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This is a widely-used sub-template for many of the infoboxes in the site. It should never be used on its own, except from another template. Parameters are as follows:


Parameter Type Comments
title Optional A level 3 header (=== ===) to introduce the section. Due to the issues of [edit] editing the template instead of the page, no edit button will be displayed. The title will automatically be linked to the page of the same name in the same namespace, if appropriate (in other words, itself, thus appearing as a link only when transcluded to another page).
The type of content (e.g., Charm, Path, Spell). This will normally reflect the namespace the infobox is normally displayed in. Optionally, specify types if the plural of the type isn't a simple "add an s" (e.g. "Arcanos/Arcanoi").
text Required The text to display to the left of the table.
edition Optional If specified, the page will be categorized in the appropriate edition for its type.
officialcats Optional The categories to place the page in if the source is one of the official books. If the source isn't found in the official list, the content will be tagged as user content instead, though the trait check will still occur as normal (see traitcheck for further details).
cattypes Optional The plural type for categorization. This is assumed to be equivalent to types unless otherwise specified.
ns Optional The namespace of the content. This is assumed to be equivalent to types unless otherwise specified.
traitcheck Optional The name of a template to check the trait parameter against. If valid, traitcats will be included; otherwise an error message will be displayed below the table. If traitcheck is not specified, traitcats will always be included, if present.
trait Required if
traitcheck used
If traitcheck is used, the value of the trait to check.
Example: To check {{IsCircle|{{{circle}}}}}, you would specify traitcheck=IsCircle and trait={{{circle}}}.
traitparam Required if
traitcheck used
The name of the trait parameter passed to the parent template. Defaults to "trait" if not specified.
traitcats Optional The categories to be included if the trait check passed.
nocat Optional Ignore all categories in traitcats and officialcats. (Primarily used for documentation.)
usercontent Optional If specified, the trait check will always succeed, so traitcats will always be included.
Source Parameters
Sources should be specified with a number indicating the order for multiple sources. For backwards compatibility, limited support is offered for the first source parameter to have no number, however templates calling this one should use a number to indicate that source text and categorization should be included automatically.
source# Optional The name of the source, or the user name if this is user content. This will be linked to the category in the infobox and to the wiki page in the text.
page# Optional The page number in the source on which the material can be found (or the start page if it is found on a range of pages).
pageto# Optional The ending page number of the material if it is found on a range of pages.
srcdisp# Optional The text to display instead of the source name.
The following parameters apply only if an infobox is to be displayed.
boxwidth Optional The width of the table. Defaults to 25% if not specified.
boxcontent Optional The content of the table. No specific format is enforced - it is up to the calling template to ensure that formatting follows site standards. If blank, the entire infobox will be omitted, leaving only the title and text.
boxcolor Optional The color for the table, as used in {{EssenceColorTable}}.
boxtablestyle Optional Additional CSS style parameters for the infobox table.
boxcellstyle Optional Additional CSS style parameters for the infobox cell.