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''By Cathak Garel Niall''
''By [[Cathak Nyal|Cathak Garel Nyal]]''

Latest revision as of 14:10, 17 April 2022

Casting Mud back to Mud

Scavenger Deterrence Campaign RY562

By Cathak Garel Nyal

Casting Mud back to Mud is an account of maneuvers to beat down the arrogant overreaches of the Calin 'Shogunate', a member of the Confederation of Rivers, against the Realm’s satrapies along its northern border, between RY562 and RY567.

According to the text, the campaign saw minimal open combat, with neither side launching a true invasion of the other. Rather, Calin began the muster of troops in the border region in order to pressure its smaller neighbours into making trade concessions, and the Realm responded by deploying the 9th Imperial Legion and the 4th Imperial Legion. The Throne had determined an open assault to be undesirable, so the Legion’s objective was deterrence: to ensure that Calin knew any effort would be doomed to failure. This was accomplished by the construction of fortifications and communications posts in the border regions, supported by auxiliaries and Legion patrols between them, with a reserve of heavier elite troops kept in the major settlements on parade duties so as to demonstrate power to the Calinti spies known to be operating there. Both sides employed hired bandits and mercenaries to conduct raids and probing actions, without pressing their assault. The campaign was successful... Port Calin initially attempted to increase its forces further, but the expense put the noble line responsible at a disadvantage, and the voraciousness of Calinti politics saw them pushed from power after only five years, ending the threat.

The text, by a historian of the Garel branch of House Cathak who was attached to the 9th Legion during the campaign, is diligent in showing how the defensive lessons of the Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier were implemented diligently by Legion commanders. The writer also offers criticism of the 4th Imperial Legion, contrasting its lack of discipline and institutional corruption with the good order and wisdom of the 9th Imperial Legion.

Casting Mud back to Mud can be used to 
train the War Specialty ‘Border Regions’ by characters with 
War minimum ●, maximum ●●●.