House of the Stone Stag

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Rating: •• 

Aspect: Wood. 

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Attuned: ?. 

Owned by House Cathak, the House of the Stone Stag is a manse in Juche Prefecture named for the stuffed head of a twelve-point stag with horns made of purest onyx mounted above the front portal of the Manse. Used as a retreat and hunting lodge, the House of the Stone Stag has seen more than a few meetings among important members of House Cathak of late, who have taken to using the site as an information drop-off point and council place in these times of deliberation over the fate of the Realm and the role House Cathak will play in that. The House of the Stone Stag is found south-west of Juche, in the midst of a forested estate.

Source: Joseph Carriker, cut for space from CoCD Blessed Isle.