Castle of Shattered Peaks

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Rating: •••• 

Aspect: Earth. 

Hearthstone: Willstone of the Strategos

Bearer: Tepet Marek. 

Attuned: Tepet Nerigus, Tepet Marek, ?.

The Castle of Shattered Peaks is a towering fortress-manse in the mountains of southeast Lord's Crossing Dominion. The mountains which surround the Castle are jagged, appearing smashed and broken as if by some great power beyond imagining. From its place atop one such peak, the Castle commands a dominant position over any force attempting to move along the Fire Dragon Road which connects the city of Lord's Crossing to the source waters of the Caracal River which flows south to the Inner Sea at Arjuf. The nearby town of Sherem provides a a trade market for the castle residents.

The Castle is the ancestral seat of the Nerigus Branch of House Tepet. It has never had many residents, given that branch's focus on mercantile not military matters, and recent Tepet losses mean this is now even more true. A severely understrength detachment of the 9th Imperial Legion garrisons the Castle.