Cattle Reef
Cattle Reef is a navigational obstacle of the Western Oceans, traditionally marking the eastern edge of the West’s Open Seas, located northwest of Rock Crescent and west of Wu Jian. It is bordered towards the north by the Isles of Savagery, and to the south by the Pelican Narrows which divide it from Pelican Reef. It stretches north to south, several miles in width, and is considered even more dangerous to navigation than nearby Pelican Reef because nearly all of its rocks and coral ridges lie out of sight below the waterline… an incautious vessel off-course as it travels the open waters between the Blessed Isle and the West might not spot the danger until their hull announced their arrival by splintering. The powerful currents are unpredictable, the channels difficult to map and to narrow for vessels of any significant size, and in some areas strange gouts of boiling hot water may suddenly geyser forth into the sky, with force enough to capsize a passing ship.
The story told by many western sailors when questioned on the feature is that, when the tides shift low, the reef is revealed, resembling a herd of Cattle on stampede, whose sharp horns are the threat to ships. This is considered a source of a good laugh, and at sea many crews clear bilges and haul ropes while gwaffing over stories of fat landward Guildsman or Priest of Ahlat who perished dashed on the reef or boiled in a geyser as they sought to find the glorious sight of the cows. Those who claim membership in the cult of Siakal place more bulk at the end of such tales than the beginning, so they might describe in detail the devouring of the victims… a fate not unlikely, as while sharks sometimes flit through the Reef, many more move along its outskirts to take advantage of wrecked ships.
In truth, it is not from land Cattle but from the Flowering Sea Cow, a beefy creature which can be found growing in the areas most prone to geysers, enjoying the warmer waters there. Divers might find a fine source of food in them, if the dangers of their habitat were not as great as they are.
Cattle Reef is not marked on sea charts dating from before the Great Contagion, and some speak that its appearance relates to the powers employed by the Scarlet Empress to drive back the Fair Folk.