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Latest revision as of 04:12, 29 October 2013

Port Cain is a small city and surrounding prefecture located on the northeastern coast of the Blessed Isle, midway in the journey between the ports of Pangu and the White Coast. The bulk of the prefecture is flat and agrarian, becoming more hilly towards its western side. It is bisected by the Rosewater River, which flows down from the hills to the city and the Coast.

Notable features include:

Port Cain – The prefectural capital is the seat of government and a bustling trade port, dealing with cities along the coast of the Isle as well as the Northern Threshold states such as Whitewall and Cherak. Port Cain is home to a station of the Imperial Merchant Navy, as well as a fishing fleet bringing in seafood and northern pearls. Though Dynastic presence in the city is not extremely significant, leaving direct power in the hands of the Patrician Clans, but both House Sesus and House Ferem have interests in the city. Sailors stopping at the port commend it for its welcoming taverns: the Night Bandit for powerful rice wines at low prices and the Golden Sails for being center of Port Cain's sex trade. Both are named for legendary Shogunate privateer vessels captained by Dragonblooded, allowing them to avoid Immaculate censure.

Gleaming Point – A township at the western side of the prefecture, which is much larger than its current population merits, built before the veins of gold in the surrounding hills had been mined out. The Imperial Navy maintains a supply station in the town, established some sixty years ago when House Peleps acquired a vast tract of the town rather than pay the new fees demanded by House V'neef for the Imperial Navy to make use of the Merchant Navy's station in Port Cain.

Hillbrook – Village of rice farmers and miners located at the origin of the Rosewater River.

Throne of Roses – Large manse estate (Wood ••••) in the countryside between Port Cain and Hillbrook, at the center of the prefecture. Controlled by House Sesus. Known for its lavish gardens and social functions, attracting guests from amongst both those resident at the Palace of Trees and vacationers on the White Coast.