Category:Forbidden Gods

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Many gods fall from power and from grace: the spirits of the Celestial Bureaucracy can be dismissed from their posts or have those posts vanish due to destruction in Creation, becoming Unemployed Gods, can be imprisoned by the Celestial Censors in various levels of containment, can be destroyed and rendered into Starmetal for crimes against Heaven.

Forbidden Gods are something far deeper and more dreadful. THey are those gods who have been cast out of both Heaven and Earth by the Most High, for the greatest of treasons or for holding purviews whose very existence has been deemed Unwholesome by the Unconquered Sun and thus anathema to existence. The Celestial Bureaucracy and the Princes of the Earth are both sworn to destroy such gods when they are found, and all are considered Creatures of Darkness in the eyes of Sol Invictus.

Of course, Forbidden Gods do not exist, as they were driven from Creation and destroyed long ago, their names and natures banned from mention so that only the Black Veil Annals record what they once were. This destruction was complete and unerring, despite the foolish and mistaken claims of a few paranoid Sidereal Exalted.

Included amongst the ranks of the Forbidden Gods are:

Han-Tha, the Eater of the Dead, Forbidden God, former Executive Director of the Office on Rot and Deterioration.

Orak-Ro, Forbidden God, former god of Cities (replaced by Wun Ja), former City Father of Meru (replaced by Ameru), .

Ithmit-Laia, Forbidden God, god of Dreams that Slay those who Dream Them (purview declared Unwholesome).

Thousand Graceful Whispers, Forbidden God (destroyed by Luna).

Leech Gods, Forbidden Gods.

Pages in category "Forbidden Gods"

This category contains only the following page.