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Revision as of 20:25, 7 August 2014

The Battle at Teran-woo Bridge was a conflict during the Fair Folk Invasion following the Great Contagion, where the Fae Rain Princes advanced over the Bridge at Teran-woo and were engaged by an army of Creation’s defenders.

The nature of the battle is highly disputed in the present day, with few records surviving. It is known that the elemental Swan Dragon led a host of spirits to defend Creation... across the South many believe the tale that the righteous censor Swan Dragon joined the fight to drive back the Rain Princes, and the elemental dragon fell amongst the Fair Folk during the battle and was lost. The Court of the Orderly Flame and many activist spirits hold that Swan Dragon gathered the spirits of the South to battle the Princes, who had emerged behind the defensive lines of the Dragonblooded, and the Fae would have swept across Creation had he not fought them back and sacrificed himself to break their armies, forcing them into retreat in the South before the Scarlet Empress ever turned the Imperial Manse against the Fair Folk. The Realm’s Ministry of Scrupulous Observance of History, and much of Creation besides, considers the battle at Teran-woo to have been a force of Dragonblooded and spirits united in fighting back the Rain Princes, with the Fae nearly victorious before the Empress drove back their armies. Amongst the ranks of the Immaculate Order, there are many perspectives on what unfolded, and its religious merits.

However, outside of the South, there are few who spend much time thinking on the battle.

There are a number of different depictions of the battle found in texts and tales, from the Varangian dance Fall of the Swan to Sesus Ketek’s academic history A Summation of the Battle at Teran-woo Bridge.