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The Oligarchy of Ceben is a small coastal state along the Inner Sea, a tributary of the Realm beholden to House Sesus, bordered to the north by the satrapy of Madura which was the recent site of victory against the terrible Anathema of Azerban. Ceben first became a Realm tributary immediately following the Great Contagion, when they were amongst the states to acknowledge the primacy of the Empress. A tributary of House Iselsi, they fell to prince Sesus after the dissolution of that House for its terrible treason, after having lost many of their young men and women when the Iselsi armies were crushed in the Scavenger Lands. Ceben remained of little note in the annals of history after that point, save becoming headquarters for the disgraced 4th Imperial Legion, until that Legion’s reforms and victory over the Anathema-voivode of nearby Azerban, which saw Ceben itself devastated by massive flooding that destroyed its capital.


Cebenites are a hardy folk, who work long hours with little complaint... but when the work day is done, everyone over the age of ten indulges in the national vice, strong rotgut liquor distilled from root vegetables. Evenings in Ceben are boisterous, filled with loud songs and fistfights, both men and women more than willing to enter the fray and even the young tossing cups from the sidelines.

Politically the Oligarchy is ruled by the Oligarchic Council, made up of nobles who trace their descent to officers of the Shogunate bureaucracy. These roots and some marriages with their Dynastic rulers mean an occasional Dragonblood arises amongst their number, but these rarely remain, with better opportunities for them found nearby on the Blessed Isle and in the Scavenger Lands. Each noble family controls a branch of government, its members filling all positions within that branch, with some noble families instead monopolizing certain industries. Beneath them are a population of peasant farmers, fishermen, and swineherds, as well as a small middle class of merchants and craftsmen.


Economically Ceben has little of value, but they are not utterly impoverished: pigs and fish caught on the Inner Sea are in high demand on the Blessed Isle (its tribute payments are drawn from these products), while potatoes and other root vegetables are exported to nearby kingdoms such as Cherak and Valis. Ceben produces finished goods only on a small scale, with most larger fishing vessels and luxury products imported from the Isle... the only goods produced in any quantity are cheap, unadorned clay drinking mugs, which rarely last more than an evening or two before being smashed and replaced.

Commercial exchange means that while Ceben’s primary currency is a silver dinar (valued at 0.6 Guild dinars) Realm scrip is also in use in urban areas.


Ceben does not have a standing army, each noble family of the Oligarchic Council instead employing their own force of guardsmen. These are combined as needed for operations against bandits or conscripted as auxiliaries to Realm Legions. Their favoured weapons are the axe and the sling. Many Oligarchs maintain a coastal vessel for trade and fishing which feature light armaments to deter piracy, but they trust largely in the Imperial Navy for protection at sea.


Ceben is a rocky, hilly land, whose clay-heavy soil is ill-suited to rice or wheat but is passable for root vegetables and fungi. The coastline is harsh, jagged rocks presenting navigation hazards to approaching vessels save for two or three natural harbours that provide sheltered ports for ships.

ISESU: The largest of Ceben’s harbours is at the mouth of the Thousand Rushes River, the location of Ceben’s capital Isesu. Isesu was once a large community by local standards, home to most of Ceben’s nobility and middle class and totalling some thirty thousand inhabitants. When the Thousand Rushes was flooded by the 4th Legion, most of the population was killed and the remainder rendered homeless, abandoning the city with whatever could be carried.

--- Palace of the Oligarchs: A beautiful palace of marble, originally commissioned as a gift for Ceben from House Iselsi nearly 600 years ago, it housed the bulk of Ceben’s government until it was flooded. It remains mostly submerged.

--- Rushes District: District along the riverfront, home to dozens of brothels and taverns favourerd by locals and the soldiers of the 4th Legion. Many soldiers’ mistresses and campaign-spouses dwelt in the district, which was entirely submerged and swept into the Inner Sea when the city flooded.

--- Dock District: District along the shore, home to the docks as well as warehouses and homes for wealthier merchants. Located on higher ground, the Dock District was only partially flooded, though the docks themselves were swept away.

--- Bastion of Banners Encarmine: A fortified citadel located on a rocky island at the mouth of Isesu’s harbour, the Bastion served for many years as the headquarters and primary garrison for the Realm’s 4th Legion, as well as residence of the local satrap. Built to withstand storms, it survived the flooding of Isesu unscathed, and its ballistae continue to guard the mouth of the Thousand Rushes River, albeit now manned by a much reduced 13th Legion garrison.

--- Temple of Five Tolling Bells: Immaculate temple located on a hill at the northern edge of Isesu. While not home to a Wyld Hunt of its own, it serves as a base for expeditions from the Pinnacle of the Eye of the Hunt when they operate in the area. Its elevated position saved it from the flooding of Isesu, and provided shelter for many of those attempting to escape watery death.