Temple of He who Illuminates both Worlds with Majesty and Power
Nestor: Rolling Stone (Mnemon Akkara).
Location: Five Dragons Courtyard (Temple District, Imperial City)
Description: Temple of Pasiap, Immaculate of Earth. A low crystal dome breaks the earth’s surface within a circle of curved ivory pillars, the tusks or ribs of some long-dead beast. Beneath, after one has descended below the surface of the earth, is a vast, low chamber, dimly lit, within which blindfolded monks chant incessantly. Encircling the central chamber is a shallow pit, from which rise sharp stone spikes... to sit upon these spikes in meditation is seen as an act of true devotion.
Meditation here is undertaken by those seeking good fortune in projects of construction and creation.
Monks: ?
Patrons: Mnemon Vesko, Peleps Gurbaxa, ?