A Summation of the Battle at Teran-woo Bridge

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by Sesus Ketek

Sesus Ketek’s account of the Battle at Teran-Woo Bridge paints a picture of epic struggle, the forces of Creation gathering to halt the advance of the Fae ‘Rain Princes’ as they pushed upwards from the South towards the sea. Led by the elemental Swan Dragon, the spirit courts of the South took to the field at Teran-Woo, and though their general was pulled to his death from the Celestial Chariot, they held the day, and before the Fair Folk could muster for a new assault they were purged from Creation by the will of the Scarlet Empress. The account lacks much in terms of factual detail… here and there, Ketek muses as to formations or tactics, but despite his voice of authority it is apparent that there is little to base the text on save third-hand accounts and educated supposition.

The astute reader will note, though it is never overtly stated, that no Dragonblooded nor Shogunate military formations are mentioned as participating in the battle.