Cathedral of Time in the Embrace of Gold

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The Cathedral of Time in the Embrace of Gold is a manufactory cathedral located in the city of Tien-Wo, constructed in the Golden Age, specializing in the construction of complex artifice such as Automata and larger Warstriders, as well as the various tools used in Cathedrals and other workshops.

During the Shogunate Era, the rapidly diminishing supply of Exotic Components and raw materials meant the Cathedral ceased to be able to pursue its original functions, moving over to simpler weapons of war. However, the Dragonblooded holding the Cathedral made use of its facilities in experimentation, and for a time were on the leading edge of clockwork manufacture, innovating such wonders as the Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance.

The Cathedral survived the Shogunate Era and the Great Contagion, but met its end during the First Realm Invasion of the Scavenger Lands. The Cathedral had been a key target for the 4th Imperial Legion, who had employed skyship and warstrider forces to quickly advance and take control. The Cathedral facilities were a logistical boon, allowing easier repair and replacement of precious Magitechnology without needing to return it to the Blessed Isle.

In RY51, a group of insurgents struck the Cathedral, employing Charms, explosives, and Magitech devices to disrupt the Cathedral's geomancy. It remains unclear who ordered the attack... it was carried out with the sophistication typical of the resistance groups trained by Lookshy, but the Seventh Legion denied responsibility despite the Realm's accusations, and no one else emerged to claim responsibility. It is equally unclear if the goal was to merely disable the Cathedral, or to destroy it.

When the geomancy of the area was disrupted, the Cathedral erupted in a wave of concentrated Wood essence that inundated its immediate surroundings. Saplings became trees in mere moments, mortals caught in the blast saw their flesh bubble and grow uncontrollably before they burst asunder. The 4th Legion garrison was wiped out, along with significant magitechnological assets.

The Cathedral was destroyed, likely beyond any hope of repair, the uncapped demesne it had sat upon now unstable and prone to dangerous bursts of crackling energy. In the years that followed, the Guild of the Elegant Craft and visiting scholars managed to rebuild portions of the Cathedral, and to construct a number of Essence Vents to control the excess essence. These vents produce the thick greenish fog which cloaks the city of Tien-Wo to this day.

In the present time, the Cathedral is home to the masters of the Guild of Elegant Craft, and some of its halls and tools continue to be used in their works of artifice.