Transmogrified Alienation

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Transmogrified Alienation was an Exotic Component used in the Golden Age. Savants of the current era have long studied the use of these crystal amphorae of viscous crimson liquid, occasionally discovered in ancient caches by Scavenger Lords, with little success. The liquid makes a poor fuel or lubricant, and those who dare taste it oft become violently ill, but those of particular knowledge know that it is of use in artifice, for tempering forged artifacts crafted to delve the realms beyond Creation, or to strike down the demonic denizens of Hell. The secret of how the Alienation is formed remains lost to Creation, but with little production of such devices amongst the artificers of the present Age there has been little interest in rediscovering it... perhaps that will soon change, with the return of the Solar Exalted.

Were its secrets uncovered, an artificer would find the creation of this Component a complex thing. It begins with the summoning of Demons, which are drawn into Creation through a carefully-calibrated lens, its shape warped so that the demons come into being in strange, distorted new forms.

These spirits are inherently unstable, constantly on the verge of twisting apart, and so to produce a more usable form of distortion they must be quickly mated to mortals, creating Demonblooded offspring. These twisted but more stable creatures are then tapped and drained, their Blood the substance known as ‘Transmogrified Alienation.’

Amongst the artifacts for which Transmogrified Alienation was required are counted the Spiritual Drills and the Girdle of Infinite Treasures.

Strangely, if one removes mention of lenses or its intended purpose, amongst the tales of the horrors visited upon Creation by the Anathema known as the Unclean told in the pages of the Immaculate Texts one can find a story which hewes very close to an account of this eldritch procedure...