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The Valravn, known as the War Crows fo Voharun, are spirits who serve Voharun Feaster of the Slain, god of Northern War, as his eyes and ears across Creation. They serve as messengers for the Feaster, both to other divinities in Yu Shan and to his petitioners in Creation, but their prime responsibility is bureaucratic, providing manpower to the Office of Northern War within the Righteous & Indefatigable Division of War. The Valravn oversee individual battles across the North, ensuring they unfold along the paths set out by the Righteous & Indefatigable Division of War, that soldiers die and suffer as they ought (they are thus particularly opposed to the undead and the Deathlords who seek to make common such abominations). They are well suited to their tasks, with gifts of divination and observation to gather intelligence on the unfolding battle, and the guile to steal into briefings and command tents to ensure their contents are within acceptable limits set by their Office.

Such insights, of course, are themselves potent weapons to influence a battle’s outcome, and some will offer prayer and sacrifice to the Feaster on the Slain in order to secure their aid, with the image of an imposing general with crow perched on his shoulder an enduring image in the tales of the North. Valravns are able, but potentially frustrating, advisors… while they are capable of learning much about enemy plans and intentions, they prefer to offer this knowledge in hints and riddles, forcing the commander they accompany to puzzle out the full meaning.

This direct interference is in violation of divine law, but hardly more so than that practiced by Ahlat with his War Aurochs or Siakal with her Children. However, a greater crime might be at play amongst these spirits: meddling in the proper course of Souls.

A part of the ritual to summon a Valravn involves a personal sacrifice: the petitioner swears his eyes, tongue, and forever to Voharun upon his death, and when that time occurs crows descend to eat their fill. When the soul is consumed, the body of bird and memories of human unite, and a Valravn is born, joining the Office of Northern War at Voharun’s side. At least, this is what the Feaster of the Slain’s worshippers believe… were it true, Taru-Han god of Dying would not wait for the censors to conclude their investigations before she had her subordinate rendered into Starmetal for such tampering.

Source: Adapted and expanded from original by Grimjaws on the unofficial Exalted wiki, and Voharun’s raven familiars in SoK.