Feisty Ice

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Feisty Ice is a Fire-Aspected Outcaste officer of the 4th Imperial Legion, currently serving in the 4th Ranger Scale.

A native of Belbac, Feisty Ice was the son of a local prostitute, his father an unknown officer of the 4th Imperial Legion garrison before it was withdrawn. As with many children of the brothels, Feisty Ice had little choice but to follow in his parent’s footsteps, a difficult youth which left scars both without and within. Throughout, the boy dreamed of escape to the land of his supposed father, the distant paradise of the Realm.

When his Exaltation injured a client, Feisty Ice fled Belbac, attempting to make his way to port in Ceben and onward to the Blessed Isle. Unfortunately for the young Dragonblooded, the Campaign against the Anathema-Voivode broke out as he crossed into Azerban, and Feisty Ice struggled to stay away from the battling armies and make his way southward. Eventually even the powers of a Terrestrial Exalt were not enough to escape the attention of the Immaculate Order, with an itinerant monk attempting to force the boy to accompany him back to the Isle to take the Razor.

Feisty Ice went along with the demand, seeing no other choice, until the pair encountered a patrol of soldiers from the 4th Imperial Legion led by Sesus Dochao. The Legionnaires detained them both, and Dochao offered the boy the choice of the Coin and a commission in the Legion. He readily accepted, despite the anger of his tonsured escort.

As a Legionnaire, Feisty Ice proved to have little inclination for command or disciplined formations, but he excelled as a skirmisher and scout. When Dochao ascended to the post of Strategoi, Feisty Ice was transferred to the 4th Ranger Scale under scalelord Melting Frost, to make best use of his particular talents.