Fox Parable

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The Fox Parable is a passage of the Immaculate Texts, speaking of a time when the Immaculate Dragons still led the Exalted in war against the Anathema. At this time, many of Creation's peoples were confused, for while some were chained in the manipulations of the Anathema, others acted merely from base ignorance. When such foolish peoples rose against the armies of the righteous, the boundless compassion of the Immaculate Dragons compelled them to enlighten, else those peoples be destroyed.

...At this, Pasiap spoke, and as he did, the people fell silent. Not enlightened enough to see through his mortal shell and recognize the Immaculate Dragon of Earth, they felt that his words contained infinite power, the power to strike the most eloquent dumb.

"This is the root of your troubles," said Pasiap, and his voice reverberated as an avalanche down the slopes of a mountain. "You have not observed the Perfected Hierarchy. You rise against the Incarnations of the Dragons, against those souls Exalted in their service; do you not understand that you only destroy yourselves?

Just as the beasts of the earth are subordinate to mortal humans, so humanity is subordinate to the Exalted. Can you not see the evidence of their spiritual superiority in their stature, their actions, their forms? The Dragonblooded aspect the Elements of Creation, they are of Creation, no witchery stolen from the Incarnae of Heaven. This is not just their power, but their duty to us. And in return for their graciousness and protection, their spiritual awareness and help in our travails, we serve and obey them, now and forever."