River Whale

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The River Whale is a medium-sized freshwater whale, measuring between 20ft and 25ft in length. They are a dark blue-grey in colour, becoming lighter below. The dorsal fin is small, other fins squat and oar-shaped, leaving the whale less speedy than many of its ocean-dwelling peers, though able to turn and maneuver well in shallow water. The river whale’s body is squared and blunt at the head, tapering towards the tail, the forehead housing deposits of fat and tissue used in echolocation, the whale’s primary sense.

Habitat & Range

River Whales are found in many of Creation’s larger river systems, including the Yanaze River, Rock River, Silver River, and River of Tears. They tend to migrate, moving towards the north in the warmer months and towards the south for the colder months.


River whales eat a wide variety of river fish, as well as river shellfish. They are able to ‘spit’ a stream of water, allowing them to clear sand and dirt from shellfish before devouring them. Teeth are not used for chewing but for gripping, and prey must be swallowed mostly whole, limiting the size of fish the whale can consume.


River whales form pods of up to a dozen individuals who travel and feed together. They tend to be very vocal when in groups, and often curious, investigating boats and docks as they pass, though in areas of high bunting they seem to become more wary.

Cultural Significance

Settlements and cultures along the larger rivers of Creation (such as the Linowan) often have contact with river whales, who are hunted for their meat, skin (which can be cured into leather), blubber, and oil. In addition to this value, some fishermen attack the whales believing they are voracious devourers of local fish stocks, and “like a whale in the River” is an Eastern saying to refer to something foreign (which is dangerous and ought to be immediately killed).

Humans are not the only enemies of river whales. Large freshwater predators, particularly Pygmy Orcas and River Dragons, find the whales to be delectable prey.