Torch Lily

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Torch lily is a flowering plant native to the coastal southwestern Threshold, though it is also farmed in other regions including extensive cultivation on the Blessed Isle. The plant is used extensively in both cooking and daily life. The plant consists of a long stem, green at base rising to white, topped in a vibrant red flower whose blooming sees its petals unfold to surround a conical seed pod.

Torch lilies, regardless of where they are grown , provide petals, seeds, and stems for use in various dishes. These carry several flavours, combining sourness with hints of ginger and a peppery heat. The sourness is concentrated most in the seeds, the ginger in the stem, and the heat in the flower petals, meaning the parts of the plant most favoured vary widely between local cultures and even nearby households, but it is generally employed in fish dishes, chili sauces, and to add vibrant colour and flavour to salads.

Though the sight of the lily's flower on its stem might evoke the image of a torch, their name is a far more literal thing due to a particular interaction between the plant the essence of Fire. Where Torch lilies grow in the vicinity of such essence (close to Demesnes or [[Category:Fire-aspected Manses|manses of Fire), their blooms take on an additional characteristic, a very slight flickering glow. It is far dimmer than actual torchlight, more akin to cooling embers, but for peasants who wish to avoid open flames they can be most welcome... and they are highly sought after for both the gardens and flower arrangements of the Scarlet Dynasty, particularly for the salons of the Fire season.