Gala of Southern Spring

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Date: 4th Day of Resplendent Wood.

Type: Social Gala.

Host: The Imperial Satrap of Harbourhead, currently Cathak Voper.

Location: Imperial Satrap’s Palace, Kirigast (Harbourhead).

Invitations: Open to Dynasts. All of the Dynasts in Harbourhead and the 47th Imperial Legion deployed there attend, along with a few Dynasts traveling in from the Blessed Isle and neighbouring satrapies, such as Paragon and Varangia. Some non-Dynastic Harbourhead natives of prominent status also receive invitations.

Description: Guests wear elaborate and inventive costumes, seeking to outdo each other in complexity and opulence, while retaining the mobility to dance and perform music... a most difficult set of demands for their tailors to fulfill.