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The Stones of the Immaculate Body are five hearthstones born of manses on the [[:Category:Blessed Isle|Blessed Isle]], of equal power and each empowering its bearer with various immunities and resistances towards [[:Category:Drugs & Poisons|poisons]] and [[:Category:Sickness & Disease|disease]].  
The Stones of the Immaculate Body are five hearthstones born of manses on the [[:Category:Blessed Isle|Blessed Isle]], each empowering its bearer with various immunities and resistances towards [[:Category:Drugs & Poisons|poisons]] and [[:Category:Sickness & Disease|disease]].  

Revision as of 00:20, 3 June 2015

The Stones of the Immaculate Body are five hearthstones born of manses on the Blessed Isle, each empowering its bearer with various immunities and resistances towards poisons and disease.

A number of legends and tales surround the five Stones. Some savants claim that the manses which birth them were shaped according to the will of Sextes Jylis and the designs of Pasiap, to protect Creation from the evils unleashed by the Anathema as their defeat drew near. Others speak that the five stones are merely pieces waiting to be assembled into a greater panacea that would grant their bearer ability to resist and reshape all toxins and all sickness she encountered. This belief drove a number of desperate Dragonblooded to battle during the dying days of the Shogunate, as they sought to seize control of the five Stones so they might save Creation... or perhaps merely themselves... from the horror of the Great Contagion.

The five Stones of the Immaculate Body are:

The Stone of Easy Breath (Air)

The Gem of Safe Harvest (Earth)

The Bloodstone (Water)

The Pyrexian Gem (Fire)

The Gemstone of Deep Drink (Wood)

The status of the Gemstone of Deep Drink has sometimes been disputed, particularly by geomancers affiliated with the Scarlet Dynasty's House Cynis, who assert that the stone lacks the power of its fellows and should not number amongst them. This accounting instead places the Crystal Venom Jewel as the Wood stone of the five, though opponents claim that the Stones of the Immaculate Body present sacred (and reproducible) patterns, and the Venom Jewel's geomancy has yet to be successfully replicated. The Palace Sublime frowns on inclusion of the Venom Jewel, and though it has not been declared a heretical claim few Immaculate temples espouse the divergent viewpoint. Amongst secular geomancers, however, the theory has gained at least some traction... while the Heptagram's curriculum adheres to the orthodox Immaculate view, the teachings of the House of Well-Favoured Aspect embrace the Venom Jewel's inclusion.