Peleps Zuo

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Peleps Zuo was a hero of the Scarlet Dynasty. Born in Arjuf Dominion to a family with ties to the Imperial Navy, Zuo took an different course, earning entry to the House of Bells and going on to a career in the Imperial Legions despite his Exaltation into the water aspect, alternating between the Legion supply depot at Arjuf and occupation of rebellious territories in the Western Threshold alongside Navy fleets.

As strategoi of the 27th Imperial Legion during the Unbroken Rushes Rebellion, Zuo led his forces northward up the Caracal River, scoring a number of notable victories over slave armies massing from the plantations which dominated the region's agricultural landscape, earning gratitude of both local peasants and House Ledaal, before meeting up with the 5th Imperial Legion under Tepet Marek in the battles to clear rebel forces from Lord's Crossing Dominion

Amongst his panoply, Zuo included the black jade armour Caress of Danaa'd and the red jade daiklave Claw of the Wolf.


Strategoi Zuo fathered a long line of descendants, including daughter Peleps Auron and grandchildren Peleps Nix and Peleps Auliame. His name is also borne by a dish in Dynastic Dim Sum, Strategoi Zuo’s Sweet Poultry, a dish nearly every riverside inn along the Caracal claims to have invented in his honour.