Motion of Succession to the Scarlet Throne

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Called By: Unclear.

Requires: Unclear.

Circumstances: Confirmed demise of the Scarlet Empress.

Description: The Motion of Succession occupies a theoretical place amidst the powers of the Deliberative, for it has never been called in the history of the Realm, nor were its details ever set to paper by the Scarlet Empress, who stated only that in the event of her death the Deliberative ought be called to judge a worthy successor.

Many legal scholars assume the intent was for it to bear relation to the Motion of Appointment to the Immaculate and Temporary Regency of the Scarlet Throne, though the only comment on this made by the Empress was that Her Throne was ‘surely worthy of more than a mere majority’, producing the common wisdom that at very least a new Empress would need to achieve 2/3rds support in both Chambers.