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Latest revision as of 21:34, 25 July 2019

The Sweetsky Initiative is ostensibly a program of the Realm's government in Arjuf Dominion, but functionally is controlled and implemented at the behest of the Sweetsky Patrician Clan and their House Ledaal allies. A prominent family in the Dominion, the Sweetsky clan has engineered placement of its members as mayors and tax collectors withint he Thousand Scales in a number of villages and towns where it has investments, including Tuchara, Derchara, Crodat, Telemun, and Vexdacha.

The Initiative allows artisans to replace payment of taxes and licensing fees with goods and labour, directed by the Sweetsky clan to the beautification of their major holding in Tuchara.

Some amongst the Sweetsky privately refer to the Initiative as the 'Terminal Group', for it ensures taxes drawn from areas where they have interests are used to further those interests, and go no further on to the wider coffers of the Realm.