Flittering Morass

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In the open plains of the Great Grass Sea, water is usually a seasonal thing: watering hole growing to lakes in the Season of Water, drying up to mud and dirt by the end of the Season of Fire.

The Flittering Morass is an exception. It sits in an open gap between the hilly terrain jutting north from the Summer Mountains, between Harbourhead in the northwest, Navelborne in the southwest, the Port of New Hope in the northeast, and the Grass Sea itself to the southeast. It would be the perfect passage for herds of animals such as Cattle… but the Morass is hardly accomodating. It is a fetid, swampy land of reeds and sinkholes, bubbling with poisonous creatures and deadly diseases. It is the breeding ground of the Fly of Torpid Slumber, which spreads the Stilling Sickness fatal to human and Cattle alike, blocking the Five Peoples of Harbourhead from advancing southward with their herds. Other parasites, such as Blinding Worm, are also found in large numbers within the Morass.

The land is too dangerous and bothersome for empires to claim directly. Small tribes of Djala, Dphon, and pale-skinned sickly folk inhabit the Morass, eking out an existence and trying to hide themselves from slave raiders searching for new captives out of New Hope and Navelborne.