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Possible loose threads on Weather Control might be arranging to speak to someone important in the Treasury like Bal Keraz (I think I misunderstood what he does, but still worth looking into)
Possible loose threads on Weather Control might be arranging to speak to someone important in the Treasury like Bal Keraz (I think I misunderstood what he does, but still worth looking into)
== Mainplots ==
'''East 9th Ward'''
- Cejanis plans to ask Csaard to investigate business interests in the East 9th Ward, under the guise of exploiting the changing of the legion garrison.
== Subplots ==
== Subplots ==

Revision as of 03:16, 9 November 2018


-Cejanis currently is waiting on a response from poet Tepet Jozan for a meeting about her latest wine venture. -Cejanis sent a letter to Peleps Csaard on the 21st asking after a meeting for the 23rd.

Possible loose threads on Weather Control might be arranging to speak to someone important in the Treasury like Bal Keraz (I think I misunderstood what he does, but still worth looking into)


East 9th Ward - Cejanis plans to ask Csaard to investigate business interests in the East 9th Ward, under the guise of exploiting the changing of the legion garrison.


V'neef Agricultural Subsidy Bill
- Tapan wants a crop bill, worried about further squeezing of peasants leading to revolt
- Kenet wants to enrich himself and other luxury crop holders
- Dalyr feels that the luxury bill is more likely to pass, does not believe it alone would lead to uprisings; combined with poor harvest or cut in services it might
- Yashiva weary of the bill, not enough Deathlords
- Rufyus feels it does not help Cathak interests

Peleps Wine Monopoly Stripping Bill
- Shinjo warned of the secret bill's contents on the morning before it hit the floor of the Senate
- Staemos and House Peleps mastermind of the bill, House Sesus caucus giving support due to favors owed, House Mnemon support assumed.
- The Tepets stand to gain vital income from the return of their vineyards, but could see the Deliberative used to strip Lord's Crossing from THEM next.
- Cynis would receive vineyards as well, but would see the first of the Imperial Monopolies destroyed, putting their two monopolies in peril.

Palace Gala on Resplendent Wood 28th
- meeting with V'neef Mahara on the 13th to determine planning for it - Simmering Pot is 'sparing no expense' in planning dishes - Mahara granted used of the Thousand Vines Ballroom, and arranged meeting with Vneef Bijar to discuss security - invites to Senators and their children, as well as the bachelors and unwed daughters of the City; good chance to make alliances and seal them with marraiges House Cathak and House Ledaal - Bijar will need the guest list to ensure Cejanis' enemies are not present

Weather Control Funding
- Report on holdings and businesses show that poor weather could cause issues with harvests
- Meeting held. Northern coast given as an example: 44 of 100 mantis towers operational, 5 of 20 manned by Tepets operational
- 94% BUDGET CUTS, 600 bureaucrats reduced to 6, no money for weather forecasts and meteorology
- Bal Keraz in the Imperial Treasury provided funds to pack up towers that were falling apart
- need 80 of 100 towers operational to ensure protection from storm weather
- other elements of the weather control system are large white jade obelisks and immaculate enforcement of the weather gods

Poetry on Wine Bottles
- speak with Shinjo to recruit his assistance, as well as that of Tepet Jozan

Revenge on Staemos
- received letters from Staemos as well as a crate of peach-flavored rice wines addressed to Shinjo as "completion of his end of their contract"

East Ninth Ward
- Saw & Chisel stone carver business accepted offer of patronage, son who runs the shop now sent a list of things he will need to get the business started again

V'neef Bijar
- V'neef Bijar is one of the three Exalts in charge of the Imperial Palace's security, alongside Sesus Nagat and Cynis Ukinyo. She manages the Brass Legion and the Earthfolk detachments, we believe. She gave Okubo a reprimand or something according to Csaard's report, and he is likely to be the first point of inquiry on that. Other avenue is asking after security for your gala?

Wolf's Grove
Northeatern Assets
- - these details are missing from the forum notes, will need to add soon

Main Plot threads

Snakes in the Senate - The Mistress of the Deliberative and Sesus Kurigazu both have interests in preserving the Shogunate library currently controlled by Sesus Nagat. Given Cejanis being engaged by Tegra as she plots her exit from power it might be wise to trade political favors in exchange for access to her own libraries, deciphering the Realm Year Zero mysteries, or other knowledge on the Historical Preservation Society. (some of this requires info updates from Shinjo)

Political Interests of the Great Houses

House Ledaal - nominal allies to House V'neef as Arjuf is home to the Merchant Marine
- promote stability of the Realm and bolstering defences
- funding and support for bringing down trechery and rebellion, especially Saloy Hin

House Cathak

History of Events

Descending Earth 22nd

Cejanis (Senate): -> a bill on the Scarlet Span Bridge, between the Pangu and Scarlet Prefectures, fails in the Deliberative

Descending Earth 24th

Cejanis (Senate): -> Tepet Senators divided on the bill to award a title of "General Preserving The Peace" to the commander of the 1st Legion for keeping the Empress' peace for over 700 years. -> Senate looking into a special investigation of the murder of Cathak Okubo

Descending Earth 26th

Cejanis (Unagihime Restaurant): -> Meeting with Peleps Csaard, Imperial Magistrate. He orders baby conger eels in beancurd, a loaf of eel and tofu essentially, as well as an RY708 Kishi wine. -> He describes the difficulties caused in tracking Okubo's movements with the destruction of so much of their palace wing and the general chaos in the palace staff following it -> He questions why Cejanis was in the Cathak wing that night, but she deflects his suspicions. -> Mnemon Vesko is confirmed to be a colossal faggot, quote this if you're down. Also he sucks at fighting with his spear. Though his was the first palanquin to come across Okubo's body, Pelep Turina's palanquin was before Okubo's and saw nothing. {Note: Peleps Turina is a sorceress who wears a dress made of obsidian butterflies}

Descending Earth 27th

Cejanis (Senate): -> Ragara Pol has a motion to require all Deliberators to run the Circumnavigation marathon every year to force them to learn more about their nation and constituents. It fails. -> Upon learning that Staemos reputation is being adversely affected by the 4th's rampage in the Palace, she begins plotting to manipulate that to her advantage. -> Shinjo drops by to gossip with Cejanis, and learn of the location of the Bleeding Ruby Teahouse in the East Ninth; Cejanis had her minions pull up some details on Thesk Tarn, a minor patrician landlord.

-> Cejanis meets with Senator V'neef Kenet. They share plates of chilled fruit and red bush tea, his favorite from the Southeast. -> Kenet is lobbying for a new draft of the agricultural subsidy bill. He loathes his brother Tapan's compassion, and prefers a scheme by where V'neef luxury goods like wine are given subsidy, thereby transfer vast wealth into the House's coffers. With less food grown natively on the Isle's soil as food crops are turned to luxuries, more food will need to be imported lest the peasants starve; by monopoly, this too must pass through the V'neef merchant marine, further enriching the House. He expertly appeals to Cejanis' meglomania, pointing out that not only did she inspire the plan she also stands to profit from it! -> Peleps grows no luxury goods, and does not stand to gain anything from it. Their opposition is assured, no matter who forwards the motion. Getting to 125 votes will require appealing to the agricultural interests within each of the other Houses.

-> report on Cejanis' holdings: she needs to look into road upkeep, the degrading weather mantis towers, and preventing the 14th Legion from being repositioned lest banditry arise.

Descending Earth 28th

Cejanis (Senate): -> Ragara Pol motion to terminate all Dynastic stipends -> Sesus Kurigazu puts forward a special motion for a session of the Deliberative on the 7th of AW. This passes due to Cathak and Peleps support and Ragara and Nellens abstentions. Mistress of the Deliberative, Sesus Tegra, doesn't block the motion.

All (Cejanis' quarters in the Imperial Palace): -> Fishception -> Shinjo drinks far too much, revealing that his elders are trying to marry him off; he speaks a bit too freely to Septimus, though Sorae intervenes when Shinjo clearly doesn't wish to explain what he's promised to ward off marriage -> Information is shared between the circle, decision to send Shinjo and others to the East ninth Ward on the 2nd to visit Tallow Eater's quarters

Ascending Wood 1st

Cejanis (her office): -> a bunch of stuff about her take over of Wolf's Grove goes here

Ascending Wood 2nd

Cejanis (Hall for Listening to the Orioles restaurant): -> meeting for lunch with V'neef Sidel, a shipping magnate and senator -> Sidel viewes Kenet's agricultural as a blatant cash grab for House V'neef that will lead to the other Houses building more cargo ships... and thus weakening the V'neef merchant marine monopoly. Worse, such fat profits will lure House Peleps into privateerism. -> argues for land reserves to keep food prices down

Everybody {Outside Toribeno, evening} -> thread with a few bits here -> Peleps Archova's circle is in attendance, as well as Peleps Staemos, two Peleps Senators (Danan, former head of Peleps merchant marine), and a Water Aspected Immaculate Nestor (related to Archova?) -> Mnemon Vesko is here, along with Nellens Spulumbo. Two Tepet officers have come to witness the duel, as well as Cathak Caiji from the 1st Legion. A mortal Wood Temple monk as well. ->Senators Aremano and Tepet Lasalle are also in attendance, seeking redress for loss of unExalted children. Both back a motion to censure Archova and Dynasts like her for abusing their power over mortals. Cejanis speaks to them for a time. -> Peleps Csaard, Magistrate, is officiating. Cejanis speaks to him about ensuring fairness in the duel. -> Zhoutai arrives to pat Septimus on the back and give him the General's regards

-> the duel itself is long, but Septimus eventually succumbs to Archova's measured assault. She hesitates in finishing him long enough for Csaard to intercede and end the duel. Kitsume and Sorae tend to him, while Zhoutai swears vengeance and challenges Archova to a duel to the death.

Ascending Wood 3rd Cejanis (office?) -> Okubo investigation backed by Tepet/mnemon/Sesus/Peleps, likely topass. House Cathak and Ledaal each oppose but Ledaal special investigative committee requests undercut their arguments against just such a special inquiry into Okubo's murder -> Looking to contact Cathak and Ledaal Senators, meeting with Yashiva on the 4th and Tapan on the 5th -> inquiry into weather towers, working on Wolf's Grove plans

Ascending Wood 4th

Cejanis (office) -> planning for gala in Descending Wood, involving banquet plans with Simmering Pot and discussion on themes (archery competitions, romantic poetry recital, wine tasting) -> travels to Yashiva's office, he has sweet jam and sugar cookies (he has a sweet tooth) -> House Ledaal weary of both versions of the Agricultural Subsidy bill... not as important as THE DEATHLORDS -> House Ledaal interests: stability of the Realm, bolstering defences, funding and support for bringing down trechery and rebellion, especially Saloy Hin -> Sesus and Mnemon behind calls for emergency session, pushing a bill for special investigation into Dynastic murders in the City. Procedural issue with the bill bothers Yashiva, as it sets precedent for further special committees and the Deliberative has refused previous attempts -> Cathaks planning deployment to Azerban to kill the Blue Prophet -> Secret Peleps bill that no one knows about... will likely hit House V'neef very hard

-> Cejanis writes a letter to Shinjo asking for a favor

-> meeting with Cathak Rufyus in the evening, at the House of Whirling Blades -> meal of spiced beef and watered wine -> Agricultural Bill ~ both versions annoy House Cathak, as they have not 'wasted' their efforts on building up farms and do not want their taxes spent on it... and the bill lacks support for threshold imports -> ammendments are not enough for Cathak votes, they want to hurt the Pangu monopoly and reduce tariffs on beef cattle -> on talk of inefficiency in the Thousand Scales, Rufyus mentions that while it is not on the Cathak agenda he personally believes reform is sorely needed -> Investigative committee unneeded, matter should be left to the magistracy. Limits would be desirable if it must pass, House Cathak instructed to oppose it with all their might

Ascending Wood 5th

Cejanis (Parlour of the flying Fish) -> meeting with V'neef Tapan. He is very busy, work occupies every speck of time. He is learning about horticulture with local farmers; Kenet sees people as lines in a ledger, HE argues that they are so much more! The Realm takes too much from them, and that peasants are nearing the breaking point. For each Exalt, there are ten thousand peasants, he warns. -> little hope for true reform, easier to convince the Senate once they witness everything fall apart (holy shit, man) -> TAX REFORM... trickery to apply new tax systems will just be outwitted like the old systems, luxury subsiidy will break last chain of loyalty between the commoner and their dragon-blessed lords -> remains skeptical, and loathed to side with his brother -> talk of Wolf's Grove schemes and socialism ~ strangely selfless for the Dynasty, PROSPERITY FOR ALL ( so exalted, fuck yes) -> village council of Ostel unhappy with their local mayor -> he will look for opportunities for Cejanis' schemes to increase prosperity. For the Realm!

-> meeting with Weather Control bureaucrat (most terrifying session ever) -> northern coast, 44 of 100 mantis towers are operational, 5 of 20 Tepet towers work, other departments only doing slightly better -> all save House Cathak and Mnemon are affected, funding cuts have prevented hiring technicians and predicting meteorology 94% BUDGET CUTS, they need a bare minimum of 80 of 100 towers on the coast to prevent storms, and of 600 bureaucrats they have 6, a single secretary and desk in the City -> "a very dire time for Weather Control" -> Bal Keraz funding to pack up mantis towers and store them in Thousand Scales warehouses before they deteriorate, as the Treasury can not fund Weather Control; it can only focus on tax collection right now -> need promises of no further cuts and restoration of the budget -> mantis tower system as three elements: white jade obelisks, mantis towers, and weather courts -> Obelisks, 20 of them dots the internal landscape of the Isle, remote places, maintaining order -> Mantis towers fill gaps across the coast -> Immaculate order regulates the weather gods -> Mantis towers require specialized knowledge, 3 techs (weather, magitech, occult correspondence), self-support with hearthstones but break quickly once removed. 1 Team can support several towers -> PRIVITIZE THE WEATHER SYSTEM {Tyros and Pepaa should look into the weather tower stuff, their skills suit this! privatizing the northern weather wall of mantis towers ~ look into alliance with Cynis, Ragara, Tepet to complete it, maybe Sesus?}

Ascending Wood 6th
Went out for lunch with Shinjo, Tyros and Tiir. And then a brothel.

Ascending Wood 7th
Major Senate session

Ascending Wood 8th
Circle meeting

Ascending Wood 9th

Deliberative offices -> Cejanis' staff is worried about the escalation of violence in the city and how dangerous the political world is becoming, listing all the murders. Verdant Moss is visibly worried. Cejanis, megalomanical as ever, assures the staff that "there is no need to fret, I will be fine". Preliminary stages of planning for the party have been completed. Three types of party are appropriate to the season: archery bouts, wine-tasting, and poetry reading; orgies are left out as being unsuitable. The 28th of Resplendent Wood is decided on for the date, an open invitation to the Dynasty with special invitations for important individuals; co-ordinating with the V'neef elders is deemed appropriate.
Simmering Pot is ushered in to discuss catering. Nothing but the best is demanded by Cejanis, and the ideal meal plan is layed out: sea-cucumber, salted and slived; fried squid with guts of sea-cucumber; dried ovaries topped with onions; peony eel cut to resemble blossoming flowers;char, wormwood smoked.
Decor will be a balance of water and wood elements, paintings with vineyards overlooking the sea.
Verdant Moss is given the task to look into complimentary businesses or easy targets in the East 9th Ward, and to look into acquiring empty storage. Letters are sent to Peleps Csaard and Ledaal Shinjo, the first requesting a brief meeting and the second demanding to see him immediately!

(East Ninth Ward)
-> Chisel & Saw Quarry is Cejanis' target, a poorly maintained building with an interior full of empty space and work tables. Cejanis offers him patronage, taking a tour of the business to assess it. There is a tapped-out marble pit that was used in the original construction of th eImperial Palace; the family business dates to that era. Taxes and fees reduced the staff; at their most prosperous there were 30 but by the end the stone-crafting was handled by just him, his father, and 4 others. Cejanis spins a story about profit-sharing and investments, asking for a list of his business needs.

Ascending Wood 10th

(V'neef Deliberative offices)
-> Cejanis meets with V'neef Dalyr, an adopted former Legion officer. He has spent years fighting barbarians in the Threshold, and his office displays mementos from various battlefields and tribes he has encountered, many of them weapons. He is an adopted member of the House, having served in the Lesser Chamber of the Deliberative prior to becoming a sort of defacto chair/whip of the V'neef caucus... who seldom listen to his sage advice.
- The pair speak of the agricultural subsidy bill and his opinions on which might pass. He feels the luxury bill has a higher chance of success, lamenting Kenet's skill at politics coupled with immense greed. Cejanis asks after peasant unrest if the bill passed, and he feels that Tapan overestimates how dire it would be; only if combined with cuts to services that their require {oh god is there cuts to socialized medicine planned?} or a poor harvest would it bring peasant revolt. Cejanis warns that the weather bureau is drastically underfunded, cuts taken when Bal Keraz was refused funding by the Deliberative. Dalyr will look into drumming up support for refunding the weather bureau, as their mantis towers are necessary for continued V'neef agricultural prosperity.
- Sesus & Peleps caucus were both upset that the emergency session was ended by Sesus Tegra, Mistress of the Deliberative. Dalyr posits that as a veteran of politics she knew how damaging the bill would be if passed, as it may very well have been if the vote had been called. Peleps, Sesus and Mnemon all seem in staunch support of the bill stripping V'neefs agricultural assets while the Tepets and Cynis are leaning into support. Cynis doubts come from seeing an Imperial monopoly stripped, which would set precedent for attacking their own pair of protected monopolies in slaves and selling food to the Legions; the Tepets would see a great boost in income from reclaiming their vineyards, enough to raise a new Legion, but bullying the smaller, weaker Houses would threaten their own holdings in Lord's Crossing in the future. Dalyr has a scheme to use the Lesser Chamber to stall the bill even if it should pass the Greater Chamber.
- Cathaks and Ledaals seem to be against the bill, though neither views the junior House V'neef as a true member of their alliance. Ragara has a greater fear of the Deliberative losing authority than its power being abused; stability above all, and as such their position is less known.
- Dalyr shares news from Qishi, that Princess V'neef has ordered that the Merchant Marine cease all anti-piracy work along the coast of Eagle Prefecture. V'neef is remind House Sesus of the cost of seeking favors from House Peleps and suggesting their adopt a neutral stance in the future. It also serves as a remind of the strength of House V'neef to the other Houses. Dalyr would have preferred that this measure not been enacted by his tone and posture, but hopes it can be used to negotiate. It causes further issues as the Tepets use the ports of Eagle's Launch since House Ledaal refuses them access to the Caracal River. Cejanis notes that she will speak to Yashiva on this. Dalyr is worried about pirates attacking the prefecture soon, as there are disturbing reports of Coral Archipelago movements threatening the western part of the Realm.
- The Sesus + Peleps alliance is fracturing, as Sesus is positioned such that they cannot back down from it but their promises lie unfulfilled. The alliance must have seemed a boon to Peleps at the time, since replacing the 1st Legion with the 4th meant removing soldiers trained for hundreds of years specifically for killing the Senate, but what should have been a more limited deal is bringing down the Sesii.

Ascending Wood 11th

(home, V'neef palace wing)
-> the day is spent on Charm training and bureaucratic manuvering, though in the evening she receives a large crate from Peleps Staemos bearing two letters: one addressed to her and another to Ledaal Shinjo. The first letter asks 'Janjan' if she would mind forwarding the package to their mutual friend, while the second letter (that Cejanis wastes no time opening!) states that Staemos has completed his side of their contract. The crate holds bottles of what is no-doubt peach-flavored rice wine. {I regret everything, oh god}
- She has plans for meetings with Csaard soon, as well as Yashiva on the 12th and V'neef Mahara on the 13th.