB Storyteller   1
17:20, 13 November 2014 Peleps fanael ava.png (file) 14 KB Storyteller   1
17:17, 13 November 2014 Peleps nyabe.png (file) 14 KB Storyteller   1
17:16, 13 November 2014 Peleps drachnya.png (file) 18 KB Storyteller   1
02:56, 6 November 2014 Temple-perfected-advancemen.jpg (file) 6 KB Storyteller Temple of Perfected Advancement 1
01:47, 6 November 2014 Land-grain-altar.jpg (file) 3 KB Storyteller Altar of Land and Grain, Imperial Palace 1
01:46, 6 November 2014 Glorious-obedience-temple.jpg (file) 7 KB Storyteller Temple of Glorious Obedience to the Exalted Word 1
01:44, 6 November 2014 Toji-temple.jpg (file) 9 KB Storyteller Toji Temple 1
01:43, 6 November 2014 Iwakunin-temple.jpg (file) 8 KB Storyteller Iwakunin Temple 1
01:41, 6 November 2014 Saji-temple.jpg (file) 6 KB Storyteller Saiji Temple 1
01:38, 6 November 2014 Mela-temple.jpg (file) 11 KB Storyteller Temple of the Petitioner of Clouds accordant to the Call of Battle 1
01:36, 6 November 2014 Temple-pereserving-perfecte.jpg (file) 2 KB Storyteller Temple of Preserving the Perfected Hierarchy 1
01:35, 6 November 2014 Sextes-jylis-temple.jpg (file) 10 KB Storyteller Temple of He who hath Strewn much Grass 1
01:33, 6 November 2014 Salt-temple.jpg (file) 8 KB Storyteller Temple of Salt 1
01:32, 6 November 2014 Pasiap-temple.jpg (file) 5 KB Storyteller Temple of He who Illuminates both Worlds with Majesty and Power 1
01:28, 6 November 2014 Moon-passage-temple.jpg (file) 2 KB Storyteller Temple of the Moon in Passage through Proscribed Phases 1
01:25, 6 November 2014 Loom-maidens-temple.jpg (file) 5 KB Storyteller Temple of the Maidens in Diligent Attendance of the Loom 1
01:23, 6 November 2014 Hesiesh-temple.jpg (file) 9 KB Storyteller Temple of the Reciter of Loud Hymns and Prayers 1
01:22, 6 November 2014 Grifel-temple.jpg (file) 7 KB Storyteller Temple of Gri-fel 1
01:20, 6 November 2014 Dutiful-sun-temple.jpg (file) 3 KB Storyteller Temple of the Dutiful Sun Gifted with the Immaculate Light 1
01:18, 6 November 2014 Danaad-temple.jpg (file) 5 KB Storyteller Temple of the Arbiter of the Immaculate Complaint in the Imperial City 1
17:35, 12 August 2014 Realmpent1.png (file) 16 KB Storyteller A scarlet pentagram, symbol of the Scarlet Empire. 1
12:17, 26 July 2014 Locust spire prefecture map.jpg (file) 56 KB Storyteller Map of Locust Spire Prefecture 1
12:12, 26 July 2014 Cathak okubo last will.jpg (file) 1.27 MB Storyteller Last Will and Testament of Cathak Okubo 1
16:40, 5 July 2014 Sugarcrabs.gif (file) 846 KB Storyteller Clip depicting crabs designed by Henry Selick for Wes Anderson's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004). Copyright Touchstone Pictures. 1
19:09, 26 June 2014 Spetum.png (file) 7 KB Storyteller Spetum polearm 1
04:55, 8 March 2014 Fat gulls wing.jpg (file) 33 KB Storyteller Fat Gull's Wing, V'neef-owned merchant vessel. 1
04:51, 8 March 2014 Razortide strider.jpg (file) 32 KB Storyteller Razortide Strider, piratical vessel of the West. 1
23:19, 4 August 2013 Jejo Island.jpg (file) 96 KB Storyteller Jejo, an Island of the Southwestern Threshold 1
23:17, 4 August 2013 Map of Bushan and surrounding islands.jpg (file) 92 KB Storyteller Map of Bushan and the other Islands of the Southwestern Threshold. 1
23:14, 4 August 2013 Bushanese cuisine examples.jpg (file) 55 KB Storyteller Examples of Bushanese Cuisine. 1
23:09, 4 August 2013 Screen Map of Bushan.jpg (file) 98 KB Storyteller Silk Screen depicting a map of Bushan. 1
23:07, 4 August 2013 Manse of Unyielding Mahogany Map.jpg (file) 110 KB Storyteller Map of the Manse of Unyielding Mahogany 1
22:16, 4 August 2013 Deep of Carved Stone Bottom Floor.gif (file) 1 KB Storyteller Map of the deep hearthstone chamber in the Deep of Carved Stone. 1
22:15, 4 August 2013 Deep of Carved Stone Lower Floor.gif (file) 6 KB Storyteller Lower Floor of the Deep of Carved Stone. 1
22:11, 4 August 2013 Deep of Carved Stone Ground Floor.gif (file) 6 KB Storyteller Ground Level of the Deep of Carved Stone. 1
22:09, 4 August 2013 Map of Sentinel's Hearth.gif (file) 9 KB Storyteller Map of the Sentinel's Hearth manse. 1
19:44, 4 August 2013 Map of the Imperial Palace.jpg (file) 383 KB Storyteller Map of the Imperial Palace, home to the Imperial Manse 1
19:39, 4 August 2013 Map of the East 9th Ward.jpg (file) 170 KB Storyteller Map of the Imperial City's East 9th Ward. 1
19:12, 4 August 2013 Map of the Imperial City.jpg (file) 341 KB Storyteller A map of the Imperial City, capital of the Scarlet Empire. 1
18:50, 4 August 2013 Cathedral of Battle.jpg (file) 95 KB Storyteller Exterior of the Cathedral of Battle 1
18:48, 4 August 2013 Cathedral of Battle Upper Floor.jpg (file) 141 KB Storyteller Upper level of the Cathedral of Battle. 1
18:41, 4 August 2013 Cathedral of Battle Ground Floor.jpg (file) 196 KB Storyteller Ground Level of the Cathedral of Battle. 1
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