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Revision as of 20:01, 22 February 2018

These small metal urns, possessing a ring of red jade around the lip and in the bottom, are often found amongst the offices of Creation's great bureaucracies, particularly the Realm's Thousand Scales. Though ancient examples have been recovered from the ruins of the First Age, most examples in Creation today have been forged according to designs held by the Immaculate Order, drawn from the words of the Immaculate Dragon of Fire Hesiesh as recorded in the Immaculate Texts.

Any non-living organic matter placed within the urn is immediately consumed by the residual inner fire of its former life, and disintegrates into a pile of fine ash. This includes things such as dead rodents, paper scrolls, discarded food, et cetera. Non-organic matter withdrawn from the urns is slightly warm to the touch, but suffers no damage (though an intricate construction of metal and wood would be reduced to its metal components), and living matter (a hand, for instance) thrust inside becomes uncomfortably warm, but is not harmed.

Source: Slightly adapted from original by Arafelis on the Unofficial Exalted Wiki.