Gem of Safe Harvest

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Aspect: Earth
Rating: ••• 
Manse: Citadel of the High Spiral, Blood River
Bearer: Tepet Chotei 
Source: Based on original in Oadenol's Codex pp. 90

[OOC: Rebalance resolution required: Gem of Safe Harvest, Bloodstone, Gemstone of Deep Drink]

SAFE HARVEST: - Earth 3 - Everything ingested transmuted into safe nourishing food - Includes removing (immunity) ingested natural and magical poisons/diseases.

BLOODSTONE: - Water 3 - Immune to all natural diseases and poisons - No penalties from natural and magical intoxicants - Auto-resistance (not immunity) to all magical poisons - No bleeding/blood loss

DEEP DRINK: - Wood 2 - No penalties for ingesting natural and magical intoxicants - Immunity to natural ingested poisons