Cathak Okubo's invitation to Ledaal Shinjo RY768

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Origin: Cathak Okubo, Imperial City

Destination:Ledaal Shinjo, Imperial Palace, Ledaal Shinjo's Quarters.

Created:  ?

Recieved: RY768 DE14

Current Location: In possession of Ragara Thannak-Tyros, Deep of Carved Stone



It has been too long since we spoke, and for that I bear the bulk of responsibility, but recent weeks have set me thinking of times past, of climbing over walls under cover of darkness, of friends standing side by side against all comers.

I have let too many chances slip by, it seems. I had hoped to catch you after attending your most recent play... you are, as always, a master of word and drama, though I fear the more thick-headed of the City's denizens might miss the intended farce. In matters of artistry, my own mind has always been somewhat lacking, though recently I find myself taking in the poems of lord Rawar, and his sort, ignored in primary school lessons, the simplicity as their greatest flaw instead for me being their appeal.

I hope to begin making amens for years of neglect without delay, and invite you to join me and some of our other school friends at sunset on the 23rd, in the Palace's Blossoming Orchid Pavilion, for conversation on matters poetic and otherwise!

- Okubo