Lens of First Impressions

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Aspect: Air
Rating: ••  
Source: Based on the Stone of First Impressions in Oadenol's Codex pp. 86

This gemstone, a thin lens opaque blue-and-white in colour, gives the bearer an immediate sense of the intentions and concerns of someone she has encountered for the first time. It is highly valued amongst younger Dynasts and diplomats of the Realm’s Foreign Office, though less amongst those with less fluid social circles.

[OOC: The following are stopgap rules pending a major revision of the Social Combat system.]

Once per day, when targeted by a social attack from someone she has just met, regardless of the result, the bearer may make an immediate action, combining both Read Motivation (Action) and Detect Lies (Action) as a counterattack with a Speed of 0, against their attacker.