Sesus Zhoutai

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Name: Sesus Chenow Zhoutai

Age: 27

Aspect: Fire

Concept: Chenow Officer

Anima: Flaming axe blades slashing and whirling about his limbs.

Motivation: ?

Intimacies: House Sesus (loyalty), Sesus Septimus (friendship), Sesus Dochao (loyalty), 4th Legion, Axe weapons, getting drunk, rape & pillage.

Birthplace: Deep of Blood-Gorged Heroes


Strength  ●●●oo        Charisma     ●●●oo        Perception   ●●●oo
Dexterity ●●●oo        Manipulation ●●ooo        Intelligence ●●ooo
Stamina   ●●●●o        Appearance   ●●ooo        Wits         ●●●●o


Linguistics ●●●
Lore ●●
Occult ●
Stealth 0
Thrown 0

Bureaucracy ●
Investigation 0
Larceny ●
Martial Arts ●●
Sail 0

Awareness ●●● (X)
Craft [Earth] ●
Integrity ●●
Resistance ●●● (X)
War ●●●(X)

Athletics ●●●(X)
Dodge 0(X)
Melee ●●●●(X)
Presence ●●●(X)
Socialize ●●(X)

Archery ●●
Medicine ●
Performance ●
Ride ●●
Survival ●●●

Melee: Grimcleaver 1
War: Realm Heavy Infantry 3

High Realm
Low Realm


Compassion ●●
Conviction ●●●
Valor ●●●●

Willpower: 7

Limit: □□□□□ □□□□□


Essence: 2
Essence Regeneration:
Essence Pool:
-Personal: 9
-Peripheral: 8/22
-Committed: 14


Mentor 2 (Sesus Dochao)

Backing: Legions 2 (Talonlord, 4th Legion 1st Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon)

Henchmen 1 (?)

Resources 3

Command 1 (4th Legion 1st Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon 1st Scale)

Allies 1 (Sesus Septimus)

Manse 1

-- Ignition Gem: Hearthstone from a small manse in the interior of Eagle Prefecture.

Artifact 3

-- Foe-Splitting Flame: Zhoutai's beloved red jade grimcleaver, granted to him by the elders of House Sesus when he was given a commission in the 4th Legion.

-- Embrace of the Volcano: Red jade reinforced breastplate.

-- Aegis of Southern Sands: Red jade Thunderbolt Shield, granted to Zhoutai from the panoply of General Dochao so he might better survive his inevitable foolhardy charges.

Flaws: Obligation {House Sesus} (3), Phobia {?} (1).


First Melee Excellency

Ox-Body Technique

Leading from Below

Army to Mob Assault

Wind-Carried Words

Glowing Goal Radiance

Unbearable Taunt Technique


Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/I
Dying Levels: 4
Soak (armored): 4B/2L (13B/12L)
Hardness (armored):0 (8B/8L)
Mobility Penalty: -1

Parry DV: 6
Dodge DV: 2
Mental Dodge DV: 5
Stun Threshold/Pool: 4/7
Knock Threshold/Pool: 7/7

Join Battle/Debate: 7

Weapon Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Rate Range Attune Tags
Punch 5 6 3B 4 3 -- 0 N
Kick 5 5 6B 2 2 -- 0 N
Clinch 6 5 3B 3 1 -- 0 N, C, P
Foe-Splitting Flame 5 11 14L/2 5 2 -- 0 O
Aegis of Southern Sands 5 8 8B 6 1 -- 0 M, Sh0