Cynis Tiir

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Name: Cynis Tiir
Age: 24
Aspect: Fire
Concept: Hedonist/Lovable Fop
Anima: A Pillar of Flame that fountains liquid fire and sparks. It grows with a throbbing the more essence is spent, till upon climax it impregnates the sky with a fiery glow!
Motivation: To indulge to excess for tomorrow the world ends. The Dynasty is beyond and unworthy of rescuing. Tiir's life is a mask to appear to be the height of Dynast perfection while inwardly he revels in the blessed isle's impending civil war and potential obliteration. Until then, he will nudge it to the bring while enjoying it's wine. Once there he will revel in the fires and, should he come out alive, shall either strive to better the Dynasty's replacement should it prove worthy or set about setting the cycle off once more.
Intimacies: Nimbus (2), Okubo (2), Living the High Life (2), The Scarlet Empress (2), Dance (2), Retaining Social Status (2)
Experience: 35
Personality: "You know, I pity you, Nimbus.

Really, I do. You have such a terrible ambition and intelligence. How cruel you were born from un-blessed blood and yet how fortunate for me!

Ah, thank you dear. Yes I'll read over these reports right away. Oh, we lost two to the Cathak gala? My goodness the fat sadistic one must have been an attendee. Thank goodness we're insured.

What a funny thing is a slave. Present company excepted of course, you've long since transcended that state. Would I to be among beings that dwarf my own might I'd be the first to wash their feet. That same night I'd slit their throats. Your kind are often paralleled to ants by my peers, which isn't wrong by any stretch. Yet you far outnumber us! It confounds me why my elders think staying outnumbered is wise. If all humans were to take up arms, in a day the dragons presence on the island would be greatly diminished. I'd give it a year till the blooded were rubbing shoulders with anathema on the periphery. You've seen the closed-mouth legionnaires. I wouldn't fucking tangle with one. And I'm a fucking GOD! A GOD that can't hold his own 'gainst one of the gaggle whose dicks we chop off to protect us!

Hoohaahohhahahah! What cheek! "


"And far be it for me not to take advantage of those too weak, or too stupid not to clue in they don't HAVE to take it with a rag in the mouth.

ahhhh.....where was I? Men. Bah, we're far too...masculine.

The Dynasty is what it is not because of the might of the dragons, mighty though it is, but because you lot are weak enough not to be up to the task of governing yourselves. Both individually and as a species.

Oh now don't give me that look. I'm no different, I bend over backwards, literally, for my house. If a blooded with grey in their hair gives me a look I open wide to receive. It's simply a matter of power. You are kept under the thumb of us, and we were kept under the thumb of the empress who had managed to transcend beyond even the might of her lineage.

Do you know what I think? I think she got tired of us. Surprised it didn't happen sooner really. I'd bet this muscular leg I want you to massage that right now she's far off in the West, enjoying the sun, or in the East exploring a cave, finding slugs to be much more interest than watching her incestuous children bicker.

It's civil war. Unless a God of untold of power takes interest in the throne, as soon as one of the houses makes too big a grab, that'll be that. Maybe even within your time, certainly within mine. And it really wouldn't do to have you miss all the fun now would it? Now come here. "


Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3

Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Appearance 5

Perception 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 3


Linguistics 2, Lore 2, Occult 0, Stealth 0, Thrown 0

Awareness 2, Craft 0, Integrity 2, Resistance 4, War 2

Athletics 2, Dodge 4, Melee 2, Presence 4, Socialize 4

Bureaucracy 1(X), Investigation 0, Larceny 0, Martial Arts 4(X), Sail 0

Archery 2, Medicine 0, Performance 4(X), Ride 3, Survival 0

Martial Arts: While Intoxicated x2
Dodge: While Intoxicated x1
Performance: Dance x1

High Realm
Low Realm

Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Willpower: 5
Limit: 0


Artifact 1
Breeding 4
Connections 1 (House Cynis)
Connections 1 (High Society)
Henchmen 1
Manse 2
Reputation 2
Resources 4


1st Performance Excellency
3rd Performance Excellency
1st Socialize Excellency
Warm-Faced Seduction Style
Ox-Body Technique x2
Clarity of Mind Moment
Saturnalia Memoriam Kick
Orgiastic Fugitive Form

Essence: 2
Personal (Committed): 11(0)
Peripheral (Committed): 23(2)


Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/I; Dying x3
Soak (armored): 3B/1L
Hardness (armored): 0

Join Battle/Debate: 5
Parry DV:
Dodge DV: 5
Mental Parry DV: 7
Mental Dodge DV: 4


Extensive wardrobe, slaves, Massive Wang

Pendant of Prettyness (hearthstone amulet 1)
Bracelet of Bureaucracy (hearthstone amulet 1)

Manses & Hearthstones
Stone of the Enlightened Minister (2. +3 to Bureaucracy rolls)
Gem of the Ever-Ready Courtier (1. no penalties to Appearance from unkemptness)


Personal Information

Birthplace: Cynis Wing, Imperial Palace
Age of Exaltation: 12
Primary School: The Academy for the Cultivation of Youthful Talents
Secondary School: none
Current Dwelling: Palace of Trees (Pangu)

Tendencies & Preferences

Favourite food: Stuffed Quail. Cooch....and peen.
Favourite beverage: Fruity alcohol
Most disliked tastes/scents: poo-pooh. He's smelt it before, and was forced to eat a portion by some cruel newly-exalted youngsters during his un-exalted years.
Sexual preferences: Nothing involving animals or pooh, or blood, or killing, the rest, is fair game!
Favoured Immaculate temple: HAH!
Preferred Entertainment:, sexual intercourse!....No! Dance!....gggNNNo! Both! ah-ha, Parties!
Favoured Method/Instrument: Dance
Preferred Reading Material: Gaudy poetry
Preferred Combat Art: Oh dear, how brutish! Well if I MUST choose I'd say slapping. While staggeringly drunk, of course!


Synopsis Grew up in the Imperial Palace, pampered and spoiled by his parents until school. Between ages of 2 and 9, he became friends with Cathak Okubo, who moved often between the City and the port of Vatamu, as his mother was the military officer in charge of the road between them. They were both good hearted and well-bred fire aspects, and Okubo took it upon himself to defend Tiir from those Palace children who condemned him as effete and unlucky. That and being raised by slaves taught Tiir to pity and help the underdog and downtrodden, namely slaves. At the Academy for Cultivation of Youthful Talents, Tiir was torn. All the City kids were banded together against a small group of kids from outside the Scarlet Prefecture, except for his friend Okubo who attempted to stand up for them. Tiir sided with Okubo, gripped with puppy love... Tiir still considers Okubo his FIRST boyfriend! He attempted to bring an end to the conflict through the power of good nature, with limited success. But as years went by, Okubo’s clique eventually won out, becoming masters of the school... Tiir's last couple years at the Academy saw him near the top of the social pyramid there, Of course, after Primary, it was back to service with the family being trained in dance and managing slaves, while Okubo went to the House of Bells and contact was lost. Tiir's training, and present job administering slaves, take place in the Palace of Trees, headquarters of House Cynis in Pangu prefecture, far from the City and his parents.

Painfully Cynis. Harsh judgemental parents. A trampy mother, Cynis Odassa,, from the big Cynis slaveowning household. His father Cynis Tiburon, from the pre-eminent Cynis slave-training household.. His grandmother, via Odassa, is Cynis Wisel. He is first cousins with Ledaal Shinjo, Tiburon being brother of Shinjo’s father Tabar. Tiir has two siblings, an unexalted brother that hates him and another exalted brother that is the favoured one. But we'll see about THAT! Nyah-ha!

Expanded Backgrounds

Reputation: 2
Cynis Tiir is not an unfamiliar name in the east of the Blessed Isle, for a number of reasons. The most obvious is his appearance: godlike beauty matched with excellent breeding make him a sought-after Dynast for marriage arrangementt and sexual liasons even amongst older Dynasts... those without such intent often seek to pull him to their galas regrdless, as the presence of such eye candy will always add to the occasion.
Beyond these mere physical characteristics, Tiir is known amongst those with an interest in dance and performance art to be an accomplished dncer, and amongst those arranging parties in Pangu due to his status as overseer of the well-known Rose Troupe of the Bevy of Effacious and Facile Blossoms slave legion.

Connections (House Cynis): 1
Cynis Akabar - Tiir's uncle, a slave trader who runs the Farm of Blessed and Eternal Chains east of the Imperial City's walls. Akabar spent extensive time travelling the Threshold during his youth, and built up a network of contacts and routes for acquisition of slaves which remains independent of the Guild, and is now a major source of Cynis income. Akabar's views on slave treatment, like most of Tiir's family, are brutal.

Connections (High Society): 1
Cynis Shen – A patron of the arts and renowned host of parties in the Imperial City, Shen has always had an eye for beautiful young Dynasts of talent, and continues to maintain contact with Tiir despite the latter’s current distance from the capital.

Hechmen: 1
Nimbus the slave - Slave, around the same age as Tiir. Raised as Tiir's personal servant from Tiir's birth, as childhood companion before Tiir was sent to primary school and Tiir's brother Tonar abused him horribly for several years. Upon Tiir's return, and beginning of overseer training, Nimbus was meant to be the 'practice slave' for Tiir to learn proper use of whip, chains, and other training tools, but Tiir was unable to perform such tasks due to empathy... the two have remained close, as much as master and slave can be, Nimbus sharing in Tiir’s work as slave overseer and his bed.

Sickly (2x Healing) 3
Unlucky 3 (Pool 1, transferable)