Soaring Spinepig

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The Soaring Spinepig is a creature of the Northeastern Threshold, a resident of the Coniferous forests. In appearance it is a creature of significant size, similar to a Bear or Giant Tree Sloth, with long coarse fur covering a set of massive, barbed bone spines upon its back, each the size of a sturdy spear.

The Soaring Spinepig feeds primarily on bark and conifer needles, using its spines and size to deter predators. The spines, however, are primarily for movement… muscles in the creature’s back can spasm, sending the spines shooting upwards to affix themselves as Grappling Hooks, leathery strands of muscle and sinew then drawing the creature upward behind them so it can reach the trees. This is particularly problematic for the people of Halta, for Soaring Spinepigs are able to bypass many of the defenses to keep interlopers out of their cities, and the beasts are highly aggressive when approached… though they do so as a matter of last resort, Soaring Spinepigs will use their grappling spines as weapons to strike at their foes, impaling them and then pulling them quickly back to be further pierced on the creature’s remaining spines.

The Soaring Spinepig is a relatively new creature to join the rolls of the Bureau of Nature, its god Rapacious Ascent formerly divinity of the Dashing Spinepig, a creature rendered extinct by the Great Contagion. Some have lobbied that it is a Wyld mutant of another creature, but Rapacious Ascent’s campaign for its acceptance was buoyed by the support of others such as Chakii the Irrepressible, god of the Mountain Spinepig and Oplath Daigono Shar, god of Natural Flight.