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The Election of Officers was the vote to choose the officers of the Greater Chamber of the Deliberative Senate for the year RY768, taking place as the first legislative act of the year following the acceptance of new Deliberators to their posts.

Standing Candidates:

Mistress of the Deliberative: Sesus Tegra (incumbent), Peleps Danan, Ragara Agares.

Incorruptible Secretary: Mnemon Mendelei, Ragara Jintao, Ledaal Yashiva.

Guardian of the Enlightened Discourse: Peleps Ilithe (incumbent), Cathak Jareng, Sesus Kalvan.

Debate on the Mistress:

Sesus Tegra- Sesus Tegra was elected to head the Greater Chamber the previous year, and served as a capable if not exemplary Mistress... while few Houses are particularly happy with her, few are UNHAPPY with her, as she has followed a relatively neutral course and has rarely attempted to close down ongoing debate. Most of the senators who argued against her levelled accusations that she was allowing the Senate to become mired in debate (and thus unable to excercise its power), while supporters spoke of her non-partisan leadership.

Peleps Danan: The former head of the Peleps merchant marine, Danan's frequent attempts to pass anti-V'neef bills made him unpopular with the V'neef caucus, which argued that his appointment would see the Dynasty consumed by factional fighting. This view was supported by the Tepet caucus, and by several senators of Cathak and Ledaal.

Ragara Agares: Those arguing in favour of Agares (primarily of House Ragara) cited his extensive experience in the Deliberative and in business management, declaring that Agares would be able to maintain stability while carrying through the 'dismantling of inefficiencies within the Thousand Scales' (a common way used by Senators to explain huge cuts to the bureaucracy budgets since the Empress' dissapearance). Arguments against Agares were plagued by taunting and inflammatory statements, including a stretch where Ledaal Yashiva and Mnemon Gitaine echoed accusations that Agares was 'as senile as his grandfather'.

Debate on the Secretary:

Mnemon Mendelei: Thought to be the chosen successor of Mnemon Behal, who retired from the Senate at the end of the previous year. Arguments in her favour were plentiful from the caucuses of Mnemon, Sesus, and Peleps, who cited her experience as assistant to Behal and the highly acclaimed quality of her brushwork. The few Senators who argued against her appointment demanded to know how she could stand as an officer of the Senate, under a Regent whose appointment she had decried as foolish during earlier debate.

Ragara Jintao: A Deliberative veteran, Jintao's candidacy ran into trouble from the beginning, when during his remarks upon joining the race, he declared that with him as Secretary the Deliberative would cease to be 'distracted by the buzzing of gnats'. This brought senator Ledaal Yashiva to his feet, where he declared Jintao to be 'blind and of bovine intelligence' as he put forth his own candidacy for the position. Jintao attempted to force his way to Yashiva through the Ledaal caucus, before the Guardians arrived and managed to separate the two Houses. The debate, even with violence restrained, was not a particularly useful affair, with arguments for one candidate turning into tirades against his rival, until the Mistress called an end to the arguments so the next post might be examined.

Ledaal Yashiva: (see above).

Debate on the Guardian:

Peleps Ilithe: A generally neutral candidate, Ilithe has served as Guardian since the deaths of several Tepet senators during a debate several years ago. Supporters praised her firm stance against brawls within the Greater Chamber, while opponents accused her of being heavy-handed and stifling legitimate physical argument.

Cathak Jareng: Guardian prior to Ilithe, Jareng lost his post in the aftermath of the brawl which killed several Tepet senators. Supporters lauded his position that any Dragonblood who merits a seat in the Senate ought be able to withstand physical violence, and that 'coddling' defends only those who have failed in their Immaculate duties. Opponents (including the virtual entirety of the Tepet caucus) declared him an 'incompetent has-been', and warned that he had already failed to fulfill his duties once and should not be given a second chance.

Sesus Kalvan: Kalvan's supporters touted him as a fresh face amongst the Guardians, from a prominent military family, with proper respect for the rights of Senators. Opponents indicated that his family had not been active in the Legions for the past century, and that Kalvan himself had only a minimum of martial experience.