Icy Lotus' Embrace

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A stir-fried dish from the culinary traditions of the Scarlet Dynasty, consisting of pork belly, Snow Lotus root from Cherak, onions, and garlic. The fat of the belly meat is rendered out with the lotus shredded by hand and then fried along with the rest of the ingredients, finished with soy sauce and salt. The dish is said to relax tense minds and bodies, and is thus most commonly served at the end of excercise or sparring sessions.

Though traditional proportions and are most commonly seen (and occasional impoverished kitchens might substitute Lotus root for snow lotus), the highest tiers of Dynastic kitchens such as the House of Healing Repast will carefully balance each component to suit the specific essence flows and physical characteristics of each diner.

While practical effects of the dish are typicaly negligible, consuming the version prepared by the House of Healing Repast restores 1 mote.

SOURCE: HSR's Hand-Shredded Icy Lotus