Imperial Palace Gardens

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The Imperial Palace Gardens are a vast expanse of gardens that intermingle and flow into each other, including gardens for each aspect of each season featuring seasonal plants, herb and vegetable gardens for the Palace kitchens, quiet meditation groves, moon ponds, drinking streams, and many more. By tradition, Great Houses, Patrician Clans, and satrapies of the Realm will often gift additions or sections of the Garden to the Empress, expressing the flora and fauna of their ancestral lands or commemorating some particular cultural or historical event.

Gate of Dedicated Servitude

(7) The Gate of Dedicated Servitude is a large fortified gate in the southern face of the Imperial Palace walls. Anyone who is not Dragonblooded, Dynast, or member of the Thousand Scales enters the palace through this gate. The gate is manned by troops of the Silent Legion, with guards on the City side posted from the Imperial City Garrison, currently the 3rd Dragon of the 4th Imperial Legion.

Flowering Garden Gate

(12) The Flowering Garden Gate is a fortified gate between the Courtyard of Blessed Entry and the Imperial Palace Gardens. Manned by troops of the Silent Legion.

Gate of Rehearsing Rites

(14) The Gate of Rehearsing Rites is a fortified gate between the Thousand Scales District and the Imperial Palace Gardens. Manned by troops of the Silent Legion.

Palanquin Corral

Open area attached to the Blossoming Orchid Pavilion, where palanquins congregate.

Thousand Waterfalls Creek

(A) Thousand Waterfalls Creek is a river flowing eastward from the central mountain ranges, passing the Imperial Palace and sinking into the sewers of the Imperial City before heading to meet the sea at Vatamu.

Vineyard of Triumphant Ascent

The Vineyard of Triumphant Ascent is a large garden area, containing a number of fruit orchards as well as grape vines for five different varieties. The fruit supplies the Imperial Palace kitchens, including the nearby Blossoming Orchid Pavilion, watered from the attached Lake of Blessed Fertility. Very small amounts of Grape Wine are produced via the attached Daughter’s Grove Pavilion, with all barrels going directly to the cellars of the Scarlet Empress, where they see use for major Palace galas. The Pavilion bears a plaque marking that the Vineyard and Pavilion were gifted to the Scarlet Empress by House V'neef upon its founding, one of few exceptions to their Imperial Monopoly.

Path of Winding Isles

The Path of Winding Isles consists of a series of interconnected islands and bridges linking the Waterside Pavilion with the main Gardens across the Lake of Auspicious Carp. Island gardens exist along the path for a number of Western satrapies, including Wavecrest, The Neck, Sushima, and Bushan.

Memorial of Duty

A large cream-coloured Marble pillar, accessible by climbing footholds carved into its surface. A plaque notes it to be a gift of House Cathak to the Scarlet Empress upon its founding, to commemorate all those who had perished in righteous service to her cause. From the top of the Memorial of Duty, one can catch an excellent view of the Clockwork & Bowing Horns gardens.

Garden of Bowing Horns

The Garden of Bowing Horns is the Satrapal Garden of Harbourhead, dominated by Southern savannah plants. At the center, the Loving Sisters' Pavilion, open to the air and decorated with carvings of fierce beasts, bears a plaque noting it as a gift from the Leopard of Harbourhead to the Scarlet Empress.

Garden of Clockwork

The Garden of Clockwork is the Satrapal Garden of Varang. dominated by Southern floodplain plants, irrigated by several complex mechanical devices to deliver water. The primary feature of the garden is a maze of hedges, whose sections rotate at regular intervals... a feature which can cause great consternation to occasional visitors, but which children residing in the Palace often learn to master.

Memorial of Triumph

The Memorial of Triumph is a large pillar of smooth, pure white Marble, taller than the nearby Memorial of Duty. A plaque notes it to be a gift of House Mnemon to the Scarlet Empress upon its founding, to commemorate all those who had done great deeds in Her name.

Garden of Blossoming Orchids

Large garden of Orchids, mostly white, purple, and yellow, carefully maintained by dedicated gardeners. The garden surrounds the Blossoming Orchid Pavilion (a very large teahouse, left open to the breeze in the mornings ands closed against heat in the afternoon).

Garden of Whistling Winds

The Garden of Whistling Winds is an expansive bamboo forest south of the Blossoming Orchid Pavilion, where gravel paths lead to the southern parts of the Gardens including the Flowing Waters Pavilion. The garden has few embellishments, Bamboo being nearly the only plant present, though there are numerous small tables and benches where visitors can sit to reflect or converse. At the western side of the garden, off the main paths, Palace servants gather bamboo for use in Palace life (and shoots for the kitchens).

Hexagon Pavilion

An open hexagon-shaped pavilion, its blue clay roof tiles and blue glass pillars reminiscent of the architecture in Lord's Crossing. The Hexagon Pavilion was a gift from the family of Tepet to thank Her Scarlet Majesty for granting them Great House status (this fact marked by a plaque). Its stone floor is carved with winding channels through which water flows and gurgles, awaiting Dynastic soirees and Drinking Games of 'floating cups'.

Lake of Auspicious Carp

The Lake of Auspicious Carp is a massive lake, the largest feature in the Imperial Palace Gardens. It is home to a number of fish, including ornamental Carp in all manner of colours: white, black, gold, blue, orange, and mottled combinations. Some of the fish are massive, and all are friendly, crowding to nibble whenever anyone looks over the bank or dips into the water, hoping for food.

Waterside Pavilion

A plaque commemorates the Waterside Pavilion as a gift to the Scarlet Empress from Prince Sesus at the formation of his House, where Dynastic elders sometimes meet for Tea or fishing. It sits on an island in the middle of the Lake of Auspicious Carp, surrounded by ordered gardens: the paths are lined with fruiting Cherry and Plum trees, beyond which are flowering plants a horticulturalist will recognize as including Leeks and cabbage, gathered for the Imperial Palace kitchens.

Flowing Waters Pavilion

The Flowing Waters Pavilion is a place for the Palace servants to rest and relax, having some tea and scraps from the kitchens of the Scarlet Dynasty, located against the southern Palace Wall. Beneath the Pavilion building can be found several chambers and doors, and an outflow of fresh water into the Gardens.

Garden of the Grateful Nuri

(1) The Garden of the Grateful Nuri is the Satrapal Garden of Greyfalls. It is a large garden of rivers and canals crossed by brightly-painted wooden bridges. The most notable feature is the Imperial Cupbearer Pavilion, a small ornate teahouse (though without food) decorated in Gold, Bronze, and Marble with scarlet-lacquered clay roof tiles. A plaque commemorates it as a gift to the Scarlet Empress from the patrician descendants of Imperial Consort Nellens when She granted them the status of Great House.

A large bridge crosses the First Stream river to reach the Garden, built of is of polished wood, painted in scarlet and leafed with gold ornaments, its center marked by a large mon of House Nellens.

Haven of Thorns

(2) The Haven of Thorns is the Satrapal Garden of Thorns. It is a large garden of shrubs and bushes, known particularly for its beautiful white Roses. The low plants in the Haven of Thorns mean it allows little privacy, truly a garden where one ventures to see and be seen rather than for clandestine liaisons. At the center of the garden can be found the Gilded Cage Pavilion, a tall gazebo gilded in gold and open to the breeze, which can seat a few Dynasts to enjoy garden views, poetry contests, or even a game of Gateway.

A bridge crosses the river here to join the Haven with the Garden of White Birch, built of smooth white Marble, its center marked by a large mon of House Tepet.

Monument of Inconstant Fools

(7) The Monument of Inconstant Fools is a small garden between the Garden of the Grateful Nuri and the Haven of Thorns. It is a square of bare soil, heavily salted to prevent all growth. A Granite obelisk sits at the center, topped by a rusted Iron spike, its surface etched with an Imperial Proclamation decrying those who would let greed, foolishness, and disobedience pull them from a righteous path. The monument was once part of the Satrapal Garden of Port Calin, before Calin switched sides to join the Confederation of Rivers.

Garden of White Birch

(9) The Garden of White Birch is the Satrapal Garden of Linowa. It is a large garden, surrounded by rivers, accessible via numerous bridges. The garden is dominated by seasonal flowers and white Birch trees, though its northern end is home to a small circle of apple trees bearing sweet red fruit during the season of Earth.

Cebenite Garden

(3) The Cebenite Garden is the Satrapal Garden of Ceben. It is a small shore garden, with paths of soft moss best enjoyed by removing one’s footwear. Along the sides of the path can be found Peat and low bushes which bear small flowers and sweet berries, interspersed so that at least one berry flowers and one fruits with each season.

Azure Spire Garden

(4) The Azure Spire Garden is the Satrapal Garden of Azerban. It is a small garden, between the Cebenite Garden and the Garden of Ursine Blessings, reached by a carved Teak bridge over a river from the Haven of Thorns. It is a rock garden, with a jutting outcrop of blue-grey Granite up which winds a steep path. Atop the outcrop is a deep pool of water, at the bottom of which can be seen a large gleaming symbol, the eagle feather mon of House Sesus, in wrought Gold.

On a visit to the Gardens, V'neef Cejanis noted that the golden mon sat atop, rather than within, the grooves on the pool's bottom.

Garden of Ursine Blessings

(5) The Garden of Ursine Blessings is the Satrapal Garden of Madura. It is a small garden, where a winding gravel path leads between a few large Oak trees surrounded with flowering dogwoods and Lavender. At the center of the garden is a fountain, formed from a stone pool at the base of a black Marble statue of a large Bear rearing up on its hind legs. A Silver crescent decorates the bear’s chest, and its eyes are also silver, while the fountain’s waters flow from a silver pipe jutting from its side. The fountain water is potable, and tastes fresh and noticeably sweet.

Valisian Garden

(6) The Valisian Garden is the Satrapal Garden of Valis, a small garden accessed through the Azure Spire Garden and the Garden of Ursine Blessings, containing a circle of Teak trees around a single large Oak tree. Between oak and teak, a path of carved wood circles. There is only a single entrance or exit, which branches into the two neighbouring gardens.

Overgrown Hill

(8) An area of thick brambles and wild growth, obviously untended and poorly irrigated, located off the paths of the Imperial Palace Gardens towards its southwest corner. Dips in the ground indicate where a series of ponds and streams may have flowed in times past, but these have long since run dry. At the center, a large rough hill rises, soil broken on occasion by blocky stones and chunks of mortar.

Imperial Palace Water Systems

The Imperial Palace Gardens are sprawling and extensive, home to hundreds of small interconnected sections. Most of these demand a steady supply of water both as décor and to feed the plants within, and this water is supplied by the Lake of Auspicious Carp and the river feeding it from the Flowing Waters Pavilion.

From the lake and river water flows by various means: smaller rivers branch off east and west, tubes of metal and bamboo draw and expel water from points hidden along the banks, occasional water wheel systems draw water up and release it into angled troughs so it might flow down to where it is needed. There are dozens upon dozens of such flows heading off in all directions, not only supplying the Gardens but the rest of the Imperial Palace. Additional piping, hidden below ground, sends waste flowing out to the Thousand Waterfalls Creek.

First Stream

The flow coursing to the Lake of Auspicious Carp sees its first branch splitting from the main stream within sight of the Flowing Waters Pavilion, heading towards the Satrapal Gardens of the Scavenger Lands and Northeastern satrapies. It is crossed by several bridges at various points, the largest an ornate stone bridge where it leaves the main stream. The bridge is weather-worn and covered with ivy, not accessed by the main garden paths... examination reveals that there is a large circular hole blocking the way across right in the middle of the stream.

On a visit to the Gardens, V'neef Cejanis discovered a heavy, rusted circle of metalwork settled in the muck beneath the hole in that first bridge, in the shape of the mon for the fallen House Iselsi.