Children of Breeding

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Children of Breeding were mortals and gods who were interbred and pruned throughout the Golden Age by the Solar Exallted through complex eugenics programs. The end result were Godblooded beings whose Essence had been shaped to fill a specific purpose: though they could hardly be called human, nor were they functional gods, they were extremely useful as Exotic Components in Artifact Creation. Those First Age programs were lost or destroyed through the Usurpation and Great Contagion, the bloodlines produced lost save the occasional example found sealed and preserved by a ranging Scavenger Lord. A few more are kept in Yu Shan, by Parad Left-Hand of Power, god of Inherited Might… though technically registered as clerks in his office, they instead occupy the gallery leading to his desk, so visitors might peruse the potential fruits of properly guided inheritance as they approach for an audience.

Source: See Books of Sorcery Vol.3 – Oadenol’s Codex pp.25-26 for further information.