V’neef Cejanis

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Name: V'neef Cejanis

Age: 25

Aspect: Water

Concept: Business woman and Senate advisor

Anima: ???

Motivation: Reform the Deliberative?

Intimacies: Cathak Okubo (), Cejanis Holdings (), Peleps Staemos (hate), House Vneef (), Agricultural Subsidy bill (}, Ledaal Shinjo (frustration)

Languages: High Realm (Qishi), Low Realm, Firetongue, Riverspeak


Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 1

Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3

Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Air: Linguistics 3, Lore 2, Occult 0, Stealth 0, Thrown 0

Water: Bureacracy 5(X) (+1 Senate), Investigation 4(X), Larceny 3(X), Martial Arts 2(X), Sail 0(X)

Earth: Awareness 2, Crafts 0, Integrity 4(x), Resistance 0, War 2

Fire: Athletics 0, Dodge 0, Melee 2, Presence 5 (X)(persuasion+3), Socialize 3

Wood: Archery 3(X), Medicine 0, Performance 2, Ride 2, Survival 0


Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 2

Willpower 5 5/5 WP points

Food Points: 0


Resources 5

Backing 3 (House Vneef)

Connections 1 (Thousand Scales)

Connections 2 (Magistrates)

Connections 1 (Industry)

Connections 2 (Deliberate: Ledaal Yashiva, Tepet Vanek)

Allies 4 (V'neef Tapan, V'neef Kenet, V'neef Dalyr)

Manse 3

Artifact 3

Breeding 2


Sickly 3

Enemy 2

Derangemen: Megalomania 3


Short Powerbow

Jade Amulet

Jade Breastplate

Jewel of the Clever Merchant -

Gemstone of Deep Drink

Gladestalker's Stone -


Glowing Coal Radiance

Elemental Concentration Trance

Finding The Water's Depth

Confluence of Savant Thought

Scent of Crime Method

Terrestrial Bureaucracy Reinforcement (10 xp)

Benevolent Master's Blessing (10 xp)

Second Bureaucracy Excellency

Second Presence Excellency

Essence Essence: 2 Personal (Committed): 12/12 (0) Peripheral (Committed): 11/27 (16)

Tendencies & Preferences: Favourite food:

Favourite beverage:

Most disliked tastes/scents:

Sexual preferences: obedient

Favoured Immaculate temple:

Preferred entertainment:

Favoured Method/Instrument:

Preferred Combat Art:


Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/I
Dying Levels: 2
Soak (armored): 1B/1L (5B/7L)
Hardness (armored):0

Parry DV: 3
Dodge DV: 3
Mental Dodge DV: 5
Stun Threshold/Pool:
Knock Threshold/Pool:

Join Battle/Debate: 6

Weapon Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Rate Range Attune Tags
Punch 5 6 1B 4 3 -- 0 N
Kick 5 5 4B 2 2 -- 0 N
Clinch 5 6 1B 3 1 -- 0 N, C, P