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Sunners are large, warm-blooded sea creatures residing in the oceans of the West, named for their love of coming ashore to bask in the warm rays of the Unconquered Sun. To some, a Sunner resembles a cross between an aquatic bird, a whale, and a Pelagic Dragon: their bodies are covered in oiled, streamlined feathers for easy swimming, propelled by two flippers at the fore and two at the rear. Their heads are found atop long necks, beak-like mouths filled with baleen rather than teeth. Their eyes are small, well adapted to picking out movement but not detail, though they have a keen sense of hearing.

Sunners travel in pairs or small pods of up to a half-dozen individuals. They feed on small fish, shrimp, and plankton, filtered from the water through the baleen plates in their mouths.

Humans amongst the islands of the West often hunt Sunners, attempting to catch them while they have come ashore to bask in the sun as they have difficulty maneuvering on land. Their meat is eaten, oil collected as fuel or for cooking, and their skin used to make waterproof clothing, pouches, and coracles. They are also prey for large ocean predators such as sharks, Siaka, Sea Dragons, Wahrks, and Orcas.

Source: Adapted from Cyan's Riven... a game whose plot makes for terrible Exalted, but whose setting is full of things 
that are beautiful samedifferent and thus wonderful fits for fleshing out Creation.