Dongguan Prefecture

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Dongguan Prefecture is an agricultural prefecture of the Pahua Basin on the Blessed Isle, known for its fruit orchards and vineyards. In fact the vast majority of the prefecture is given over to fruit production, with the non-farming population largely employed in processing and transportation. The dominance of fruits and liquor means that the fertile prefecture does not produce sufficient staple grains and legumes to feed its population, and must import basic foodstuffs.


Despite being in the path of cold winds and storms descending from the North, weather control has ensured that Dongguan and the Pahua Basin’s other prefectures have favourable weather to match their fertile soil. Nearby Chanos Prefecture, with its freezing winter temperatures and snowfall, serves as an example of the more natural state of local weather.

Politics & Military

Prefect: V’neef Dishu.

Magistrate: Fading Ember.

House V’neef and House Cynis have the largest Dynastic presence in Dongguan, their scions controlling several large estates.

In addition to local Guardians of the Realm, Dongguan is defended by patrols of the 14th Imperial Legion.


Dongguan is located inland on the western side of the Pahua Basin. To the north it borders the White Coast, northwest it touches on the eastern end of Chanos Prefecture, to the east it meets Qishi Prefecture, to the south Kugashi Prefecture, and to the west Mataiva Prefecture.

Guanchen – Town, prefectural capital.

Nancheng – Village.

Wolf’s Grove – Farming hamlet.

Fort Abundant – Legion encampment between Guanchen and the border with Chanos, from which elements of the 14th Imperial Legion patrol the prefecture’s roads to ward off bandits.

Estates of Lady V’neef Cejanis – Extensive fields and orchards stretching in a line between the village of Nancheng in the north and the hamlet of Wolf’s Grove in the south. The estates produce pears (the most numerous crop), apples, plums, jujubes, lychees, peaches, apricots, persimmons, chestnuts, and almonds.

Estates of Lady Cynis Charachi - A large slaveholding estate with adjoining peach and plum orchards. Lady Charachi’s slaves are leased out to provide labour vital to Dynastic estates at harvest times.

Estates of Lord Cynis Tejar - A large estate, home to various fruit orchards.

Estates of Lord Ragara Takret - A large estate, home to various fruit orchards.

Estates of Senator V’neef Kenet - A large estate, home to lychee and almond orchards.

Estates of Lady Cynis Rahe – Extensive peach and citrus orchards.

Estates of Lord Cynis Tiburon – Extensive plantation of coca and guarana.

Ten Thousand Hills Winery – Winery and surrounding vineyard, producing white & red wines and sweet brandies for export across the Isle. Control of the Winery was transferred from House Cynis to House V’neef in RY708, and it is currently administered by V’neef Cejanis.

Black Laurel Vineyard – A small vineyard, controlled by V’neef Cejanis, producing small quantities of highly-valued thick, sweet red wine. The vineyard was transferred from House Cynis to House V'neef upon its founding, when the young House arranged for the emancipation of Black Laurel's hereditary slave-vinter family in exchange for their cooperation.

Shet Hill Vineyards – Large vineyard and winery controlled by V’neef Huodan. Transferred from House Tepet to House V’neef in RY708. Produces full-bodied red wines, described as having ‘soft ripe tannins with a dry finish and the character of red berries’. The Vineyard is named for the hill at the center of the estate, where local legend states the Immaculate Dragon Pasiap built a trebuchet which he used to strike down a vast army enslaved to the Anathema. An actual trebuchet is maintained by the estate atop the hill in the present day.

River Ray Winery – Large vineyard and winery controlled by V’neef Red Sand. Transferred from House Peleps to House V’neef in RY708. The estate is long, running east-west along the Chaopraya River. It produces dry white wines, with an unusual element: the Chaopraya is home to the largest freshwater stingrays known in Creation, some reaching over one thousand pounds in weight. Though their meat is not considered fit for any but peasant tables, workers at the vineyard capture these stingrays for their toxic barbs, which are placed in the wine bottles to add a distinctive flavour element. As the large stingrays can strike with their barbs at sufficient force to pierce bone, the harvesting invariably produces casualties each year.