Wise and Knowledgeable Advisors of Foreign Tributaries

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The Wise and Knowledgeable Advisors are known as the Foreign Office, a ministry responsible for the Realm's diplomacy and foreign relations. It has the highest concentration of Dragonblooded Dynasts amongst any ministry in the Thousand Scales, as it includes all Imperial Satraps and their personal staff. Its members have responsibilities and interests across the whole of Creation, and even in good times this meant the Foreign Officer was filled with internal feuds and disputes... in the present time of trouble, they are even more divided.

While the Humble And Honest Assessors Of The Imperial Tax are responsible for assessing and collecting tribute, the Foreign Office is responsible for managing a satrapy in order to ensure it is both able to pay and not so affluent it can afford to consider rebellion... a challenging task. The Office is also responsible for arranging treaties and supplying analysis of Threshold politics and cultures to the other organs of the Imperial government, for assuaging the tempers of local rulers or directing the Realm against those who must be put down.

The Foreign Office's role has meant they have long worked closely with the Imperial Legions, but when Bal Keraz of the Imperial Treasury pushed to divest the Scales of the Legions the Office raised little objection, unwilling to sacrifice its own budget and bureaucrats for the sake of soldiers. This decision strained many decades-old friendships between Legion officers and Foreign Office clerks.

Head: Most Knowledgeable Advisor on Foreign Tributaries, currently Ledaal Arnis.