Virtues of Dethrig

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The Virtues of Dethrig is a 'Tale of Loyal Virtue' folktale in the Scarlet Empire, known widely among Dynastic slave-owners and their slaves.

The story has many variations, but the version promulgated by Dynastic slaveowners tells of a slave whose Dragonblooded master is slain by an assassin, who takes up arms to slay the villain, though they know that so doing means they will be put to death on the Correction Wheel. Though literacy among slaves is discouraged, a version of this story told entirely through textless woodblock images exists, crafted by Dynastic artist Cynis Shungado, which masters will sometimes use to train their slaves in the story.

Slaves quietly whisper their own versions of the tale, which in addition to lessons on keeping secrets and hiding away food tell of Dethrig as an opportunistic slave who betrayed and condemned his fellow slaves to gain rewards from his master, rising in power and benefits until that master put him on the Wheel for his presumption. Among slaves, 'of Dethrig's Virtue' is a common euphemism for a sycophantic slave who will readily sell out his fellows for scraps.