Night Mother Doll

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Night Mother Dolls are large dolls carved of jade, in a style reminiscent of First Age stonework. They can be found on occasion in the Underworld, though their use to ghosts is quite limited.

The Dolls are artifacts, which may be attuned for a cost of zero motes. The only beings capable of attuning to a Doll are the ghosts of children who died prior to their tenth birthdays.

The attuned ghost may command the doll to protect them, causing it to grow in size until it stands seven feet in height. Though unarmed, the dolls are strong and tough, able to survive combats and carry their ghost or other cargos without complaint. They will listen to orders only from the attuned ghost, and cannot be commanded to obey another being, though the orders from their ghost will be followed unflinchingly.

The origins of the Night Mother Dolls remain mysterious. Some say they are the grave goods of some wealthy first age prince, forged by their Solar Exalt parents to protect the young ghost as it descended to the Underworld. Others say they are woeful memorials from An Teng's Pale Mistress, cast into the Underworld in place of the child souls she has devoured. The truth remains a mystery, though perhaps not to some amongst the Deathlords.